Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 778 Marine: Is Aokiji Admiral An Enemy? !

"Meteorite? Bastard, do you want to destroy my country?"

Hancock yelled at Fujitora angrily.

Facing Hancock's anger, Fujitora didn't answer with a smile, and waited for the meteorite to come.

And on both sides in front of him, two pacifists also assumed an attacking posture, ready to deal with the next possible situation at any time.

"Meteorite? It's really a terrifying power. As expected of a newcomer - Marine Admiral."

Rayleigh held the long knife on his shoulder, and his aura gradually rose, apparently intending to intercept the meteorite with his own strength.

"Let the old man come, Rayleigh."

"The guy over there seems to be trying to escape."

"After the meteorite is intercepted, I will deal with the guy who calls himself Whitebeard II."

Fujitora smiled and stretched out his hand to stop Rayleigh, then shot straight into the sky, rushing straight towards the falling meteorite.

"Is this...flying? No, the teacher didn't use Moonwalk, but wanted to...

Maynard stared wide-eyed, looking at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

Soon, a scene that surprised him even more happened, and it also proved what he thought in his heart.

I saw that Zephyr quickly came to the bottom of the falling meteorite, and that strong arm directly hit the meteorite abruptly.

As a strange fluctuation rose up on Zephyr, the meteorite that was falling rapidly began to decelerate continuously.

In the end, he actually hovered over the descendant Zhengchen at an electric speed.

[Haha, awesome, Teacher Zephyr is really awesome. 】

【This is the power of Lion Fruit, it's too powerful. 】

[So what about the gravity fruit, so what if you can pull down the meteorite, see our teacher Zephyr directly use the power of Lion Fruit to take down the meteorite for you. 】

[Suddenly, I feel that Lion Fruit is somewhat restrained by gravity fruit. 】

【Hmph, it's just that it can make things hang in the air. How can Lion Fruit compare to the sense of gravity. 】

[Yes, yes, the gringo upstairs is right. I remember that your challenger is the challenger who invited Whitebeard II. Later, Mr. Zephyr will find Whitebeard II and your challenger At that time, I hope you can still be arrogant. 】

【I have seen the ending, obviously they will choose the challenger again just like the previous contestant. 】

[If Brother Qi is willing to spend a little time, he can use Hancock's ability to extend the cooling time of the challenger's selection, or use some means to make it impossible for other countries to choose the challenger again. 】

[Haha, gringo, you are right, the gravity fruit is very strong, but it will soon become something we all come to. 】

"This ability, Zephyr, you got the power of Lion Fruit, right?"

"Blackbeard was here just now, and the only one who can deprive others of their fruit power is that Rozi."

"Hancock, you called Rozi, didn't you!"

Fujitora smiled seriously "Looked at Hancock with a frown.

"Hey, sure enough, once Zephyr uses his ability, my side will be exposed."

"Forget it, anyway, now it seems that the advantage is on our side."

With Rozi's voice, the hidden area came out.

After him, baby5, Nami, Reiju and others followed closely behind.

Maynard, Yixiao and the others watched this scene seriously.

"Wait, you are... Aokiji Admiral?!"

Maynard looked at Aokiji, who followed Rozi's team, and opened his mouth all the way.


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