Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 224: Shadow Howler

"I was born in a small dragonborn village in the Lost Star Mountains of the North Wasteland. After being attacked by evil merchants, I was captured and became a gladiator in humiliation.

In my career as a gladiator, I have seen too much injustice and oppression. I was dying after a brutal duel. At a critical moment, I was inspired by the paladin to accept my own destiny, and because of this, I was accepted by a believer. Saved by the paladins of Tyre, I am proud and..."

The dragonborn paladin stared solemnly at the trembling sarcophagus, and told Thorne about his experience, but before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted again by the half-elf ranger: "This is not the time for small talk, the death knight has come out. already."

When a fallen paladin dies without trying to atone, some evil watcher can use dark powers to transform the once-mortal knight into an abominable undead, a creature that people of the material world usually use to be Called: Death Knight!

In Thorne's solemn eyes, a burly white-haired man in pure black plate armor that seemed to have been burned by flames stuck his head out from the large sarcophagus. His face was composed of charred skulls, covered with With shrunken and rotting flesh, dark red flames were beating in the two eye sockets. Even if the terrifying eyes were not watched, he still felt cold and vicious.

The death knight stood up and stood in the coffin, staring blankly at the ceiling, his burning eyes made Thorne feel the confusion.

"How long have I slept? Is my Dawntown still there?" The death knight uttered a low, cold voice that sounded like an echo from the depths of an unfathomable cave.

"Has our Dawn Town been turned into a scorched earth, Winster, Al Ruin, Wilham, Kossam, and Tijie... Are you all still there? And my Knights of the Dawn... ... a war of despair, anger and... grief!"

The death knight stared blankly at the ceiling like this, his cold, deep voice slowly uttered as his skinny Adam's apple wriggled.

"War of Despair? Fallen Paladins?" Thorne heard the sadness in the death knight's voice.

The so-called 'war of despair' refers to the first floor of the tower, as mentioned in the message of the necromancer Winster.

From the intermittent whispers of the other party just now, let him know that the town of Twin Towers used to be called Dawning Town. Because of a desperate war, many people were killed in battle, and there were also people who negotiated with the darkness and obtained powerful forces to try to change all this. .

In Winster's message, the woman mentioned should have failed, and the reason why the fallen paladin in front of him became the current death knight is obviously because of trying to change something, and it also failed.

The final result should be that the necromancer, Winster, abandoned the tower. As for the others... I am afraid it is the undead creatures that he and the paladin Peo killed.

Thorne glanced at the nearly rotten clothing on the skeleton ghoul, which had not been turned into ashes, and secretly guessed.

"No! I am the commander of the Dread Knights, and they all call me: Shadow Roars!"

Suddenly, the confused death knight held his head in his hands and began to mourn in pain, as if he was trying to suppress something. With his shrill screams, all the aura of death surging around him began to gather crazily.

"Is this a confrontation between good and evil?" Thorne asked, looking at the struggling death knight, walking to the paladin Peo.

"A death knight is a fallen paladin or lawful good warrior who betrayed the code of honor he held throughout his life and was transformed by evil after death.

But I have also seen some death knights in the Temple of Tyre who touched the heart of goodness hidden in the deepest and embarked on the road of redemption. will find true rest.

Obviously, when the death knight woke up from his slumber, his hidden heart of kindness was the first to be awakened. However, his evil heart is greater than his goodness, and it is destined to not last long. "

Paladin Peo's expression was unprecedentedly solemn, and the protective aura around his body gradually became solid, exuding a dazzling divine brilliance: "I can feel the kindness of this death knight is praying to me, let me help him get liberated , so I'm going to purify this death knight!"

"Evil death knight, accept justice!"

After the paladin finished speaking, he took a deep breath. One black and one white iron gauntlet clenched the blade and shield in their hands respectively, and charged towards the death knight in the coffin.

"As expected of a paladin!" Thorne's eyelids twitched as he noticed paladin Peo dashing towards the death knight without fear.

"Holy taste, disgusting light!"

Just as the paladin Peo was about to approach the death knight, the death knight who was struggling suddenly regained consciousness and made a cold, low voice.

I saw him jumping and jumping out of the coffin, his eyes burning with vicious flames stared coldly at the paladin rushing towards him, and a pure black broad sword covered with mysterious runes also appeared in his hand.

"Clang clang!"

The two sides did not have any words, and the moment their eyes met, the sound of the collision of the swords began to sound one after another.

In the dimly lit underground passage, the paladin Peo suddenly fought with the death knight. With the holy long sword and the fine gold shield in his hand, the paladin Peo fought evenly with the death knight for a while.

"Damn Winster, who has deprived me of my power! Go to hell!"

