Hail the King

Four hundred and fifteen, the strength soared

Chapter 466 , Power Soars

"Don't do that in the future, do you hear me?"

Seeing that Yi Lianna's injuries were gradually recovering under the effect of the potion, although Fei was gradually relieved, he still couldn't help telling him again and again. Elena, who was in severe pain, had no choice but to laugh out loud.

"Laugh, still laugh!" Fei Fei glared viciously, and said angrily, "If you are so confused in the future, I won't take you with you when you encounter dangerous situations."

Yi Lianna's face bloomed with an alluring smile here, her eyes were bright, and she didn't speak.

The stubborn look shining in those beautiful eyes expresses his meaning clearly or unintentionally - no matter what time it is, I will always be by your side.

For any normal man, when a girl who is usually noble and indifferent like an iceberg goddess shows a bright smile, she will become distraught at this moment.

Sun Fei is no exception.

Elena's smile dazzled His Majesty's eyes.

Unable to bear it, Fei slightly lowered his head, and then gently kissed the red lips.

The top of Mount Arreat was beautiful for a while, and the snow that had never stopped for thousands of years seemed to become purer and whiter.

After a kiss, the two looked at each other and smiled.

At this time, it was obviously not the time to continue intimacy. Fei took out several bottles of [Powerful Recovery Potion] from the sash space, and finally healed the Valkyrie's injury completely, and waited until Elena's injury was fully recovered.

"Today's time is almost up. It seems that killing the last demon Baal will have to wait until the next time."

Feiwei couldn't wait a bit, because there was still the last mission left, as long as he entered the [World Stone Fortress] and killed the final boss Baal, all the plots of Diablo in [Normal Difficulty] were over, according to the previous life computer game The design should enter the [Nightmare Difficulty] level, but this world is obviously slightly different from the computer games in the previous life. I don't know what will happen next?

Fei had a faint feeling that the opportunity for him to become a moon-level powerhouse seemed to be here.

"Alexander, in my body,

It seems that something has changed..." Yi Lianna frowned and said, it turned out that after she took the risk to kill the patron saint of Madok just now, she also had a golden flame entering her body.

Before Fei could answer anything in the future, at this moment, a sudden change occurred——

In the sky, a beam of milky white light shone down, covering Fei's body.

"Upgraded..." This is a special scene when a character is upgraded, but Fei Fei quickly felt the surprise: "Level one... two... three..." His Majesty the King was shocked by what happened to him. He was stunned, because this upgrade lasted too long, and when the milky white light beam disappeared, he found that he had actually upgraded to...

Level 99? ! !

He even upgraded to level 99 in one go?

how can that be?

He has not yet killed the final boss, the big demon Baal, but he has already reached the maximum character level of 99. What will happen after the experience points for killing Baal and his subordinates increase? Is it beyond level 100?

Fei was a little confused at this moment.

From level 91 to level 99 in one breath, Fei got 8 skill points and 40 attribute points, which is definitely a bumper harvest.

When he clicked on [Skill Tree], he suddenly discovered a strange thing——

Among the barbarian skills, the skill levels of [Whirlwind] and [Jumping Slash] have reached an astonishing level of 24. Fei clearly remembers that he just increased the points of these two skills to 3 level only.

"Could it be just now..."

Fei recalled the golden enveloping energy overflowing from the bodies of Kerik and Tariq, all of which penetrated into his own body. Could it be that these enmeshed airs represent the two ancient guardians' respect for these two? The understanding and comprehension of the essence of famous stunts?

"Alexander, I seem... I seem to have learned a new skill of using throwing weapons."

The slightly pleasant words of the Valkyrie Elena beside her confirmed Fei's guess, because just now the golden energy behind Maddock's death merged into Elena's body, and Maddock's famous stunt was precisely [Flying] Ax Throwing].


When I returned to the real world, it was mid-afternoon.

The Ajax people still did not attack the city, and there was no movement. The state of silence made everyone except Fei feel strange.

At this time, Shevchenko and Ribery had already selected 300 elite fighters, and they were preparing for the lurking out of the city after dusk. It also began to become lively, and some small businesses started to resume business. The arrival of Fei and the [Spike Corps] vanguard brought hope to the residents of Double Flag City.

