Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 225: Winster

"Disgusting smell, I hate holy breath, go to hell! Shadow Howler is fearless!"

In the dark underground space, the death knight with withered white hair fluttered waving the rune broadsword surrounded by dark energy in his hand, driving the nightmare of burning flames, turning into a fire shadow, pulling a long black smoke, driving the cold With a broken sound, he rushed towards the paladin Peo and the dragon blood lizard.

The paladin Peo, who was short of breath, had his face covered with fine scales twisted into a hideous appearance. A pair of longan eyes flashing with pale red light under his rough eyebrows watched vigilantly at the charging death knight. In his slightly trembling hands, Holding a shield in one hand, and comforting the screaming dragon-blood lizard in the other, the rich divine radiance began to cover his body again.

- "Supernatural ability: Evil Shadow Strike!"

The moment the death knight rode the nightmare and approached the paladin, the rune broadsword exuding a cold and nauseating greasy gas was wrapped in an evil aura, hitting the paladin's adamantine shield, and the strong impact shook the paladin's entire body. Fei, the dragon blood lizard under him also screamed and turned to run away.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

On the other side of the battle arena, the ferocious badger who first broke into the undead group was covered in scratches, blood-red eyes beating with madness and murderousness, and sharp fangs and claws were not afraid of death in every nearby creature. The undead left a distinct mark on it.

The cowardices from the bottomless abyss are restless and noisy like thugs, rushing into the undead, screaming and roaring in dissatisfaction, using sharp teeth and claws, like a market villain, and clumsy undead. The creatures scuffled with each other.

- "Moon Arrow!"

Thorne, who was hiding behind the medium-sized fire element, was covered in fine cold sweat on his forehead. He clenched his teeth and endured the pain of the collapsed sternum. With a thought, the silver-white cross on the blessing pendant of the goddess of the moon hidden in the collar A flash of magic flashed across the star.

Under the guidance of aura, a bright full moon quickly appeared in Thorne's mind, and as he quickly stretched out his palm, an arrow shining with moonlight appeared in his hand.

The almost solid white arrow was immediately placed on the composite longbow by Thorne, and the taut bowstring was suddenly pulled, and the jumping dark purple arc and light orange flame spread upward.

"call out!"

When Thorne noticed that the death knight was rushing towards the paladin Peo with the Nightmare, a fierce color flashed in the eyes hidden in the hood, and pure white arrows jumping with magical energy came out of the string.


The magic arrow tore through the strong negative energy aura, with a whistling sound, it hit precisely and pulled up a nightmare that was galloping with thick smoke.

The moment the pure white arrow hit Nightmare's front hoof, it immediately turned into a little light and dissipated in the air, and the jumping arc and light orange flame spread to Nightmare's legs, causing secondary damage.

The nightmare that was hit hard, exhaled two thick smoke from its nose, opened its big mouth full of evil teeth, and let out a loud hissing sound.


The Nightmare Mount, which lost its balance with a leg injury, sent the Death Knight flying directly to the icy ground.

——“One Ring of Magic: Accumulate Brightness!”

The paladin Peo, who climbed up from the ground in the distance, immediately took out the silver holy emblem, and along with the high-spirited incantation sounded, rays of divine brilliance quickly shot out from his pupils, which shone with reddish light.


The first ray with the thickness of the fingertip hit the death knight who just got up, like a red-hot iron seal on the fresh skin, the owl smoke slowly floated out along with the death knight's painful mourning.

"Huh! Huh!"

Immediately after, two consecutive rays of divine brilliance burst out from the pupils of the dragonborn paladin. The scorching divine brilliance shone through the dim underground passage, forcing the death knight to roar and retreat.

- "Supernatural ability: Lightning Spit!"

Paladin Peo took the opportunity to open his short beak and big mouth to shoot a cone of lightning, the breath ability from the blood of the bronze dragon, jumping with a dark blue arc, and instantly hit the death knight's wound torn by "Slaying Evil". The dense electric current combined with the scorching holy aura, spreading from the scar on the death knight's chest to his entire body.

