Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 590: Those who don't die are soldiers

"The first battalion and the second battalion rushed to surround the clear dogs, and the third battalion went to deal with the clear dogs shooting arrows!"

Li Guoan saw that his formation was a little confused by the Qing army, so he shouted and ordered. Hearing the order, the officers and soldiers of the first battalion and the second battalion rushed forward, regardless of casualties, to surround the Qing army who rushed in. The soldiers of the third battalion also rushed towards the Qing troops who were shooting arrows.

The soldiers of the first battalion are the old foundation of Li Guoan, and the soldiers of the second battalion are the old foundation of the town general Zhao Ziqiang. One of the two battalions is superior in military discipline, and the other is superior in killing. It is the fifth town except for the third brigade. Two battalions that can be hit. The soldiers in the battalion and their families also got a lot of war dividends from the Taiping Army's previous battles, so this meeting was also fought tenaciously. Some soldiers did not think of running away after the officer died in the battle. go up.

The benefits they get on weekdays are not enough to make these former Green Battalion soldiers desperately die, but the cruel family's way of sitting together in their hearts is more powerful than the threat of the Qing army. It is impossible to expand the victory, because these Ming troops are different from those they faced in the past, they do not dare to retreat, and they are unwilling to retreat.

Not far away, Zhao Ziqiang felt a lot of pain when he saw Brigade A suffered heavy casualties under the attack of the Qing army. He knew that many of those soldiers who died in battle were veterans with him for many years. If it was possible, he would not let his direct line be damaged like this. But right now, it is difficult to ride a tiger, and you have to fight if you don't fight. It's not about casualties or casualties at all, but to fight to the death.

Going against the tide and turning sides, Zhao Ziqiang still can't do it, because he doesn't see Guoan going online. If he really wanted to surrender, Zhao Ziqiang would not surrender to Xian Guoan, who was also a Han Chinese, but to surrender to the Manchus. Surrender is also divided into good and bad. Surrender to the second Tartar can have face and a future for surrendering to the big Tartar?

But the current situation is that he Zhao Ziqiang is willing to surrender, and the other party is afraid that he will not see him. Xian Guoan came down from Guizhou all the way, but he killed a lot of prisoners and civilians. Zhao Ziqiang didn't think about anything else, but he also had to consider whether Xian Guoan would kill himself. Besides, the fifth town is defeated, and the situation in Guangxi can be as expected by other frontier Guoan?

As long as Zhou Shixiang does not die, Zhao Ziqiang will not have any thoughts of turning against the water for a day, because he is not afraid of anyone, but he is afraid of Zhou Shixiang, and he will serve Zhou Shixiang alone. If you don't accept it, you can't do it. For you, Zhao Ziqiang, can you start from scratch, and in two or three years, you can pull out a force of more than 100,000 soldiers and horses, and sit in two provinces, making the dog emperor of the Qing court uncomfortable?

"Hit, hit it off and pull it down!"

Zhao Ziqiang also figured it out. Since he can't be good today, he will fight him. It doesn't matter if the soldiers are out, it doesn't matter if they lose, what matters is whether Zhao Ziqiang can go back. He believed that even if he really lost and ran back, Zhou Shixiang would still care about himself, not for anything else, but for this loyalty.

Lu Guangzu also has nothing to say. In his opinion, what is an elite soldier? Only a few of the hundred soldiers died, and those few were elite soldiers. The Fifth Town was not an elite soldier, at least in his opinion, apart from the Brigade C, which was trained according to the Qi family army, the other two brigades were not as good as the soldiers he brought to fight Zhang Xianzhong and Sun Kewang. And the soldiers he brought back then were called elite soldiers by the Manchurians, why? It wasn't because those soldiers followed Zuo Shuai to the north and south to fight with him, or that they kept running away with Zuo Shuai and finally survived. Soldiers who escape and survive are called elite soldiers, but can those who climb out of the dead pile be called elite soldiers?

