Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 810: In the future, we will do it again!

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Four years ago, at the foot of Xinhui City, in the procession out of the city to worship, a scholar whose parents, wife and children died tragically, with a kitchen knife in his arms, knelt down in front of the Qing general Yu Yunlong with a heart full of revenge.

At that moment, history changed.

Today, the same scene is being staged again, but the person kneeling is not a scholar, and the scholar back then became the one who was kneeled.

Zhou Shixiang did not back down because he was sure that he had not harmed the young man's parents, wife and children.

There is no shame in the human heart, and there is no emptiness and no fear in nature.

He was thinking, why this young man solemnly knelt down in front of him, did he really come to avenge himself?

If this is the case, then explain it, find out the injustice of his family, and give him justice.

The young man did not answer, and after bowing a few times, he raised his head and slowly said to Zhou Shixiang: "Returning to the general's words, the villain's name is Liu Wenyuan, a pot tinker in the city, the reason why the villain kneels to the general, It's because the general ordered the burial of the Qing army's high-ranking officials to manage their loyalty, so the villain came here to thank the general!"

"Oh, who are you allegiance to?"

Zhou Shixiang raised his brows slightly. He ordered the thick burial of Guan Zhong to be loyal. It was only for political purposes, not to really bury the executioner whose hands were covered with the blood of the Han Chinese. If he could destroy Manchuria in the future, he would definitely have Guan Zhong slaughtered and dismantled. bone. No, this move has not yet achieved political success within the Qing army, but an old friend who is loyal to him came to thank him for coming, which made him a little dumbfounded.

However, Liu Wenyuan shook his head and said, "The villain is not related to Guan Zhongzhong."

Zhou Shixiang was astonished and asked why he was kneeling since he was not concerned with allegiance to his relatives and friends?

Liu Wenyuan's answer left Blind Li and the others at a loss.

It turned out that Liu Wenyuan said that his wife was tortured to death by soldiers under Guan Zhongzhong, so after hearing that Guan Zhongzhong was buried by the Taiping Army, he came to express his gratitude to the Taiping generals by kneeling and kowtowing.

This statement obviously contradicts the thinking of normal people. Common sense, this Liu Wenyuan should have come to scold Zhou Shixiang for burying his wife-killing enemy Guan Zhongyi, and then begging Zhou Shixiang to dig his wife-killing enemy from the grave for him to whip. The corpse vented his hatred, instead of kneeling and bowing to Zhou Shixiang for thanking him for his "heavy burial" of the enemy.

"Crazy, handsome, this man's brain is broken!"

Blind Li muttered, unless his brain is broken, how can this person do something to thank the enemy.

"Liu Wenyuan, you don't have to tell the truth, I know what you're thinking."

Zhou Shixiang knew that this Liu Wenyuan came to kneel on his own, obviously not a lunatic. Looking at his extremely calm appearance, I am afraid that there will be a burning anger in his heart. Thinking about it carefully, what is his imagination like back then. The only difference is that he, Zhou Shixiang, did not eat Liu Wenyuan's wife.

"Since the general knows what the villain is thinking, what does the general think the villain should do?"

Liu Wenyuan looked at Zhou Shixiang calmly, with both hope and hatred in his eyes.

Blind Li saw the sledgehammer in his hand and lifted it up. As long as there was something wrong with Liu Wenyuan, he didn't care how tragically this guy's wife died and how pitiful he was, he must be hammered to death on the spot. He has only one duty, and that is to protect the commander. Others are not important to him.

In this world, there are many more terrible and tragic things than this. Blind Li has seen so many things, and his heart has hardened a long time ago. He has done countless evils himself, not to mention that the Manchu girl in Nanjing Mancheng would not be miserable?

Blind Li believes that the miserable is not the reason why Liu Wenyuan attacked the commander. He also found the wrong target. It was the Manchus who caused this tragedy, not the Taiping army who fought against the Qing!

Zhou Shixiang sighed, there are many things that can no longer allow him to be happy and grudge. He is now the commander-in-chief of the 200,000 Taiping soldiers and the leader of Fuming, not a scholar who just wants to avenge his parents, wife and children. So he has to consider a lot of things, as long as the ultimate goal of these things is to kill all Mantar, then he will do it no matter how unwilling he is.

People, sometimes you have to compromise.

Hot blood is happy, but it is easy to get carried away.