The irritable death knight who was entangled by the paladin roared angrily, and the rune broadsword in his hand swung a trail of afterimages, driving all the negative energy in his body, tearing the air, and slashing at the paladin.


Facing the ferocious attack, it was too late for the paladin Peo to escape, so he could only bite the bullet and lift the adamantine shield in his hand to block.

Although the paladin Peo was forced to retreat again and again by the attack of the death knight, but because the quality of the adamantine shield in his hand is very good, he can still continue for the time being.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

The death knight prevailed unforgivingly, and the rune broadsword continuously struck the adamantine shield, wiping out dazzling sparks in the dark passage on the ground.


The strong death energy condensed into one body, and the death knight burst out with great power, and once again slammed the rune broadsword on the fine gold shield.

The paladin who took the attack forcibly was accompanied by a 'click' sound, like the sound of a broken bone, and the body of nearly 150 kilograms turned into a parabola and slammed to the ground.

"go to hell!"

The death knight roared, his entire body jumped, jumped into the air, raised the rune broadsword wrapped with dark energy in both hands, wrapped in an unrivaled momentum, and slashed towards the paladin Peo condescendingly.


Suddenly, a pure white arrow jumping with dark purple arcs and light orange flames in the distance pierced the air with a whistling sound, hitting the chest of the death knight who jumped into the air with precision.

The flames and arcs quickly spread around the death knight, leaving behind a piece of scorched black. The moment the moonlight-like pure white arrow hit the death knight's chest, it turned into a little light and dissipated into the air, causing the death knight to lose his balance. With a 'thump' sound, it fell to a short distance.

Thorne, who was holding a composite longbow, glanced at the death knight who fell to the ground, and immediately walked to the paladin's side, and said solemnly: "I can feel that the strength of the death knight is recovering, and the two of us may not be able to deal with it. How to choose, paladin of the **** of justice."

Paladin Peo's left arm was continuously hit hard due to his clenching of the shield. At this time, it was obviously dislocated. He didn't say a word. He first glanced at the death knight who was struggling again, and then stood the long sword in front of him. With his right hand clenching his left arm, his expression became slightly condensed, and he straightened the displaced left arm.

Immediately afterwards, he took out the silver holy emblem, and accompanied by whispering chants, the paladin's unique "Lay on Hands" ability quickly enveloped the severely injured arm with a layer of holy light.

Then he glanced at the recovered left arm, raised the long sword and shield again, looked at Thorne and said righteously: "I am a proud and honorable warrior, a dragon descendant who inherits the blood of the ancient dragon god, A paladin of the Temple of Tyre, a defender of justice.

If even a death knight who yearns for redemption can't be saved, how can we find the lost holy city of the Dragonborn family 'Gimbatur City', how to create a future under the malice of all civilizations, and how to uphold the law Will, as the hope that never goes out! "

"...You just say you want to purify him." Thorne muttered to himself and glanced at the death knight: "Together?"

"Although you have the power of demons, I can feel the kindness that you exude, and I have no reason to refuse. Now, I, the paladin, Peo Joses, would like to be your partner.

The paladin of the **** of justice will never abandon a partner who is recognized by him! "

After the paladin Peo finished speaking, he took out the silver holy emblem and stuck it to his chest. His tone and expression were full of solemnity, as if he was about to prepare for a sacred ceremony.

"Uh...don't make it so grand, you see the enemy is coming right away, you are wasting your time." Thorne directly interrupted the other party's respectful salute and motioned him to look in the direction of the death knight.

"Come out! My thirteen most heroic horror knights!" The death knight who got rid of the struggle and regained his senses raised the rune broadsword above his head, accompanied by an angry roar, the rich dark energy began to frantically toward the thirteen coffins converge.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The thirteen coffins seemed to respond to the call of the death knight, all of them trembled violently, and then suddenly became motionless and returned to silence.

"Huh?" The death knight's flaming eyes showed doubts.

"Come out! My thirteen most heroic horror knights!" Immediately afterwards, he raised the Rune Broadsword above his head again, and a low, cold roar echoed throughout the underground space.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The thirteen coffins responded to the death knight's call, and all of them trembled violently again, and then returned to silence.

"Winster is your devil again, it's better not to let me find you!" Seeing that the death knight still couldn't summon his most loyal and capable subordinate, he immediately figured out the reason and roared angrily.

"Then, it's up to us." The angry death knight's chest heaved, and with a wave of the rune broadsword, a black teleportation light array appeared around him.

Immediately afterwards, a swirling cloud of mist appeared in the light array, and a large black horse with a tail, mane and four hooves all wrapped in flames neighed and emerged from it.

"It's Dread Colt: Nightmare!" Thorne's expression fluctuated when he saw the death knight's mount.

Nightmares are proud, wild and irritable outsiders, their hearts are as dark and evil as the abyss they come from, and although they have no wings, they can fly at high speed.

