Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 589: No matter how many people die, I have to withstand it

Both sides are rushing for time, one has to defend, and the other wants to disrupt the other side. On the battlefield, the speed of both sides can be described by racing against time. The Qing army's cavalry was the Brigade A, which rushed straight to the right. They came too fast. When they reached a distance of a hundred paces, the Brigade A had just completed its front, and many soldiers with guns in front had not even finished loading the gunpowder.

"Hold on, hold on!"

Li Guoan raised the spear and shouted loudly. Officers at all levels were also roaring constantly, and the suona sound kept ringing. In the darkness of the night, there is no way to rely on flags to convey orders, and can only rely on the suonas used for training on weekdays, while the dispatching at the town level needs to be distinguished by the sound of drums. In the Taiping Army, there are banners and drummers at the battalion level and above, who are specially responsible for order identification and transmission. Below the battalion level, it is carried out by suona and officer orders.

The Qing army cavalry suddenly divided into two groups more than a hundred paces away. One group continued to speed up and rushed towards the Ming army front, while the other group restrained their mounts and dismounted, and then took out their big bows from the horse and started shooting arrows at the Ming army. The arrows of the Qing army were very large and heavy. This kind of arrows had a short range, at most a hundred paces, but although the range was not far, the arrows were very effective in breaking armor. If a person is shot by such a large arrow, the wound will generally be very large, resulting in more than an instant loss of combat effectiveness due to blood flow.

Manchu soldiers were good at riding and shooting. Li Guoan knew that, but the Eight Banners of the Han army on the opposite side were also good at riding and shooting. It was the first time he had seen it.


It is not unusually difficult to shoot arrows accurately and ruthlessly on a horse, because when the horse is charging forward, the knight on the horse will be bumped severely, and the arrows shot on the horse at this time will not be accurate. Therefore, when the Eight Banners of Manchuria and those Mongolian soldiers encountered an array of Ming troops, most of them chose to dismount and shoot. If there is a gap in the riot of the enemy's formation, they will immediately mount the horse and rush into the formation. This method is extremely useful against infantry formations. After all, the formation is closely integrated with the formation of infantry, and it is often difficult for cavalry to directly shake.

Since the establishment of the Han Army Banner, everything has been imitated by the Manchu Eight Banners, and the tactics are also learned from the Manchu Eight Banners. The Qing court counted on these Han troops to supervise the green battalions for them, and hoped that these Han troops would be able to replace the children of Manchu to serve the Qing Dynasty. They trained more and taught them the horsemanship and archery skills of the Manchu children.

Geng Juxian changed his mind in the middle of the road, and divided all the men who were originally rushing into two groups, half rushing and half shooting. The reason was that he found that the Ming army on the opposite side was chaotic, but it formed the prototype of the defense line. The outermost rows of Ming troops Ready for battle. In order to reduce losses and kill the Ming army to the greatest extent possible, Geng Juxian was a little conservative and attacked the Ming army with a combination of "riding" and "shooting". Anyway, his purpose is to be able to defeat the Ming army.

The battle came too suddenly and too quickly. The Brigade A’s defense line adjustment and personnel deployment were not in place. The soldiers just relied on ordinary training, those instinctive reactions developed under the supervision of sticks and whips and military discipline to stand firm. Line up on your own, with the spear in your hand either flat or pointed at an angle. Rao is so, there is still some confusion in the formation. Those soldiers who had not filled their medicines because of their nervousness were whipped to the back by the officers mercilessly, lest they use fire sticks without medicines to react in the front.

Li Guoan's personal brigade guards followed him, firmly guarding the brigade school adults. Compared with the old four towns, there are not many fire cannons in the fifth town. The whole town is only more than a thousand shots. Half of them belong to the third brigade of Shizhong, because the third brigade is trained according to the tactics of the Qi family army. Fire guns are in great demand. Brigade C took half, and the remaining 500 pieces of Brigade A and Brigade B were half. Therefore, Brigade A actually only had more than 200 fire guns, and after removing those who didn't have time to load the medicine, the fire guns that could fire in time were only more than 100 guns.

Hundreds of Qing troops rushed over with a roar, and there were hundreds of other Qing troops in the bow and arrows. Following the officer's order, a rain of arrows shot over before the front cavalry rushed to the front of the Ming army column.

"Raise your shield!"

More than 500 shield players put the cards on their heads, protecting themselves as well as their companions with guns and spears.

