Hail the King

One thousand and twenty, beautiful snake

"This is Ernst's most loyal follower. They have all received help and favor from His Majesty. They have resources to follow His Majesty's side to protect His Majesty's safety. They are the bravest among Beamon orcs." warrior"

Fox High Priest Nash introduced to Fei, and said to the Pope's followers, "Brothers, these are the honored guests that His Majesty Ernst wants to see."

These followers come from different races, including centaur warriors and tauren. Fei even saw warriors of the gold races such as the tigers of the Tiger tribe and the lionmen of the Rhine tribe among them. There were twenty-three of them in total. The strength is at the peak of the half-moon level. The nine demigods, especially the blond tiger man and the flaming-haired Rhine lioness, have aura that even Fei can't see through. Minimalism Baidu search for "fiction"

The overall strength of this follower team is absolutely shocking

If placed on the continent of Azeroth, it would be enough to support a seventh-level empire

Fei felt that he might have to evaluate the strength of the orc clan

"Only he can go in alone. In addition, take off the weapon and cloak on his body, and take off the storage ring." The flaming long-haired and powerful lioness went up and down in large numbers, pointing at Fei and slowly said the smallest Baidu search " novel"



Oleg and Henha shouted angrily: "How dare you be so rude to our majesty, huh, even if my king goes to the temple of the Holy See, he never unarms, your request is really rude "

The orc followers didn't say anything anymore, but blocked the tent door coldly, saying nothing more

The atmosphere suddenly felt a little tense

Fei waved his hand, signaling to everyone not to worry, raised his hand and took off the cloak on his head, then handed the storage ring on his finger to Torres for safekeeping, and let the flaming long-haired lioness scan it with mental power , no magic storage container was found, and this signaled others to wait patiently

The followers stepped out of the way and let Fei in alone.

It's a pity how they would know that Fei still has storage space for his belt, moreover, His Majesty's main battle weapon is never installed in the storage ring, but is equipped in the equipment column of the characters in the dark world. It can be summoned with a thought

What's more, His Majesty the King can also summon the fifteen barbarian warriors of the Sun-level Dzogchen realm. With such a powerful force, there is no need to worry about safety at all.

"It turns out that the appearance of human beings is so good-looking, it is almost comparable to those handsome men from the Fox and Butterfly tribes."

The red long-haired lioness is probably not very old, she is still a girl at heart, whispering softly to the blond tiger man and other partners around her, but was caught by His Majesty the King with extraordinary spiritual power, and she couldn't help but glance at this strong figure, but with According to the aesthetic standards of the orc tribe, the beauty of the Rhine lion tribe should be very beautiful, secretly happy

"Human, what are you looking at?" The lioness noticed Fei's gaze, blushed immediately, and said angrily

Fei curled his lips and did not answer. He lifted the tent curtain in front and entered the tent

Sure enough, as Fei Fei expected, this tent that looks tattered on the outside is actually a spatial prop, similar to the little purple tent of Sister Akara. The only difference is that the power supporting this spatial tent is not magic. but the power of the totem

The space inside the tent is huge, no less than the area of ​​the square outside

The ground is covered with some kind of unknown mysterious carpet, which is extremely soft, and the decoration inside looks like the internal structure of a very solemn temple.

Simple and generous, although not luxurious, but solemn, with a touch of silver light flowing on the walls on all sides, it makes people feel comfortable

The stone pillars in the hall were carved into statues of heavy orc warriors. This seems to be a kind of advanced totem technique, supporting the entire huge space.

As soon as he stepped into the tent, Fei felt a burst of chilling gazes of doubt, pickiness, judgment, curiosity, questioning, etc., falling on him in unison.

More than 20 orcs who have been waiting here for a long time are all staring at Fei

Compared with the orcs seen in other places in [Beamon City], although these more than 20 orcs come from different races, their attire and temperament are much more noble, and most of them are wearing cotton clothes , the tailoring is extremely exquisite, with some rare furs and iron armor, and wearing well-protected weapons, it looks majestic. Moreover, the strength of these orcs is not low, basically they are all in the scorching sun level Dzogchen realm

If Fei's guess is correct, these orcs should be the patriarchs of the top ten royal families and high-ranking nobles who hold great power

Fei's eyes flicked over these noble orcs, and looked into the depths of the hall

It's a pity that a stone chair in the deepest part is empty, and no one is sitting there. It should be the place where Pope Ernst of the [Beast Temple] is. It's a pity that for some reason, this legendary Fox beastman is not there

"Hey, are you the human king that Nash Jr. said?"

A half-human, half-snake, beautiful Snake snake with a long green tail broke the quiet atmosphere, flicked its tail, and came to Fei, looking up and down carefully with a little curiosity: "Tsk tsk, I am Yankovic, the patriarch of the Snake snake clan, one of the top ten golden races of the Beamon orcs, handsome young man, nice to meet you"

If you only look at the upper body, this beautiful snake is definitely a great beauty, with white skin like suet jade blooming with a touch of opalescence, fluffy and curly long green hair with a natural shawl, delicate collarbone, and watery skin. Big eyes, small nose and mouth, smooth and white forehead, exuding an indescribable exotic style, which makes people unconsciously fascinated by it

This is a beautiful charm, even her long emerald green tail looks beautiful against such a stunning appearance

After Fei was a little surprised, he suddenly understood something

He took a step back slightly, released a little bit of his huge mental power, and immediately broke this strange aura

When I looked up again, although the beautiful snake in front of me was still beautiful, but it didn't have the impulse and charm that made me want to bow down under her skirt immediately... This beautiful snake is obviously proficient in a kind of charm technique, it's a pity Fei's spiritual power is so powerful, with a single thought, he broke this secret technique

Second, thank you brothers for your support and support

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