At the same time, when the death knight summoned the nightmare, the paladin Peo standing beside him was also accompanied by the surging of the light array, and a dragon-blooded tuatara appeared in front of him.

Dragon-blooded lizards, whose sturdy limbs suddenly exert force faster than war horses, are not afraid of swords and swords as hard as iron scales, and have dragon blood, which is incomparable to that kind of swamp monitor lizards.

This kind of mount, which can only be summoned by the paladins of the dragonborn race, can be used as a mount for them, and it is equivalent to an extra powerful and loyal helper.

Paladins are the most special group of people among all professionals. Those who believe in lawful goodness are even rarer than wizards. They cannot tolerate any evil in their eyes, but evil is part of the whole world.

But they will never ignore evil, chaos and sin. Even if they sacrifice their lives, they must guard the camp of justice and goodness.

It is because they have so many restrictions that they are even more powerful.

They have the abilities of warriors, can also cast attack, buff, and healing spells, and are sheltered by divine energy, permanently immune to all diseases and disease-like spells, and innately immune to any fear and fear-like spells.

And it is also a profession that can summon mounts from the outer planes, and easily ride, run and charge.

For the profession of a paladin, Thorne did not dare to think about it, except for his hot eyes, because it did not conform to his values ​​at all. At least he could not become a qualified paladin, and he also did not want to become a paladin.

Suddenly, in the entire underground space, the roar of the nightmare and the roar of the dragon blood lizard sounded at the same time.

The Nightmare, whose body was burning with flames, spewed two thick smokes from its nasal cavity, and turned into a fire shadow to greet the Dragonblood Lizard.

"Bang! Bang!"

The two figures collided instantly with an unrivaled aura.

While the death knight was entangled with the paladin Peo wielding the rune broadsword, the dark black horse Nightmare like a burning flame also spread its ugly fangs and flaming forefoot and struck the dragon blood lizard together. .

However, the strong aura of death in this underground space is very beneficial to the death knight, and the nightmare mount under him comes with two supernatural abilities "scorching hoof kick" and "suffocating smoke". Dragonblood lizards with spellcasting ability can resist hard.

The moment the two sides fought, the balance of victory had already tipped directly to the death knight.

The paladin Peo and the dragon blood lizard were forced to retreat again and again. The paladin struggled to resist the slash of the rune broadsword. The dragon blood lizard under the seat also spit out red cores, hissed and screamed, and his forehead was covered in flames. Burns, two big eyes were also smoked by the smoke from the nightmare's nasal cavity, causing old tears.

"Boo! Hah! Hah!"

Thorne, who was hiding in the back, didn't waste any time. He immediately drew out his armor-piercing arrows, and kept shooting arrows with a bow. The arrows surrounded by arcs and flames, smashed the vital parts of the nightmare and the death knight with a whistling sound.


A sharp arrow swept past with a piercing sound, and the Nightmare mount had no time to dodge, and was directly hit by the armor-piercing arrow in the neck, and screams suddenly sounded frequently.

"call out!"

Immediately afterwards, Thorne once again took advantage of the death knight being entangled by the paladin Peo, and drew a whistling arrow.


The death knight's long sword slashed the deadly arrows that shot at the mount, and before he could defend himself, he directly caught the long sword wielded by the paladin Peo with one hand. Xiaoxiao's smoke made a sizzling sound.

"go to hell!"

——“Four Rings Magic: Fright Slash!”

The death knight endured the burning of the divine brilliance on the long sword, and swung the rune broadsword, surrounded by rich dark energy, and slashed towards the paladin's head.

The paladin's expression changed, and he threw away his long sword. He held shields in both hands, and stubbornly blocked the heavy blow of the death knight.


The paladin, who suffered a double blow to his mind and body, was directly smashed and flew out, and the dragon-blooded lizard under his seat also neighed, forcibly endured the flame hoof kick of a nightmare, broke away from the opponent's entanglement, and ran towards the paladin who fell to the ground.


At this time, when Thorne saw the opportunity, he immediately released the bowstring that was ready to go, and was blessed with the arrows of the desert wind faction martial arts. In the dark night sky, like a fire dragon, it ripped apart the air and hit the death knight in an instant. 's chest.


The painless death knight saw the arrow stuck in his chest, roared angrily, and stared coldly at the half-elf ranger holding a bow in the distance with his burning eyes.

- "Four Rings Magic: Phantom Charge!"

Suddenly, the death knight rode the nightmare mount and turned into a phantom, instantly appearing in front of Thorne, and a rune broadsword exuding dark energy with a cold negative energy breath slashed towards Thorne.

- "Deflection force field!"

When Thorne reacted, it was too late to react, so he calmly activated the strongest protection spell on the protection ring.