It is impossible for Zhou Shixiang to agree to Liu Wenyuan's request, and it is impossible for him to just order a burial, and then slap himself in the face and dig out the person again. What he has to do is to maximize the value of loyalty to this dead man, rather than simply slaughtering ashes.

"Although allegiance is dead, if you hate him again, he is dead. People can't be resurrected from the dead. I deplore what happened to your wife, but you have to look at some things... Live well in the future. , If you have any difficulties at home, you may as well go to the government office for help, and say that I, Zhou Shixiang, asked you to go."

Zhou Shixiang couldn't do more for Liu Wenyuan, he could only talk about his feelings.

Hearing this, Liu Wenyuan smiled miserably, and said with grief and indignation: "My wife died, and my wife's child in May died too, and the murderers who killed them were ordered to be buried by the general, while my wife could only Lying in a thin coffin, may I ask General, how can I look away, and how can I live well?"

Zhou Shixiang was speechless for a while, because he thought, what would he have done if someone said the same to him four years ago? He must be angry, so he doesn't know how to speak.

Blind Li sneered: "Then you want revenge?"

Liu Wenyuan gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, I want revenge!"

"Although allegiance is dead, your wife's revenge has been avenged, so what revenge?"

"Although allegiance is dead, but the two Qing soldiers who captured my wife are not dead!" Liu Wenyuan suddenly became excited, and he roared: "They are now the general's soldiers, the Taiping Army! If the general really has pity on me , just ask the general to decide for me, and let the villain kill those two beasts with his own hands!"

Li Yi, the blind man, felt that Liu Wenyuan's request was not excessive. He turned his head to look at the commander, but found that the commander seemed to be in a trance.

After a long time, Zhou Shixiang slowly spoke to Liu Wenyuan: "Sorry, I can't agree to your request... Those surrendering soldiers have surrendered to me, and they will be the Taiping Army in the future. will kill them."

"Then what's the difference between your Taiping army and the Qing army? What's the difference between you and Guan Zhongcheng, general! The Taiping army is the Qing army, and the Qing army is the Taiping army. What kind of soldiers are you? Are you soldiers who specialize in harming our people! Yours? Are soldiers all beasts?"

Zhou Shixiang's icy voice reached Liu Wenyuan's ears, making him despair. He knew that his request was somewhat unrealistic, but he still knelt before the young general with a glimmer of hope. How much he wanted to hear the other party agree to his request, bind the two murderers who harmed his wife before him, and let him cut their flesh with a knife, to comfort his wife and children's spirit in heaven. But this general shattered his hopes, so ruthless, so ruthless.

what's the difference?

Zhou Shixiang was silent, Liu Wenyuan's words were a reality he faced, and it was also the reality of the Taiping Army, that is, the Taiping Army was an army composed of murderers from the very beginning!

Among them, there were bandits, the surrendered troops who slaughtered the city, and even Manchus and Mongolians. Most of the officers and soldiers had their hands stained with the blood of the Han people, and even Zhou Shixiang also had the blood of the Han people. Although he did not do it himself, can he say that the innocent people who were killed in Chaozhou and the people who were robbed and killed in HN had nothing to do with him?

Are those people wronged?


Should the Taiping Army, the murderer, die?


But can it really be so?

Is there really no difference between the Taiping army and the Qing army?

If there is no difference, if the existence of the Taiping Army is to kill more people and take in more murderers, then everything Zhou Shixiang has done is right?

If there is no Taiping Army, the Manchu Qing has now unified China, and if there is no war, naturally there will be no deaths. People can get peace, even if they live humble, they can always live. But because of the Taiping Army, this war that should have ended has continued, and it has intensified, and more people will die in the future. Is this fair to the common people who yearn for the end of the war and just want to live a humble life, regardless of whether he is the Manchu Emperor or the Zhu Emperor?

Is it unacceptable to have multiple braids at the back of the head?

They just want to live!

Is Liu Wenyuan's request reasonable?

Is it so difficult to hand over the two murderers of his wife?

If you don't pay, are your subordinates really the soldiers of the beasts that Liu Wenyuan said? Does it mean that Zhou Shixiang has only done one thing in the past few years, that is, constantly recruiting beasts under his command!

No, it's definitely different, there's definitely a difference!

Zhou Shixiang sighed deeply, waved his hand to let the blind man Li who was standing in front of him go away, and walked slowly to Liu Wenyuan.