Although the death knight who was attacked continuously was covered with scalding scars, there was still no tendency for him to fall.

He was shocked when he stood up. The dark energy was like a vacuum cleaner with the highest power turned on, and it gathered towards his body at an extremely fast speed. The spreading divine energy was immediately suppressed, and the shocking wound was also nourished by the dark energy. Visible speed begins to recover.

- "Spell-like ability: Fireball!"

The death knight who resumed action jumped and landed firmly on the lame Nightmare's back. Just as he was about to launch a new charge, a dark red fireball in the basin reflected his long withered white hair and rotting flesh. pale face.


The fiery fire burst, and the violent impact accompanied by a loud noise made the entire underground space seem to tremble. .

The dense smoke dissipated, and the embarrassed figure of the death knight appeared in the sight of the ranger and paladin.

"My lord, the great undead king Orbis, your most devout admirer, Shadow Roar, I pray for your power to come down..." The death knight raised the rune broadsword with one hand, with vicious fire beating in his eyes, accompanying him With a mad and pious roar, the rich dark energy gathered in his body again like a whale sucking a cow, and waves of terrifying evil energy waves spread throughout the entire underground space.

——“Second Ring Magic: Silence!”

The holy emblem flashed in the hand of Thorne, who had been prepared for a long time, and the magic light shone. An invisible energy field immediately centered on the death knight and enveloped it. His devout and crazy prayer sounded like being strangled. It stopped abruptly.

The death knight clenched the rune broadsword, and stared coldly at the half-elf ranger who was hiding behind the fire element with his vicious eyes burning with flames, his rotting face suddenly showing a ferocious twist.


The death knight threw away the rune broadsword, knelt on the ground with his legs, hugged his hair and let out a painful and suppressed wailing.

At this time, a sharp arrow burning with flames, with scorching high temperature, galloped away.


The sharp arrow precisely sank into the eye socket of the death knight, and the beating flame was instantly extinguished. Instead, the flame and electric arc on the arrow spread around the eye socket as the center.

——“One Ring of Magic: Clash of Rhinos!”

- "Supernatural ability: slaying evil!"

Paladin Peo also took the opportunity to lift the last bit of strength in his body and gently soothed the screaming dragon-blood lizard, his pale red eyes slightly condensed, the sluggish dragon-blood lizard seemed to return to light, turned into an afterimage, and rushed towards the angry roar. death knight.


When the dragon-blooded lizard knocked the death knight flying, the long sword exuding divine brilliance once again swept through a deadly cold light, leaving a fatal scar on the death knight's chest. , quickly spread to the whole body.

The target is dead!

Extract the target's soul energy and gain 15,000 experience points!

Obtain 1500 practice points through the perception of battle!


Noticing the system's experience prompts, Thorne, who had a tense expression, couldn't help breathing a sigh of relief. With the relaxation of his body, the clenched compound longbow almost fell out of his hand.

Suddenly, he noticed the death knight's twitching corpse, and he immediately endured the pain of the wound and walked towards the corpse.

Death knights are formed by a group of fallen paladins or lawful good warriors who have broken their oath, and are transformed by evil people using dark energy.

Their souls were imprisoned in the mutilated body, tormented by killing and pain, without rest.

And even if the death knights are killed, if their fallen souls are not purified, they will be resurrected again under the condensation of dark energy, and continue to suffer from killing and pain.

Unless the goodness hidden in the deepest part of the heart can be guided out, and then through atonement for sin or self-redemption, the endless pain can be escaped and the soul can be rested.

The fire of life in the eyes of the death knight lying on the ground was about to dissipate. He moved his arm with difficulty, took out a black metal holy emblem from the gap in the armor, and slowly moved it in front of him, sticking it on the chest.

His slightly twitched lips were pale and feeble, but he was still breathing hard, a hoarse voice from the rolling throat, and the words were weak and confused: "Indulge in anger....grief...and...despair...."

