Hail the King

Four hundred and fourteenth, kill powerful enemies

Chapter 465 , Killing a Strong Enemy

This block, the momentum of the flying ax was slightly slowed down, Fei activated the [Jump] skill, jumped up from the ground without any time, and dodged the flying axe. But the figure flickered in front of him, but it was Kerik who made another [Jump Slash], slashing head-on with the big ax in his hand.

"Jump Slash!"

Fei shouted angrily, and using the two swords as a giant axe, he slashed out horizontally, and also activated the barbarian's [Jump Slash] skill, and collided head-on with the guardian Kerik in mid-air.


The strong wind burst.

The two figures groaned and fell in the same direction.

This time, it was Fei who suffered a big loss. The two swords in his hands almost fell out, and the tiger's mouth burst and bled.

Kerik is the guardian of the ancient times, and his famous stunt is [Jumping Slash]. This skill in his hands has reached a state of perfection. It can be said that no one can understand the power and essence of Jumping Slash better than Kerrick. Fei's [Jumping Slash] 】Only upgraded to level 12, in comparison, the gap is not small.

As soon as it landed on the ground, there was the sound of wind whistling in the ears, and a whirlwind-like storm of sword blades swept in. The sword wind burst out, and the entire top of Mount Arreat instantly turned into a sea of ​​sword blades.


This is the famous stunt of Tariq, the most powerful of the three patron saints.

Fei activated the [Jump] skill, did not face him head-on, soared into the air, avoiding this thrilling blow.

In just a few seconds, the lightning-like fight has already given Fei a clear understanding of the strength of the three patron saints. Each of these three has the ability to block his own blows head-on. It is obviously impossible to crush the demon bosses head-on like before. This will be the most difficult battle for His Majesty the King since he entered Diablo, so that he has to take the same way as in previous computer games. Passive attrition tactics.

Fortunately, Fei is not fighting alone.

He also brought along the powerful and violent beauty Valkyrie Elena.


Arrows criss-cross the air, and the flying ax spins.

On the other side, Elena and Maddock, two masters who are good at long-distance killing,

Fight together.

Elena cleverly used the huge rock statues and stone towers on the altar of the square to avoid Mardac's throwing axe, and then fought back with arrows. In a short time, the two were evenly matched.

"It's a good opportunity to kill Kerik, who is weaker among the other two guardians, and defeat them one by one."

Fei thought for a moment, and simply abandoned the [Kelso's Child] set of double swords.

Although this set of double swords can slightly enhance Fei's strength, Fei's [Domination Long Sword] skill is still very low, and he has not mastered too strong sword skills, so that this pair of double swords faintly restricts him. The full display of Fei's strength.

The body squatted down, and the right arm was slightly retracted. Suddenly, the situation between the sky and the earth changed, and a huge colored glaze fist appeared in the air. As Fei shouted, he punched out, and the colored glaze fist hit Kerik like a shooting star. go.

Tianshuang Fist... One hit kills!

In terms of proficiency in skills, Fei can't compare with the Patronus, but in terms of pure strength, Fei is much stronger than this [Normal Difficulty] level Patronus. After all, Fei's barbarian at this time The character has reached level 91, and most of the points are added to strength by him.


The huge energy burst out, and Kerik was directly blown away.

Fei succeeded in one blow and did not pursue.

It can be seen with the naked eye that Kerik's blood volume has dropped by one-fifth, but Taliq, who is the most powerful at this moment, activated [Whirlwind] again, turning into a terrifying tornado, and the shadow of the sword covering the sky, towards Sun Fly beheaded and killed.


Sun Fei soared into the air, gathered his strength again in mid-air, made a glazed fist seal, and blasted out with a [Sky Frost Fist? One Hit Kill].


Tariq was blown away again.

Seeing this scene, Fei felt relieved.

He knew that the skirt of the goddess of victory had gradually lifted towards him.

In the next fifteen minutes, everything was moving in the direction Fei expected.

When the tenth [Sky Frost Fist? One Hit Kill] blasted out, the ancient guardian Korik who used the long-handled giant ax as a weapon finally ran out of blood.

In a sound that seemed to be relief and roared, streaks of golden light burst out from his body. This golden mist triggered changes in the heaven and earth clouds, and an inexplicable force rushed into the air, and then followed the strands of golden mist. , they all swept towards Fei, so fast that Fei couldn't dodge at all, and in the blink of an eye, they were already submerged in Fei's body.

His Majesty the King could only feel the warm currents in his limbs and bones.