"Four years ago, there was a scholar about the same age as you, because King Li Jin of the Ming Dynasty besieged the city, and the city was cut off. So the Qing soldiers defending the city rushed into the scholar's house and killed the scholar's parents. After two days, the Qing soldiers rushed into the house again and wanted to eat Xiucai, but the Xiucai's wife struggled and said to the Qing soldiers, "My meat is relatively tender, so eat me first. After another day, the Qing soldiers came back and put This Xiucai's only relative, the only son, fell to his death, took him out with a calf and ate him. Less than ten days later, King Li Jin withdrew. Xiucai survived, but he was the only one in his family. , there is no one left."

Zhou Shixiang's voice was very calm, as calm as he was talking at home.

"This scholar is afraid every night, afraid of having nightmares. He really wants to dream of his parents, wife and children, but every time he dreams of them, he can only see them crying **** to him. The only way for him to escape It is to sharpen a kitchen knife, constantly sharpen the knife, and sharpen the knife to the point where blisters form on the handle, and when the blisters burst, pus and blood flow out. Only by sharpening the knife can Xiu Cai temporarily forget his family and numb himself."

"Big guy!"

Guard Yao Wenlong's eyes turned red. He is a small fellow of Zhou Shixiang and an old man of the Xinhui of the Taiping Army. He knew who the protagonist of this story was, and his own parents and elder sister were also eaten by the Qing soldiers, and he felt the same way. Blind Li also had red eyes.

Zhou Shixiang shook his head and told Yao Wenlong not to speak.

"If there were no Ming soldiers, this scholar could have gone to the province to take the exam. He would have been admitted to the examination as a juren master. In a few years, he would go to Beijing to take the exam. He would be a jinshi, and he would be released as an official. rich..."

"If there were no soldiers from the Great Ming Dynasty, this scholar would still be able to live well in the village no matter how poor he was. He would be Mr. Xixi for a wealthy family for a few years, and then he would buy a piece of Fukuo Tiangong, whose master had died, to study for a lifetime.

"If there is no big Ming soldier, this scholar's child is already seven years old. At this moment, the father and son are sitting under the study window, either writing or reading, the two old men are looking at us happily, and the wife is happy with tea and water..."


Zhou Shixiang's voice was getting lower and lower, and his eyes were looking at the south, as if he wanted to pierce the sky with his eyes. Liu Wenyuan, who was kneeling on the ground, lowered his head and whimpered on the ground. He was not a fool. He knew that the general of the Taiping Army was talking about himself.

In the world, what can be more mutually understandable than pity for the same sickness? !

Zhou Shixiang looked down at him, suddenly smiled, and said firmly: "Unfortunately! There is no if in the world!"

"This scholar doesn't blame the Ming soldiers, he knows who the enemy is! Eight years ago, if there were no Qing soldiers, the 800,000 people in Guangzhou would still be alive and well. Every year when they go to the festival and go to the market, the scholar can go to the provincial capital to write poems. To sing; ten years ago, no Qing troops came, and 300,000 people in Nanchang were still preparing rice, noodles and pork for the New Year festival, happily preparing for the New Year; fifteen years ago, no Qing troops came, this Yangzhou in Nanzhili , Jiangyin, Jiading, Kunshan, as well as your millions of parents and folks in Suzhou, you can drink a small wine every few days, listen to a play, watch flowers in spring, hear insects in autumn, parents and family gather together, happy! "

"But what happened to them? What about the people, where are they!"

"Four years ago, Xiu Cai said to the whole city in the city where his parents, wife and children died tragically: As long as this thief is clear, you are pigs and sheep to be slaughtered! There is only the difference between being slaughtered sooner or later, and there is no freedom not to be pigs and sheep. ..You think your life was stable before, that's because the thief Qing Tartar was eating other people's meat, it's not your turn yet!... But even pigs and sheep, when they were killed, they either howled or struggled. As long as this thief Qing is here, there will always be people who will rebel, there will always be people who will resist, there will always be people who don’t want to be pigs and sheep, but want to be people!”

"What I'm doing now is to make people in the world stop being pigs and sheep of alien animals, so that people in the world will no longer be eaten by their parents, wives and children like scholars, and no longer be humiliated to death by wives like you. There are fields to farm, food to eat, and clothes to wear, and they will not be insulted at will, nor will they be robbed and killed. The elderly can be filially raised, and the young children can be favored.”

"Those thieves who eat human flesh and drink human blood don't want us to live such a life, what if they want to continue to treat the people of the world like pigs and sheep?! I have no choice, I can only take the sharp-edged knife. The kitchen knife will resist and kill the beast who ordered to eat the entire city, including my parents, wife and children! Only men who want revenge just like me can kill the Tartars for revenge!"

