Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 781 Don't Worry, I Won't Attack Ordinary People

"It's true that the World government came up with something like this.

"I don't know if there will be a pacifist version 3.0 based on us in the future.

Aokiji shook his head, looked at Rozi who was fighting with Fujitora with a smile, and continued:

"Rozi, although it's a battle, can you be as gentle as possible, just ordinary soldiers.

Aokiji didn't expect Rozi to let Fujitora smile.

He knew that Rozi's gravitational fruit of smiling at Fujitora was inevitable.

But he still doesn't want to see ordinary soldiers who pursue justice die because of this great war.

"Don't worry, Kuzan, personally, I don't intend to attack ordinary people."

"But fighting, it is always inevitable that there will be some accidents."

"If you're worried, it's better to trap that person earlier, and then come and help me."

The corner of Rozi's mouth rose, and he said while fighting with a knife with a smile.

Although Rozi is now confident that he can fight against Marine Admiral.

But Rozi also understands that it is not an easy task to decide the winner.

Unless Yixiao is careless, let him have the opportunity to use a sure-fire move to deal with Yixiao.

But Yixiao is not Kizaru after all, he doesn't think that the current Yixiao will be careless when facing himself.

Aokiji obviously listened to Rozi's words, cooperated with Rayleigh, and quickly suppressed and frozen the little eagle-eyed pacifist [then joined the fighting bandits with the cross.

Under Aokiji's deliberate control, the battlefield of the three gradually came to the frozen sea, and the distance from the Marine warship was getting farther and farther away.

On Marine's side, Fujitora, who had lost his main combat power, smiled, and was soon suppressed by baby5 and the others.

"But... damn it, why, why is this`||."

Maynard clutched the arm that was severed by Whitby, and looked at the surrounding Marine soldiers who were lying on the ground, life and death unknown, feeling a burst of despair in his heart.

Among this group of people, he was the most confident part of this action.

And the result that finally ushered in also gave him the biggest blow.

"You're wrong. You treat Rozi and the others as enemies."

"However, it's also fortunate that you treat Rozi as an enemy, so that we can become his friends, and that's why I can become attached to him.

"Next, you'd better get a good night's sleep."

Whitebee looked at Maynard mockingly, and kicked him on the head.

Maynard, who was already exhausted from the siege by the members of the Explorer, rolled his eyes immediately, and passed out completely.

"'s really easy. From now on, only the battle over there will be left."

Whitey Bay glanced at the two pacifists who had been suppressed, and then looked at the distant one who was fighting with Rozi and Aokiji with a smile.

"|| By the way, do you need our help over there?"

"The ability of that smiling Devil Fruit is "too monster-level."

Whitey said, frowning.

"I think, Rozi shouldn't need our help."

At this time, Zephyr's voice sounded above the warship.

Whitey looked up and saw Zephyr with blood all over his body.

"Zephyr, are you okay, do you need Luo to heal you?"

Whitey Bay asked.

"No, most of the blood is from Whitebeard II and his mother."

Zephyr used the Lion Fruit to land on the deck, and glanced at the fallen soldiers on the Marine warship.

After seeing that not many Marines died, and even Maynard only lost an arm, he was slightly relieved.

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