"Go to the garrison camp and find a small officer named Emile Heskey for me, and bring him here. I want to see him."

Drogba didn't quite understand Sun Fei's order. He didn't know why His Majesty the King wanted to find a small officer of the garrison, and went down the city wall in a daze.

Fei stood on the city wall, looking at the sun in the sky, thinking about what he saw in the two brocade boxes yesterday.

"Now it seems that we can only act according to the suggestions of the eldest princess and Paris. Haha, the suggestions made by these two women who are enemies are surprisingly consistent. It turns out that the person who knows you best is your enemy. ?"

When Fei thought of the things contained in the brocade box, he felt amused.

"My lord, the director of the Shuangqi City branch of the Soros Chamber of Commerce is asking to see you." At this moment, the voice of a guard sounded behind him.

Soros Chamber of Commerce?

Fei nodded. People from the Soros Chamber of Commerce finally showed up. His Majesty the King nodded: "Please."

"As ordered."

Fei turned back to the main hall of the enemy building. Just as he was seated, the Ophiuchus Saint came in with a burly businessman of about forty years old.

This man was about 1.9 meters tall, neither fat nor thin, wearing a light gray robe, with a thick light yellow beard on both cheeks, neatly trimmed, square mouth and straight nose, not too big eyes, and a straight line on his face. With a faint smile, there is even a hint of shyness in the light blue eyes. It is hard to believe that such a man who looks shy at first glance is the majestic mainland consortium giant Soros. Section head of the chamber of commerce.

But Fei didn't dare to underestimate the man in front of him.

Because when you observe carefully, you will find that in the depths of those shy eyes, there is a very imperceptible light shining - only those who are extremely bold but also very scheming will have such eyes, he That faint and shy smile can pray to give people trust, kindness, despise and relax vigilance at the first time.

This is a very scary person.

If you hadn’t learned all about the rise of Roman Abramovich’s head of the chamber of commerce and Ligue 1 before this, if you hadn’t known how many bandits and sand robbers in the desert were frightened by this man, if you hadn’t understood the fact that this man The man is the head of the bloodiest horror in the Gobi desert. Fei may be confused by his expression for the first time, but now...

Fei politely invited the man to sit down, but he reminded himself not to underestimate the fox in front of him.

"I've always wanted to visit His Majesty Alexander, but I'm afraid it will disturb His Majesty's military affairs, so Roman can only wait for His Majesty to finish dealing with the complicated affairs in the city before taking the liberty to visit His Majesty." Roman said with a smile on his face. The room is very polite, and the status and status are well placed.

However, the barbarian's keen sixth sense told Fei that the man in front of him was observing him very carefully, just like an outstanding businessman checking whether a piece of goods is worth his investment.

"Could it be that Director Roman came to the most dangerous place in the whole city just to pay a visit to this king?" Fei had a smile on his face.

Sun Fei killed the patriarchs of the seven aristocratic families in Shuangqi City in a fit of anger the day before yesterday, and the enemy building at the west gate is the closest to the Ajax army. With these two meanings, so here is It is called the most dangerous place in Double Flag City by some good-natured people in the city.

Fei only heard about this statement yesterday when he was chatting with the big stupid Husky, and he just laughed it off and didn't pay attention to it.

"Of course there are some gifts for His Majesty Alexander. The Soros Chamber of Commerce is also a part of the Twin Flags City, and will make its own contribution to the guards of the Twin Flags City." Abramovich stood up and said with a smile: " I have already sent someone to bring the gift under the city wall, and if His Majesty allows it, I will immediately ask my subordinates to carry it up."

"Okay." Fei raised his hand, signaling the Ophiuchus Saint to send an order to let him go.

Soon, there was a sound of heavy footsteps.

Several samurai dressed as guards from the Chamber of Commerce, each with a strength of about one star, struggled to move six large iron boxes with a square meter, and walked into the main hall of the enemy building step by step.

Fei was also surprised that among the people carrying the box was the big, stupid Emile Heskey.

Husky obviously also spotted Fei, his eyes lit up, and he shouted in surprise, "Huh? Brother Fei, why are you here too? They scared them away, so you are working in the Ximen enemy building? Haha, do you know? Just now, the honorable Lord Alexander sent someone to invite me here. Do I really want to become his personal soldier? You that day Is it true?"


Fifth update.

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