"In the past fifteen years, Yan Dianshi in Jiangyin City has been defeated, Huguang's counterattack has been defeated, King Li Jin of Southwest China has been defeated, and this time King Yanping of Xiamen has also been defeated. There are more than millions of soldiers and civilians! But they have not given up or surrendered again and again, just to express their ill-will and give justice to the world! Now, we have finally succeeded! We have recovered the southern capital and Jiangnan, and you will have the opportunity to go to Guangdong and Guangxi in the future. Let's see, whether the people and villagers under the Taiping Army are people or pigs and sheep as usual!"

Zhou Shixiang became excited and spoke faster and faster. The longer he suppressed the pain, the more it spewed out like lava. The people around them were already crying. They remembered their own suffering and their relatives who died many years ago.

Qian Qianyi and Liu Rushi also cried, and the painful memories of fifteen years were brought back by Zhou Shixiang's memories, as if they were right in front of them.

"Today, I can tell you. The Qing soldiers of Suzhou City in the past and the Ming soldiers of the present, I will not kill them, and I will not even punish them. Many of them are guilty, and it is a capital crime, a heinous crime. But since I Allow them to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds. They are my children Erlang. They will die for me, for you, for Daming, and for the Han people in the world to stop being pigs and sheep. If you want to resent, resent me alone. It's gone. When I destroy this thief Qing Tartar who has afflicted the world, let's come back to this city gate and make a break!"


Liu Wenyuan, who was crying into tears, suddenly stood up and gave a big salute to Xiucai again.

"Please, Commander, let me join the army, so that I can avenge the death of my family!"


The following is a feeling, I really have to vomit, it may make everyone spend a penny more, and this tomorrow's update will be compensated.

Stop arguing about the Suzhou plot, and stop arguing about some things about that era. I was really screwed up by some book friends. I can arrange every plot very virtuously to make you all happy, instead of writing this kind of plot that makes you criticize, scold, or even accuse my character.

This kind of plot will make you abandon your book, you will lose your subscription, and I know it's not good for me. But isn't this book based on your approval from the very beginning to the present? As I said at the beginning, this work is a **** work, not a warm, and not a family-friendly type.

Maybe, I was wrong. I thought I was digging a hole for myself, but I couldn't take care of the readers' reading habits and comfort, which made you feel awkward and abrupt. In this regard, I will improve and learn from lessons to better improve myself.

But I think that the stories I wrote may be very close to the real situation of that era. As I said earlier, don't expect Xiucai to change too much of this era overnight, he is just a person, not a god. Some things that we modern people think are heinous, but in that era they were praised as virtuous politics.

In troubled times, the important thing is to survive. Only alive, can we talk about other things.

Xiucai does not dominate China now, he still has great enemies, and there are many enemies. It is impossible for him to free up his hands to improve the society with the ideas of modern people before the enemy has retreated. For example, the terrible feudal etiquette, before destroying the privileges of the gentry and clan, wants to talk about change, that is a joke. Regarding the plot of the woman, why the government cannot come forward, I have made it clear in the book, I have also compromised, and let He Dongjun clean up this mess instead of insisting on implementing the means you strongly oppose. But this is also the last time I respect the opinions of the book reviews~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I will not give in easily and change the direction of my story because of your objections.

My dear readers who like to give critical opinions, you must be clear: the evil feudal etiquette is really cannibalistic, and it cannot be changed in one day, two days, or a year or two!

Why can Guangdong promote some policies? That's because Guangdong is cleansed and has a small population. And just after occupying Jiangnan, it is obviously unrealistic to implement the policy of Guangdong. Therefore, Xiucai doesn't have time to change all the evil things, he can only adapt first, because his main thing now is to deal with Fulin.

Alright, let's stop here, it's too long, and you're tired of reading it.

Finally, I would like to ask some young readers and friends to show respect to Hedong Junliu Ru Shi. In my writing, she is a respectable heroine of women's middle school, not a vase girl who will ride when the protagonist of Ming Dynasty travels through time. Master (with).

Furthermore, the reader who complained that I did not accept He Dongjun but wrote about her repeatedly, your taste is too strong. He Dongjun is very old, forty-five years old. At that time, he belonged to a grandma-level woman. You actually want a scholar to accept this one, and you still complain if you don't accept it. It's really unbearable for an uncle to endure a sister-in-law! (To be continued.) Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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