Hail the King

1019. It is still the story of the Pope

Along the path by the river, Aitest took Fei and the others to take a shortcut and walked towards the [Beast Temple]

There are various buildings along the road

"Wahhahaha, Erjo, you're stupid"

"Damn, you clearly mean three or four things, but you dare to lie to me, are you looking for death?"

"Let's talk nonsense, I'm just fooling around, hurry up and pay, do you want to deny it? I'll kill you" The smallest talk Baidu search "novel"

When passing by a small attic on the second floor, a tauren orc's ecstatic voice came from inside, and then there were all kinds of noise, crackling and crackling sounds of some kind of small cubes, which almost made Fei sit on his buttocks in shock. on the river

i mowed the grass

Is there a mistake?

This group of orcs... are actually playing mahjong? Are they really playing mahjong?

"Haha, this kind of thing is very interesting. To be honest, you can never expect the charm of that small cube..."

Seeing Fei's shocked expression, Artest, the pig-headed patriarch, said proudly: "Due to the lack of entertainment in the Exiled Land, the orcs of many races have nothing to do at night, and most of their energy is devoted to the race. In terms of reproduction, the number of orcs increased sharply for a period of time. This was originally a good thing, because the number represented a symbol of the prosperity of a race, but a problem arose. The resources of the Exiled Land were extremely limited and could not support so many orcs at the same time. Later, it led to the appearance of famine, and even the tragic situation of orcs eating orcs and racial cannibalism. Later, Ernst put forward the initiative of "family planning". Fresh things, such as this little thing called 'Mahjong', of course, there are also basketball, football, volleyball..." The smallest novel Baidu search "novel"

fuck me

At this time, Fei was already unable to complain.

He's almost 100 percent sure now

This so-called orc [beast temple] Pope Ernst is definitely also a time traveler

Otherwise, even if a local Fox orc is really the smartest person in the world, there will never be so many coincidences to create so many things that only exist in the memory of his previous life

Fei is now eager to meet this orc pope

This kind of feeling is like a wanderer drifting alone in a foreign country, finally seeing a fellow countryman, there is an unbearable kindness in my heart, and I want to communicate

Along the way, I passed many totem poles

These pillars should be carved and piled up from some kind of extremely hard rock. The pillars are carved with many strange patterns and patterns, which can attract the thin energy between the sky and the earth, continuously release the light elements into the entire city, and maintain the unity of the city. The environment and climate in the city are much better than outside, and it also has some guard and defense functions, similar to the magic towers in human cities

This should be the mystery of the orc totem power

Amidst the babbling of the pig-head patriarch Wang Po selling melons, a group of people rode on their mounts for more than half an hour and came to the edge of a huge bluestone square.

"Here we are, this is where the [Beast Temple] is located," Artest said

"Huh?" Fei and the others were greatly surprised.

I originally thought that since the Temple of the Beast and Pope Ernst have such a high status and reputation among the Beamon orcs, the temple should be the most majestic and magnificent building in the entire [City of Beamon]. This bare square is far different from what everyone imagined, where the temples are lined up, the statues stand tall, the priests come and go, and the elite orc soldiers patrol back and forth.

The incomparable temple of beasts,

It turned out to be just a large square with dozens of tents?

Artest, the pig, seemed to have expected the reaction of the crowd. He laughed and pointed to a large-scale but slightly dilapidated fur tent at the back of the plaza, and said, "That's Ernst. The residence of the Pope, compared to this time, the patriarchs of the ten royal families and the priests and shamans of the Beast Temple are waiting for you, please"

After finishing speaking, lead the people to go first

Not far away, I saw Fox High Priest Nash with a smile on his face, waiting at the edge of the square. Seeing Fei and others coming, he hurriedly said hello

Judging by Nash's grinning expression, things should be going well

"Although the top ten royal families still have doubts about the alliance with Chambord City, after listening to our report, His Majesty Ernst seems to be very interested in you, Your Majesty. Although it has not been finalized, it should not be difficult. "

Nash whispered in Fei's ear

Sun Fei nodded

Such a reaction was expected by His Majesty the King

If the legendary orc pope is really a time traveler, then he must be interested in himself after hearing all kinds of things in Chambord

Sun Fei looked around

On this square, there are not many orcs. In the distance, there are some extremely powerful orc soldiers who are at least above the moon level. From the appearance, they should be private soldiers belonging to the top ten royal families. Meeting of the guard teams of the various patriarchs

The square covers a radius of four to five kilometers. Apart from hundreds of totem poles about 20 meters long, there are only more than 20 dilapidated and patched tents. Some priests wearing leather robes can be vaguely seen figure

"The Temple of Beasts is really thrifty." Fei sighed.

High Priest Fox immediately said with reverence on his face: "These are the wills of Her Majesty Ernst. His Majesty has always been very disgusted with extravagance and waste. Originally, the ten royal families wanted to build a huge Beast Temple and the Pope's Palace in the city of Beamon, but In the end, it was canceled due to the strong opposition of Ernst, and the saved materials were used to build public toilets, water canals, colleges and sports fields in dozens of giant cities. Ernst said that the Temple of the Beast Their duty is to protect their own people. Priests and shamans should not be enshrined in high halls, but should go to the mountains and the countryside to receive re-education from the poor and middle-class orc race, and bring the glory of the beast god Rexxar to the world. Go to the side of every orc race. Therefore, the movable tent is the best residence for the beast temple, priests, and shamans. Even Ernst himself will stay in the tent every month for twelve months a year. Different giant cities of orcs spare no effort to consume the power of totems to treat orcs and get rid of disasters, even the black iron race will receive his meticulous protection."

Along the way, Fei and the others had heard too many stories about Ernst from the pig-headed Artest, but at this moment, they still couldn't help but respect the orc Pope.

"If this is the case, then Pope Ernst is definitely a saint comparable to His Majesty Alexander." Every expert in Chambord City is thinking like this, and they are also full of respect for this legendary Fox orc


Coming to a tent made of old fur and hard poplar wood, High Priest Fox said

At this time, on the opposite side, a dozen powerful orcs from different races came out from the tent, with vigilant expressions, tall and solid bodies like a city wall, came over and stopped Fei and others


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