Guoyun: King Of My Soul, Teammate Bai Boss

【182】Draw From The Bottom Of The Pot And Directly Solve The Machine Gun 【Subscription】

next second!

Bai Yuekui raised his saber again.

A blue light flashed past, tearing the air and making an extremely sharp whistling sound.

That round of full moon appeared again, and this time the light was incomparably brighter, so sharp that it was impossible to see it with the naked eye.

If you look at the full moon forcibly, you will find that your eyes are like being pricked by needles.

Only the human heart and the sun cannot be looked directly at!

And at this time...

So is the moon!

Carrying an incomparable sword intent and momentum, this round of the moon directly collided with the giant jaw of the eight-eyed demon spider!

The loud noise is deafening!

It even triggered an incomparable 08 hurricane, blowing the surrounding forests down!

Flying sand and walking stones!

The river stopped flowing!

In an instant, the eight-eyed demon spider's expression changed, and the hairs on the initiator's legs trembled to attack again.

at the same time.

Another spider leg was waving towards Bai Yuekui!


The knife flashes!

The eight-eyed demon spider's extremely sharp legs broke in an instant.

It's as if the delicate porcelain fell to the ground!

Exploded with a bang!

It was broken into sections, section by section!

When the rest of the spider's leg was about to attack Bai Yuekui, it was only a few meters long!

Bai Yuekui himself couldn't be hooked at all!

the whole scene.

It directly shocked everyone.

This is especially true for Xiaoluren Loli who doesn't know the strength of Bai Yuekui and Lu Yun.

At this moment, she was looking at this scene with a face full of shock.

Just now, she had covered her eyes.

He couldn't bear to see Bai Yuekui being corroded by those obviously highly corrosive liquids.

But what happened in the next scene made her cover her mouth involuntarily,

Only then did he avoid calling out himself.

Afterwards, Bai Yuekui and the Eight-eyed Demon Spider's huge foreheads collided together, and then broke off the other long leg of the Eight-eyed Demon Spider in a destructive gesture!

You must know that the eight-eyed spider's long legs are not a weakness!

It exudes a metallic luster, and no matter how you look at it, you know it is definitely very hard.

However, when they met Bai Yuekui's Tang Dao, it was like ice meeting extremely hot steel.

It was directly broken into pieces.

This knife.

Once again, the eight-eyed demon spider's attack was resolved, and a spider's leg was cut off again.

The little deer man, who had a panoramic view of all this, had already restrained himself in not shouting out.

If she hadn't immediately covered her mouth, she might have exclaimed a long time ago!

Although she didn't exclaim, many people could not help but exclaim.

Of course, these exclaiming fawns don't know.

Because they are audience friends watching the live broadcast in front of the TV or screen.

[Fuck! Fuck! WOCAO! How did I forget about the dragon scale pendant! Hahaha! That’s right! The invincible dragon scale pendant can directly resist a wave of irresistible damage!]

【That’s right! We were all thinking wrong! Since it’s equipment, it’s useless not to use 933. Although it’s a foreign object, it’s also part of our own strength! We just thought about how to avoid it, what to do! No Thinking that you can actually resist this wave of damage, and then blow up the bunker of the machine gun, this is not enough!]

【It's a very simple truth, but I actually ignored it!】

【White God is mighty! White God is amazing! Hahaha! What kind of combat experience is it to think of this method in an instant!】

【Awesome! Baishen YYDS!】

【Baishen really hangs the water bottle on the pole, the water bottle is so high!】

【...Your epilogue is really good...】

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