When someone else dies, the one who survives, no matter how he survives, is an elite soldier in the eyes of outsiders.

Lu Guangzu's concept of elite soldiers is so simple, so no matter how many people die in front of him, he will not feel sorry for him. The only thing he worried about was that the Qing army's infantry brigade was coming, but the Brigade A was completely held back by the Qing army's cavalry. In the current situation, let alone annihilating these Qing army cavalry, it would be even if they were defeated. A brigade up and down worked hard.


On the surface, the Qing army had the upper hand. The formation of the Ming army was torn apart and the casualties were greater than the Qing army. However, after the initial chaos, the Ming army began a targeted counterattack. Under the threat of their spears, the army could not use horsepower to slash, and some Ming troops with guns also mixed in with those with spears and swords, and from time to time they shot guns at the Qing troops on horseback. At such a close distance, and on the horse again, how could the Qing army hide, and could only watch as he was smashed from the horse.

The longer he was trapped in the Ming army, the greater the casualties. Geng Juxian wanted to order to withdraw several times, but when he saw his subordinates following behind, he suppressed the idea of ​​withdrawing several times. Not far away, Qing infantrymen with torches had already arrived, so although the casualties were a bit high, Geng Juxian felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart. Once the infantry comes up, the still chaotic Ming army will definitely be hard to resist, and this battle will be considered a victory, and he, Geng Juxian, is the person who made this feat.

Geng Juxian was thinking about his upcoming future, and Cao Rong, who was gritting his teeth and fighting against the Ming army, was also thinking about his own half of his future. The repeated slashing made his arm a little numb, but when he thought about the half of his career that would soon be available, Cao Rong regained his energy.

The arrows of the Qing army "swish, swish" into the ranks of the Ming army, and soldiers kept screaming and fell down, because they were all holding spears and swords. When the arrowed soldiers fell, the soldiers around them fell. You must be careful to avoid the body and weapons of your companions, otherwise you will easily be accidentally injured. As a result, the queue, which was not very neat, became more scattered. Fortunately, only three or four hundred Qing troops rushed in, and Li Guoan's three battalions had more than two thousand people. Therefore, although the situation was chaotic, it was impossible for the Qing army to collapse the Ming army.

Under the combined force of the two battalions of the Taiping Army, the intruding Qing army was gradually compressed, and there were spears everywhere. The Qing army clashed from the left to the right, and could not tear the gap of the Ming army even wider for a while, but it was also difficult for the Ming army to completely destroy these Qing army cavalry.

Li Guoan noticed that the Qing army shooting arrows was more dangerous than the Qing army that rushed over, so he took the brigade guards and rushed up in person with the three battalions. Seeing that the Ming army was divided into several groups, one of them was rushing towards them. The Qing army who was shooting arrows immediately turned on their horses, roared and urged the horses, drew out a long sword and a big sword, and charged straight towards the Ming army. Although the soldiers of the third battalion were chaotic, they could see the adults in the brigade moving forward with them. Although they were already panicking in their hearts, they still gritted their teeth and walked forward with the square team.

Li Guoan had already been hit by two arrows, but he was wearing iron armor, and the two arrows could not cause him any damage. The Qing army also saw Li Guoan and knew that he was the commander of the Ming army, so several Qing soldiers aimed their bows and arrows at Li Guoan. But their big arrows couldn't do any damage to Li Guoan's iron armor. At most, it only made a dent. Those arrowheads shot towards the door, as long as Li Guoan raised his arm to cover it, there would be no problem. Besides, with dozens of brigade guards guarding him, the probability of Li Guoan being shot is very small.

The hundreds of archery Qing troops who mounted their horses were eager to break through the front of the Ming army to intercept them, but the Ming army, under the leadership of its chief general, was determined to intercept them. Neither side refused to retreat, so they rushed forward. Seeing the Qing army cavalry running on horseshoes, Li Guoan kept suppressing his emotions even though he wanted to rush out with a spear in his hand, reminding himself to maintain the formation, only organized infantry could resist the cavalry's impact, so he endured Resist the urge and press the speed with the surrounding officers, so that the soldiers who follow can maintain the formation.