In the sound of "whoosh", hundreds of sharp arrows drilled into the Ming army's formation, and fell on the card with a muffled "puff" sound, which sounded like a sudden hailstorm. The arrows of the Qing army caused dozens of casualties, and many Ming soldiers were shot and killed by large arrows that fell from the gaps between the cards and cards.

A round of arrows was shot, but the formation of the Ming army was not too chaotic, which made the Qing army officers in charge of "shooting" very dissatisfied, and they were shouting something. The two sides were separated by more than 100 steps, so the Ming army could not understand what the other side was saying, but even if the two sides were facing each other, the officers and soldiers of the Fifth Town, mostly Cantonese, could not understand what the northerners were saying.

The fifth town formed two phalanxes, Brigade A was on the right, Brigade B was on the left, and in the middle of the town command post, the guards directly under the town protected the town command post and also played the role of supervising the battle team. If a soldier retreats, the town guard will immediately step forward to slash and kill, which is exactly the same as the Qing army. In essence, the Fifth Town, including Brigade C, still belongs to the army of this era, not the new type of army expected by their commander Zhou Shixiang. The main reason for this is the old division of the Taiping Army, as well as the disparity in weapons and equipment, money and food resources, and officer training.

Up to now, the development of the snowball has allowed the Taiping Army to have more than 100,000 troops, but because the foundation is too weak, all military and political constructions are starting, and the foundation is too weak, so that the Taiping Army has not been able to achieve what Zhou Shixiang expected. There is no time and no resources to train and rotate equipment for the new army. Zhou Shixiang could only devote limited resources to the old four towns of the direct line as much as possible, which led to insufficient training in the towns that were not directly affiliated, and the training of officers was also extremely insufficient, making these towns not directly affiliated with the Qing army, or even inferior to many. For example, the eighth town of Zhu Tong, the ninth town of Weiyuan Hou Guo Dengdi, the tenth town of Gaojinku, and the eleventh town of Wang Xing. If these towns really want to pull out and fight against the Qing army, I am afraid that there will be more losses and fewer wins.


As the rain of arrows fell, the cavalry of the Qing army rushed into the firing range of the fire guns of the Ming army. With an order, more than 100 fire guns were fired at one time, smoke filled with gunpowder, and the guns flew, and 20 or 30 Qing troops who were at the forefront were shot down and fell off their horses. The soldiers who finished shooting the fire guns consciously retreated back, and their positions were filled by soldiers with spears. People shouted, the neighing of horses began to sound loudly, and the Qing army cavalry smashed into the Ming army column. More than a hundred paces away, the Qing troops who were shooting arrows also advanced forward, shooting big arrows at the Ming army round after round.

The personal soldier in front of Li Guoan was hit by an arrow in the door, and he didn't even scream, he just fell to the ground. Some soldiers were hit by arrows in the shoulders, and immediately fell to the ground with their shoulders covered. Although the ratio of armored soldiers in the A Brigade's squadron was quite high, leather armor and cotton armor could not completely prevent the big arrows shot by the Qing army~www. wuxiaspot.com~ And the big arrows of the Qing army's cavalry are quite effective in breaking armor.

Under the attack of the Qing army, which was rushing and shooting, the A Brigade suffered a lot of casualties. There were no archers in the fifth town, the number of fire guns was small, and the Brigade C, which was the most capable of fighting, was not there. Therefore, Brigade A and Brigade B had nothing to resist the Qing army's attack method. The fire gun soldiers were unable to organize round shots, so they could only load the medicine and blast out at the Qing army in front. The shooting of a single or a dozen fire guns is naturally not as powerful as a salvo of more than two hundred fire guns. In addition, it was night and the sight was limited, and the reloading speed of the guns was very slow, and not only had to guard against the arrows of the Qing army, but also prevented from being too nervous to see too much charge, which would cause the guns to explode. hurt myself.

Zhao Ziqiang observed the battle situation at any time. While Brigade A was supporting, Brigade B had already completed the adjustment of the queue. Lu Guangzu suggested that Brigade B be transferred to encircle the Qing army cavalry, and use the advantage of strength to consume those Qing army cavalry, but Zhao Ziqiang did not dare to do so. Do, because the Qing army's brigade of infantry has already driven over from Yumeng Mountain. At this time, if Brigade B was also assigned to besiege the Qing army's cavalry, then once the Qing army's infantry came up, the fifth town would not even have a basic line of defense.

"Go, tell Li Guoan, no matter how many people die, he will have to withstand me!"

Only now, Zhao Ziqiang has no good solution, he can only take it hard. (To be continued.)

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