Immediately afterwards, a feeling of incomparable comfort, similar to the long-dried grass seedlings waiting for the rain, spread from the depths of the soul, and the bones and muscles of the whole body made a soft clicking sound, and some incredible changes were taking place.

This change was completely unexpected by Fei.

At the same time, Kerik's body disappeared.

In the center of the ancient altar on the top of the mountain, there appeared a towering statue of a barbarian holding a long-handled giant ax in his hand. His face and expression were clearly recognizable. It was one of the three patron saints who had just died in battle——【Leaping Slash】Korik .

Sure enough, it was the same as the scene in the previous computer game in Fei's memory. After the guardian died in battle, he would transform into a golden statue again.

The only difference is that when Korik died in battle, the golden energy that transformed from his body actually poured into Fei's body, and his body seemed to have undergone some changes in an instant. Accidents of accidents.

But on the battlefield, Fei couldn't allow Fei to be distracted and think about it, because amidst the roar, the sound of swords roared all over the sky, smashing the fluttering snowflakes, and it seemed that the entire top of Mount Arreat was enveloped in sword energy and wind. , like tearing everything apart.


Worthy of being Taliq, who is known as the most powerful among the three ancient patron saints, [Whirlwind] is used in his hands. It is almost as powerful as the moon-level powerhouse's high-level fighting skills. The frenzy of destroying the earth.

It was also the first time Fei knew that the barbarian's [Whirlwind] skill had been used to the extreme, and it could have such lethality.


Fei soared into the air and avoided it again.

Same as the way he used to deal with Kerik before, Fei still relied on [Sky Frost Fist? One Hit Kill] to bombard him from a long distance.

The strongest guardian deity, Talik, will pause for a while after releasing the full power of [Whirlwind] every time. At this time, his defense power is the lowest, and he is repeatedly hit by Fei's Liuli Fist. Fist, his blood volume will decrease by one-twentieth. With Fei's all-out bombardment, Taliq's life is gradually coming to an end.

However, it was not easy for Fei.

[Whirlwind Slash] is a very perverted barbarian dual-sword skill. In Taliq's hands, it has been brought to the extreme. The sword shadows and sword qi are all over the sky. Slashing snow can also slash people. Although Fei summoned a The strongest barbarian armor, but his body is still covered with sword marks, and blood spurts wildly, not every time he can completely avoid it.

Rumble! !

Finally, after Fei blasted out the Liuli Fist again, Tariq fell to the ground with a roar.

Just like last time, countless golden smoky air escaped from his body, filled the entire top of Mount Arreat, and then all entered Fei's body with the force of lightning, His Majesty the King once again felt The smooth feeling of the soul being nourished, every cell in the body is screaming happily.

When the golden mist disappeared, another statue appeared in the center of the altar square.

This is a golden statue belonging to Talic, the strongest Patronus.

However, it was also at this time that Fei noticed that the three environmental statues on the ancient altar had already appeared. Among the great patron saints, Madock is the weakest.

Finally passed.

Fei smiled gratifiedly, feeling a little weak all over, turned his head to look in Elena's direction.

Seeing this, Fei almost lost his mind.

I saw a 100-meter-high tower-shaped stone pillar in the distance, and Yi Lianna, who was covered in blood, leaned on the stone pillar behind her and did not fall. There were multiple wounds, especially the one on the waist that was even more shocking, almost cutting her in half. The glaring red blood flowed out from that infinitely beautiful delicate body. The Valkyrie's face was extremely pale, but with With a slight smile, he looked at Fei.

"Elena...are you injured?!!"

At this moment, Fei screamed, the fear in his heart was indescribable.

Those shocking wounds frightened him even more than when they appeared on his own body.

He rushed over frantically, took out the [Powerful Healing Potion] in his hand, and immediately put the potion into Yi Lianna's slightly opened red lips.

"You... have suffered such a serious injury, why didn't you remind me, didn't you tell me earlier?!"

Fei was anxious and angry.

How could he not know that the youthful Valkyrie in front of him was afraid of disturbing himself in the battle and bringing troubles to himself, so even if he was injured, he would not show a little bit of pain, so he fought hard to kill with serious injuries After defeating Madoc, he almost solved an ancient patron saint by changing his name.

In fact, Elena's efforts did play a vital role in the victory of this battle.

If she hadn't tried her best to drag Maddock who is good at using the throwing axe, the three patron saints cooperated seamlessly, and the three skills of [Flying Ax Throwing], [Whirlwind Slash] and [Jumping Slash] combined into one, the power would be doubled, Fei Fei It is absolutely impossible to stably kill the other two patron saints. Maybe this battle will really be life-threatening.


Fourth update.

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