As he walked, Li Guoan loudly reminded his subordinates to walk in accordance with the rhythm of the suona and not to be chaotic. The soldiers who were in charge of the speed and rhythm of the team's advance by blowing the suona insisted on their mission, and the suona sounded rhythmically one after another. A suona soldier was shot and killed, and soon a second suona soldier blew the suona in his hand. The soldiers moved forward in accordance with the sound of the suona. Many spearmen, sword soldiers, and shield soldiers were standing in the same row. Looking at it from a distance, the weapons of the third battalion were uneven, but the neat formation brought The deterrent power of the Qing army still made the Qing army feel a little scalp numb.

When the Qing army cavalry was fighting with the Ming army, more and more Qing army infantry arrived. The first to arrive were Tong Zhengliang, the capital of the Han army, and Xu Tianyou, the commander-in-chief of Guilin, with about 4,000 men. After discovering that Geng Juxian's cavalry had caused chaos in the Ming army, Tong Zhengliang and Xu Tianyou smiled brightly.

After the Qing army's infantry came up, Zhao Ziqiang immediately ordered Hu Mingyi, who had already adjusted the queue, to lead the B brigade to meet the blocking. After thousands of Qing infantrymen joined the battlefield, the fifth town was immediately tight. If Lu Guangzu personally led the town guard cavalry team to take Tong Zhengliang's troops by surprise from the flank, I was afraid that the Brigade's defense line would have been penetrated.

The arrival of the infantry team boosted the morale of the remaining Qing army cavalry, but the red-eyed A Brigade dragged them all to death and prevented them from withdrawing. The commander-in-chief of the Qing army, the left-wing commander-in-chief, also arrived with Lu Sanxiang and others. At this moment, the sky is extremely dark, and it can be said that you can't see your fingers. On the battlefield in the distance, but seeing the firelight flashing, it is impossible to see what the situation is, whether the Ming army has the upper hand or the Qing army has the upper hand.

In the dark night, I don't know if there are still soldiers and horses lurking in the Ming army, so I didn't dare to easily order the whole army to attack. Lu Sanxiang, the commander-in-chief of the surrendered army, was concerned about the situation of the battle, but could not see clearly, so relying on his good equestrian skills, he stood on two horses side by side, like a juggler. The leather pocket pointed helmet on his head has been taken off, revealing a bald head that has not been shaved for a long time.

"Don't worry, Lu Zhen, the Ming army won't last long. When the artillery comes up, they will definitely be wiped out."

"Always be careful, be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years. During the day, the Ming army has succeeded a few times, and now we are wrapped up, you must be careful about them, wait for the artillery team to come, be safe~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The whole festival is full of confidence in the development of the war. This is because the Ming army has another reinforcements, but they also did not move, so they are not worried about any changes in the war. The only thing to worry about is that in the dark night, if the Ming army retreats, it will inevitably be Let them run away. He thought that the Ming army that had beaten Xu Tianyou and the others during the day was also among them, so he was in a good mood.

Lu Sanxiang smiled, sat down immediately, and said with a compliment: "With the whole town in charge, the Taiping bandits will definitely not be able to stop them, not to mention the Ming army in the daytime, even if the thief Xiucai brought people in person, it was a fiasco. ."

The whole section smiled, knowing that Lu Sanxiang was flattering, and was about to order the artillery team behind to move faster, but there was a thunderous cry of killing from Yumeng Mountain not far behind on the left.

Where did the Ming army come from?

Quanjie and Lu Sanxiang turned their heads at the same time, but when they saw it, they gasped in shock. In their sight, they saw countless torches pouring from the forest to the foot of the mountain on Yumeng Mountain, which had already been searched for no soldiers in ambush.

"not good!"

The whole section shouted, "Artillery!" (To be continued.)

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