Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 766 Zephyr's Further Strengthening

"Zephyr, are you interested in eating this Lion Fruit?"

Rozi walked to Zephyr, who was looking at the opposite sea, who was waiting in full force, and said with a smile on his face.

Although at this time, with the naked eye alone, it is already better to see the approaching Marine warship.

But Rozi didn't feel worried at all.

Without him, the strength of one's own side alone is too tyrannical.

"Devil Fruit?"

Zephyr frowned.

On the side, Kuzan came over curiously when he heard Rozi's words.

"Golden Lion's Devil Fruit, this is really a powerful Devil Fruit.

"Although I heard that Rozi, you can take away other people's Devil Fruit, but seeing it with your own eyes is still surprising."

Not only Kuzan, but also Rayleigh, who was talking with Tuanxian not far away, looked over curiously.

As they fought against Golden Lion in the previous era, they are very aware of Lion Fruit's troubles.

And Zephyr, is also not weak.

In terms of single-round physical strength, Zephyr may be stronger than Golden Lion.

If Zephyr is willing to eat Lion Fruit and develop Lion Fruit for a period of time.

Maybe a more powerful Lion Fruit ability user will be born soon.

"Zephyr, I see what you're thinking."

"You think that Devil Fruit is an external force, and only the strength of itself and Haki can be considered strong."

"However, even if you eat Devil Fruit, you can still exercise yourself, can't you~.?"

"And I think, based on your many years of teaching experience, after eating Devil Fruit, you will be able to clearly allocate time between Devil Fruit and your own exercise."

"And you have reached a bottleneck in physical skills."

"Eating Lion Fruit may make you grow, but it may not be."

Rozi saw Zephyr's hesitant expression, and said to Zephyr with a smile on his face.

Zephyr looked at the Lion Fruit in Rozi's hand, and then at Rozi. After thinking for a while, he asked:

"Why me, there should be other people on this ship who can eat Lion Fruit."

"Of course I know, but you and Reiju are the only ones on board who are physically strong and haven't eaten Devil Fruit. With your strength, maybe you can exert a good power just by eating him."

"Not bad power." Zephyr touched his chin:

"If I eat this, I probably won't be able to use a robotic arm with a seastone."

"Well, since it's your suggestion, Captain Rozi, I'll take it.

"I heard that Fujitora is a man who can control gravity and pull comets."

"Maybe this Lion Fruit's history area will be useful for the battle later on."

After speaking, Zephyr took the Lion Fruit on his own initiative, and took a bite of the Lion Fruit under Rozi's surprised eyes.

Rozi thought he needed to persuade Zephyr, but he never thought it would be so easy.

"Don't look at me like that, Rozi."

"Although I feel that only by exercising my body can I gain real strength."

"But I don't deny Devil Fruit."

"As long as you exercise Devil Fruit, don't forget to exercise yourself."

"Besides, in terms of using foreign objects, I have already used a lot of foreign objects from you.

Zephyr noticed Rozi's expression and said with a smile.

"It seems that I underestimated the size of our Mr. Zephyr."

"Judge, come and help us take down the part of the Hai property market that Jifa is holding.

"It also gives him time to experiment with the power of Lion Fruit."

Hearing Rozi's words, Judge nodded and stepped forward to help Zephyr disassemble the mechanical arm.

Judge, who was originally a scientist, quickly removed the seastone part of the robotic arm, and even made some modifications.

After throwing away the seastone, Zephyr opened his hands and raised one up, the surrounding ground actually began to tremble.

In the next second, the uninhabited land in the distance surged, forming a stone in the shape of a lion's head.

"||Hmm.....Sure enough, I'm still a little unskilled. I can't condense a stone statue of a lion as proficiently as the Golden Lion."

Zephyr stroked his chin, looking at the stone statue he made and lost in thought.

And after Kuzan watched from time to time and said that the details of the stone statues he made were not enough, he couldn't help being speechless for a while.

"Mr. Zephyr, you don't need to use Golden Lion's moves."

"Perhaps, you can use Lion Fruit as an alternative idea."

"After all, this is already your Devil Fruit ability."

Kuzan said.

Hearing this, Zephyr nodded, saying yes.

After the voice fell, Zephyr began to try.

Rozi, on the other hand, turned his attention to the personal attribute panel of Jifa.

: fine tail]

[Partner number: 41 clips]

【Partner Name: Zephyr】

【Age: 72】

【Position: Fighter (Gold)】

【Physical: 78033】

【Abilities: Lion Fruit, Advanced Observation Haki, Special Armament Haki, Marine Six Styles, Intermediate Conqueror's, Conqueror's Entangling】

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