Guoyun: King Of My Soul, Teammate Bai Boss

【183】Uneasy Little Deerman 【Subscription】

Watch the knife remove the mouthparts!

One knife collided with the huge amount of money that was about to come!

Afterwards, it can cut off the attacking spider's legs into sections with a single knife.

Bai Yuekui's strength.

Unknowingly, she has become a fan!

She thought for a while, this knife, there is no one in the centaur who can stop it!

Even the High Priest...

Little Deer Loli also feels that there is no chance!


My own tribe... has been saved!

If Lu Yun knew about his thoughts, he probably couldn't help shaking his head.

According to the urine nature of the Church of the Abyss, the centaur tribe at this time is very likely to be in danger!

Many people may be controlled, and have become the existence of walking dead!

Only a trace of his own soul remains.

And the messenger...

Can kill everything in an instant!

Of course...if the high priest is not the messenger, there may still be a slight chance!

This is something for later, it depends on whether the time is too late!

But of course the deer man doesn't know.

She had a great hope in her heart!


Because of the strong excitement, she still doubted whether what she saw was real or an illusion.

after all...

Such a knife...

Can it really be done by one person?

She could see very clearly that Miss Bai Yuekui's strength depends on her physical experience the next day!

That is why...

She is more suspicious

Such strength...

Is it really made by humans?

Seeing that Lu Yun couldn't see him, the little deer man secretly pinched himself and felt the obvious pain, so he was sure that he was not dreaming.

Although Lu Yun didn't have eyes behind his back, he could see all the movements of the little deer figure Lolita behind him under his sense of domineering and domineering.

Bai Yuekui smiled, unexpectedly frightened little Lolita into doubting herself.

Little Deerman Loli pinched herself again and again, only then was she sure that she was not dreaming.

But everything is actually happening.

The things in front of her reminded her.

All this is not a dream!

These two people I met are very powerful!

Really powerful!

Much stronger than anyone she's ever known or seen.

Or insanely strong!

He never thought that humans could be so powerful.

It would be great if these two were people from their own tribe.


It would be great if we met earlier, so that we wouldn't be controlled by the Church of the Abyss.

Hope it's not too late now..

The fawn loli glanced in the direction of the centaur tribe.

The high priest has not yet summoned the so-called messenger.

The High Priest is fine...

She is really guilty of dealing with the envoy of the Church of the Abyss

It seems that the church of the abyss is very powerful.

Although I haven't seen it before, the flies all over the sky are all to welcome the arrival of the messenger.

How strong is the messenger of the Church of the Abyss?

She didn't know, she just knew that there was a lot of movement.

(Okay Zhao) There is a lot of commotion now, so big that a tribe of Tauren has been wiped out.

It is so big that the holy water touches people, and people even die...

Thinking of the holy water, Little Deerman Lolita's heart rose again.

I became nervous again, although the two people in front of me are very strong and avoided the holy water not long ago, but there are a lot of holy water in the tribe!

If you can't avoid it...

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