Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 829 Sadi Chan: Do You Want Some Special Service?

【Domino should be quite happy after seeing Sadi chan appear. 】

【No, even we often see her mentioning Sadi chan. 】

[Speaking of which, the two impel down jailers have come to our Rozi now, I wonder if Brother Qi will be interested in getting an Impel down himself to detain prisoners in the future. 1

[Of course this is possible, the Four Emperors all have places to detain prisoners. As long as Brother Qi is willing, "210" can also set up a special place to detain prisoners. 】

[That's right, if you encounter disobedient people in the future, you should imprison them for a period of time. After a period of time, maybe they will become honest. 】

[I think Brother Qi can directly give Impel down to the Raiders, and Impel down will be his territory in the future. 】

[This plan is possible, but it seems that it is still too fast. 】

[That's right, at least when Brother Qi's strength reaches absolute strength. 】

[It shouldn't be far away, there are so many high-level fighters in Brother Qi's team now, just pulling out a few can ensure that Impel Down is safe and sound. 】

During a discussion among the Blue Star audience.

Rozi took Sadi chan and Hina to the cabin door of the Explorer.

Just bumped into Domino who just came out.

"Sadi chan?"

Domino looked at Sadi chan who was being supported by Rozi, and couldn't help but make a sound in surprise.

"Hi, Domino, see you again."

Sadi chan extended his hand to greet Domino, and said with a smile on his face.

"Sadi chan, what's going on with you."

"Captain Rozi, why are you with Sadi chan?"

Domino walked to the other side of Sadi chan and helped him up, and asked with doubts on his face.

"Hehe, let's talk while walking."

Rozi smiled, after handing Sadi chan to Domino.

While walking towards the bathroom.

Said on one side.

"It turns out that there is such a coincidence."

"So, thanks to Marine's invasion of Nine Snakes.

"Otherwise, you might be bullied by that World government official who is domineering in Impel down." 1

After listening to Sadi chan and Rozi's explanation, Domino couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"Hee hee, no matter what, I was able to escape safely to prove that I really belong to freedom......"

"This time, thanks to Captain Rozi."

"Having said that, I asked about the smell of the bathhouse, so it should be here."

Sadi chan sniffed his nose.

Looking expectantly at Rozi.

"That's right, it's over there."

Rozi pointed to his right direction with his thumb and smiled.

"It's great, I can finally cleanse my body well."

"By the way, Domino, why don't you come too."

Sadi chan said, without letting Domino object, he directly pulled Domino and walked towards the gate of the bathhouse.

But when she reached the door, she stopped suddenly and turned to look at Rozi standing behind 5.9.

"Captain Rozi, how are you, do you want to come together?"

"For the sake of saving me."

"Maybe I can give you a little special service."

Sadi Chan said.

Charmingly touched his tongue with his fingers.

"Is that so, then I'm not going to be polite."

As Rozi said, he put his hand on Hina's shoulder and walked into Man.

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