Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 802 Extinguish The Fire? Margaret's Doubts

"If it is a position in the combat department, it should be directly linked to the individual's combat power."

"If the crew members with such a position want to upgrade, they just need to directly improve their personal combat power."

"But even so, it's very difficult."

"I asked Captain Rozi, and by now, Kuzan, who joined not so long ago, was Diamond in combat rank.

"Others, even Zephyr, and Snake Hancock are only gold-level combat positions."

"As for other positions, that's right, the positions of snipers and gunners like you are not as strict in terms of combat power as in frontal battles.

"But to some extent, it should be more difficult for 303."

"This is related to your talents in sniping and gunners."

"If it is not someone who is really good at this, it must be difficult to have a super high-level sniper and gunner talent."

"In addition, positions such as snipers and gunners also have corresponding requirements for combat effectiveness. It should also require you to improve your physical fitness to a certain level before you can advance to diamond-level positions."

"In fact, it's not just your position, even an auxiliary position like mine should have a lot to do with personal combat effectiveness."

"After all, even if my support ability is good (cjdj), if I don't have enough physical support, I can't fully support Captain Rozi, right?"

"If helping Captain Rozi fight is also regarded as a kind of assistance, if it is regarded as the classification of the captain's secretary, then the ability to fight is even more needed.

"My job title 'Secretary to the Captain' is good enough to say that I have been able to do a lot of things with a single round of life assistance."

"As for combat assistance, what I can do to help Captain Rozi is not comprehensive enough."

"Actually, I think the position of my captain's secretary is already a relatively simple position that can not be upgraded."

"As long as I can let go and be willing to assist Captain Rozi in all aspects of life, and improve the corresponding combat ability, I think it is very simple to upgrade my position to the diamond level."

"If you change to a position like 'barista', 'dancer', or 'singer', even if you have enough combat power, it will be very difficult to raise the level of the position to the limit in this respect."

With a smile on his face, Reiju told the things about the job level that he had sorted out for so long.

Margaret and Gendan also listened carefully, for fear of missing any useful information.

You must know that Reiju is the captain's secretary, who often helps Rozi work. She is in charge of the position board of each partner on the expedition.

When it comes to knowledge about job levels, Margaret and Gendan feel that, apart from Rozi, Reiju knows best.

What the two don't know is that even Rozi doesn't know much about it.

If he really knew how to raise a person's rank, Rozi would have thought of a way to do so.

"Secretary of the captain, having said that, does your position need to be responsible for helping the captain put out the fire?"

Gendan rested his chin with one hand, looked at Reiju with interest and asked.

"Fire, what's that?"

Margaret tilted her head and looked at Reiju in a daze.

"Well, guess what?"

Reiju was not shy either, and faced the gentian calmly.

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