Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 799 Marine's Further Actions

In the meeting room, Marine Admiral Kizaru, Marine Admiral Green Bull, Marine Admiral Alternate Chabuka Kaji, etc. Marine all looked up at Sakazuki, hoping he would make up his mind on this matter

Sakazuki had a cigar in his mouth, and a little bit of magma flowed out of his arm because of anger.

The scorching magma fell on the table, causing a puff of white smoke immediately.

"Huh...the situation over there is indeed abnormal."

"In that case, let's arrange for the nearby Marine to take a look over there.

Sakazuki said "seven two three".

As soon as the voice fell, Marine who was in charge of related matters immediately took out a phone bug and fiddled with it.

At this time, Sengoku, who stepped down from the position of Marshal, took the initiative to speak.

"Sakazuki, if the content of those reports is true and the fleet led by Rozi really appears in the Amazon Lily, even a smile may not be able to easily end the battle.

"However, they won't lose if they smile."

"You and I have seen the power of the brand new pacifist researched by Vegapunk."

"Judging from the performance of Rozi and his partners in recent days, if Yixiao encounters them, he may be caught in a long-term battle."

"I think we also need to arrange for strong people to go over there if possible.

"If we really encountered Rozi, with the powerful power of a smile, we might be able to arrest him directly."

Hearing Sengoku's words, Sakazuki nodded: "Then, let's arrange for Marine Admiral to come.'

Saying that, Sakazuki looked at Kizaru.

Seeing this, Kizaru immediately showed embarrassment.

For him, he didn't want to touch such a difficult task.

But before he could complain, Sengoku spoke first.

"I'll go too, anyway, I have nothing to do."

"And if I can meet Rozi, I also have a lot of things I want to talk to Yan Yan.

As Sengoku said, he couldn't help thinking about what Rozi did during the Summit War.

The failed execution of Ace, the rescue of Whitebeard and other failed experiences made Sengoku grit his teeth and clenched his fists even more.

"Mr. Sengoku is going too, that would be great."

Kizaru whistled, with a small smile on his face.

One more powerful helper and less work, which is totally ideal for Kizaru.

"I think it's okay, that guy Rozi has always been cunning, if we can really catch him, it will be a good thing for us.

"As for the World government, we can also explain the past."

"However, after all, Rozi is the criminal that the world government is focusing on, since he may appear in Hancock's place.....

"We still need to inform the Five Elders of the World government about this speculation."

"Perhaps, they will also take some actions and say nothing."

Crane opened his mouth to make a suggestion.

San Joa.

Five Elders office.

"How, is there a message from the pacifists of the Lily of the Amazon over at Tech Squad?"

The curly bearded Five Elders looked at the blond Five Elders who hung up the bug, and asked.

Just now, they have received information from Marine and the actions they are about to take.

In order to understand more intuitively, the Five Elders chose to learn more about the situation from the Technology Special Operations Team.

"Also able to detect signs of a new generation of pacifists."

*1.1 However, the signal level is being interfered by some kind of rich. "

The blond Five Elders put down the phone bug, frowning slightly.

"Interference? Vegapunk once said that after the handover of the new generation of pacifists is completed, the control will be completely handed over to us."

"It stands to reason that there should be no possibility of someone being able to interfere with the signal."

Bearded Five Elders put down his teacup and asked with some doubts.

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