Just when he felt that the sound of breaking the air was about to tear his face, an almost invisible protective barrier emerged.


The "deflection force field" offset most of the death knight's damage and shattered, and the remaining force was completely blocked by Thorne's timely withdrawal of the sharp blade.

However, the nightmare under the death knight was not idle. At the same time as Thorne's long sword and the death knight clashed, the nightmare raised his head and exhaled two suffocating smoke from his nose, burning his front hooves with flames. He kicked Thorne hard in the chest.


With the sound of 'click', Thorne's ribs were kicked off a few times, and his whole body was kicked away by the flames like a kite with a broken string.

——“One Ring of Magic: Clash of Rhinos!”

- "Supernatural ability: slaying evil!"

The paladin Peo, who remounted the dragon blood lizard, comforted the roaring mount, endured the pain all over his body, and immediately activated the holy knight's magic.

Under the blessing of divine art, the dragon blood lizard burst out with more than twice the speed and strength, and intercepted the death knight who was about to make up for Thorne at a speed that was difficult to detect with the naked eye.


With the resounding scream of the nightmare, the death knight and the mount were both knocked out by the huge body of the dragon blood lizard, and the long sword of the paladin also left a gap deep in the bones at the moment when the dragon blood lizard approached the death knight. .

"Evil Slash" belongs to the strongest attack of paladins against evil forces. This kind of attack surrounded by divine radiant energy not only breaks the death knight's plate armor, but also the divine energy is still exerting its residual heat, constantly burning his body.

The death knight's flaming eyes noticed that the paladin charged with the dragon-blooded lizard again, and with a thought, the nightmare with which he had a spiritual connection immediately filled with cloud-like smoke, and the whole body was carrying the death knight and flew in the air. , leaving dumbfounded paladins and dragon blood lizards.

Just as the death knight adjusted his formation and was about to charge again, a fireball the size of a washbasin exuded blazing heat and smeared directly towards his face. spells.


The explosion of the fireball reverberated in the entire underground space, and the embarrassed figure of the death knight emerged from the smoke: "Half-elf in the way! Go to hell!"

- "Four Rings Magic: Phantom Charge!"

The death knight who was driving the nightmare turned into a phantom again, disappeared from the spot, and appeared beside Thorne.

However, Thorne, who had suffered a loss once, was well prepared. When the death knight cast his icy gaze on him, he activated the teleportation skill of the Shadow Hand School in advance.

By the time the death knight slashed with the rune broadsword, Thorne's figure had disappeared under the envelope of the shadow energy cloud.

- "Spell-like ability: Summoning Undead!"

The death knight looked at the half-elf ranger who was squatting with a sword in the distance, roared, and swung the rune broadsword, and the light of the summoning circle appeared on the ground.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

As the light of the magic circle dissipated, more than a dozen undead creatures such as ghouls, troll skeletons, ogre zombies, and skeleton warriors emerged from it.

The death knight immediately directed the summoned undead to point in the direction of Thorne, and then drove the nightmare to meet the charge of the paladin.

Thorne noticed the roaring undead approaching him, keeping the sword within easy reach, watching the death knight's movements vigilantly.

Then he pressed the wound on his chest with one hand and the wooden holy emblem with the other, and the summoning spells mastered by him were cast one after another.

——“Second Ring Divine Art: Second-level Natural Ally Summoning Art!”

- "Spell-like ability: Summon demons!"

——“Desert Wind Sect (Enhanced Skill): The Flame of Chaos!”

First of all, the ferocious badger of the second ring magic took the lead to walk out of the magic circle. This is an enhanced version of the honey badger. It has a body of more than two meters and a weight of 250 kilograms. The moment it appeared, it immediately showed its life and death It's a personality that doesn't want to accept it, opens its big mouth full of fangs, wields its claws, and rushes into the undead group.

When the vicious badger is injured, it will directly enter an unstoppable violent state (strength +4, constitution +4), which is the most cost-effective vicious animal in the second ring summoning magic.

Immediately afterwards, four curious cowardices and a treacherous Quasser flying in the air appeared.

Invaded by the will of the abyss!

Will saving throw in progress...

Will save succeeded!

You have successfully saved the chaotic will from the abyss!


When the demonic creatures appeared, Thorne immediately fell into a series of Will checks. When all the Will checks were successful, the demons obeyed his orders and rushed into the undead creatures.

In the end, there was a group of medium-sized fire elemental creatures about two meters tall. It waved its two arms that flickered and disappeared, and its two bright blue flame pupils looked at the undead creatures, flashing madly, and their mouths kept talking. roaring, like the reverberating flames of an explosion.

Afterwards, Thorne commanded the fire element to stand in front of him, and then took out the composite longbow again and began to assist the paladin's attack.

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