Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 827 Sadi Chan, Bring Marine To Nine Snakes

"You bastard, what do you want to do to Hina?"

Hina noticed Rozi's eyes, and took a wary step back.

At this time, she thought of the rumor about Rozi's womanizing.

"Hehe, after a while, you will know."

"Sadi chan, you bring this woman to the deck with me."

Rozi smiled, ignored Hina, and walked towards the deck.

Although he wants to make Hina his own slave and rely on her to get some new information from Naval Headquarters.

But it is also impossible for him to accept Hina as a slave in front of all Blue Star 697 people.

As a result, if someone reported to Marine, his action of taking Hina as a slave may be in vain.

Although it is possible to covertly accept Hina as a slave and face such a possibility, but it is only a possibility after all.

"Leave it to me, Captain Rozi."

Sadi chan licked his lips, tied Hina together with his own whip, and pulled her towards the deck.

Although Hina intends to use the Devil Fruit ability to resist.

But Sadi chan's direct gravity made Hina unable to resist.

Soon, Hina was forced to pull to the deck.

"Rozi, what are you going to do with these Marines?"

After Sadi Chan came to the deck, he looked at the fallen Marine soldiers around him, and couldn't help showing a cruel smile.

She is not a good person.

If Rozi said the Marines could be killed, she wouldn't mind just executing them.

After all, in the process of arresting her, these Marines also contributed their strength.

"You woman, what do you want to do to Hina's subordinates?"

Hina's beautiful eyes widened, and she yelled at Sadi chan worriedly.

"Hehe, what do you think I will do?"

Sadi chan smiled coldly at Hina and said.

Fortunately, Rozi didn't worry Hina for long.

He patted Sadi chan on the shoulder, and said (cjdj):

"These sailors, let's take the Amazon Lily as a hostage first."

Although Rozi doesn't need these ordinary sailors to be pirates.

But when she put Hina back as an undercover agent, if she was the only one, it wouldn't make any sense.

But if these sailors were sent back with Hina, it would make sense.

"Okay, you are the captain, I will listen to you."

Although Sadi Chan was somewhat unwilling, since this was Rozi's order, she had no choice.

"It's really cheap for you woman, but don't worry, I will have other ways to make you regret catching me.

Sadi chan raised the corner of his mouth and showed a devilish smile at Hina.

Hina pursed her lips, anyway, she was relieved that Rozi didn't let Sadi chan attack the sea soldiers.

While several people were talking, Kaku, who attacked the ships of the World government, stepped on the Moonwalk grass and turned into a flying snowman with sugar and landed in the middle of the Marine warship.

"Captain Rozi, we've taken care of everyone on the World government."

"The boat has also been frozen by Miss Monet's ability."

"Of course, we have already got all the treasures inside."

"Captain Rozi, what are we going to do next?"

"By the way, what's going on with these two Yasudas?"

While reporting to Rozi, Kaku looked curiously at Hina and Sadi chan.

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