As the death knight struggled to pop out every syllable, the flames burning in his eye sockets weakened, and his heaving chest slowly calmed down.

"His good heart was awakened before he died, and I could hear him longing for me to help him redeem this sinful soul." Paladin Peo walked over to the death knight's corpse and said solemnly: "If Unless his soul is completely purified, his fallen soul will surely be used and reborn by Orthus, thus suffering from slaughter and suffering again.

The truly pure souls should ascend to heaven after death, or return to the underworld, instead of being repurposed by the evil ones. "

Paladin Peo walked to the death knight, leaned over and took the holy emblem clenched by the death knight, and continued: "Although this holy emblem has been polluted by dark energy, I can still feel that it is hidden in the deepest part. A bit of goodness, his soul is worthy of my redemption."

After speaking, he immediately sat cross-legged on the ground, pressed the silver holy emblem in his hand to his forehead, whispered the doctrine of the God of Justice in his mouth, and a faint holy light began to emerge faintly, covering the death knight's corpse at a very slow speed.

"It is said that a paladin who retains a good heart will have some obsessions left in his body before he falls, expressing the reasons for his fall, his helplessness, and the unspeakable concealment."

Thorne suddenly remembered the legend about the death knight, so he glanced at the paladin Peo, then took a few steps forward, leaned over the death knight's body and began to search.

"As expected!" Thorne lifted the charred black armor of the death knight, and found a neatly folded and well-preserved special piece of paper in the lined clothing, and also wrote densely packed words:

This is a desperate war. I cannot imagine the loss of Dawning Town. Many noble and proud friends died in this war. I dare not enumerate them one by one, because the tears have already made me unable to count anymore.

My knights are dead, the land has fallen, and neither sword nor magic, claws nor fangs can stop the army of the enemy.

Today, I will die, not to avenge the dead, but to defend what I love—this land, this home, and the faith of the Order of the Dawn.

Evil is all around me, darkness is eroding my will, it's time to embrace the darkness that disgusts me!

Let the intruders look at my terrifying form, and let fear tremble their hearts! Let them tell the story of the vile victories against the Guardians of Dawnlight!

Let Shadow Howler be remembered forever as a fear-mongering death knight!

My origins have been lost in the darkness of the past, I was a brave warrior, a paladin who maintained justice and order, I was good and just, I was a thunderbolt of all the evil that swept this land, I Once the guardian of Dawn Town, the commander of the Knights of Dawn.

Now, I am a death knight, with vicious fire burning in my eyes, rotting flesh clinging to every inch of my skull, I am fearless!

My only regret is that my corpse will not rest in the place where it should be - a place that is both familiar and unfamiliar, like an ever-burning beacon illuminating my deepest hidden goodness.

Life wanders between two worlds, like the stars hanging in the sky when day and night alternate.

What is now, we know very little, and what will be in the future, we know even less.

Day and night, the flow of time rolls away, taking our life like a bubble to a distance.

New births, old shatters, emerge in the waves of time. The strong country's green grave, the vicissitudes of life, just like the passing waves.

I am not afraid of death, even if my body dies, my soul lives on.

Let my soul be a beacon that dispels darkness and brings light, and let my soul bring hope to this despairing land.

Now, let's go to war!

Dread Knights, charge!


"Stubborn little guy, the soul of the Shadow Howler can't be redeemed, stop it, I'm going to take him to a far away cold place." After Thorne read the above content, a gentle voice suddenly sounded at him Suddenly sounded from behind.

Thorne looked startled, and immediately turned around to look vigilantly, and then saw a black cloak covering his entire body, and the blurred head in the hood was like a deep starry sky, making him unable to see anything clearly, so he subconsciously asked: " You are?"

"Who am I?" The shadow shrouded in the black cloak glanced at Thorne and smiled gently: "The gods call me: Godslayer, my friends call me: Astral Insight, and I call myself For: Ferryman, Winster."

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