Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 811: What's wrong with my Fan family?

The reason for the fall of the Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty lies in the omission of government affairs, too lenient with the scholars, and too strict with the common people. What is gained, Fan Jian Yongdou, a person from the Ming Dynasty, and a descendant of the Han Dynasty, but during the national war, he did not benefit the country and a hair, but he re-cleared the letter of the people?

There is no one who does not care about the survival of the Han people, only cares about the selfishness of the family, and seeks small profits and forgets the righteousness. How can the Qing people rise so quickly without the benefits of iron tools? It is really about sending sharp knives and hating pirates. The beginning of the three massacres in Jiading and the tenth day in Yangzhou began with the hands of Shanxi merchants, although this hatred will never be eliminated!

Shanxi businessmen, national scum! This coffin conclusion!


In the "Zhonghetang" of the Fan family compound, which was bestowed by the emperor of the Qing Dynasty himself, bright giant candles were lit.

The family's daughter-in-law, Mrs. Liu, sat blankly in the hall, with two 15- or 16-year-old maids standing beside her.

It was late at night, but Liu Shi was reluctant to go to sleep. The two little maids were young and tried hard to endure the drowsiness, and from time to time they secretly turned their faces to yawn.

After the third watch, butler Zhao, who had lived in Fan's house all his life, saw that it was not a problem for the young lady to sit like this, so he entered the hall and persuaded: "Young grandma, you should go to bed first, there is really any news from the provincial capital. Come here, I'm here, you can rest assured. Besides, don't worry too much. Our master is a royal businessman proclaimed by the emperor. He is a member of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. There's nothing wrong with the lord."

A maid named Lvcui also persuaded: "Young Mistress, you are still pregnant, but you can't endure like this, you should rest now."

Liu Shi just shook his head slowly, but still didn't make a sound. She looked at thirty or so people, her appearance was very beautiful, but her body was a little weak. Wei Qi's belly is her second child, and the eldest was born four years ago, named Yu Xin.

"The province and the government have to use money, and the capital has to send money. No matter how much money is spent, we have to rescue the master! If it still doesn't work, we'll go and sue the imperial court. Daqing is working hard, but yesterday these officials said that if you arrest the master, you will arrest the master? And they beat the master so badly, do they still have a law in their eyes!"

Liu's anger is really hard to calm down. It's a good thing. The soldiers came from the province, and they locked up her master without asking indiscriminately. Her husband Fan Sanba was also beaten by the soldiers. I can't get out of bed now.

Butler Zhao hesitated for a while, and said, "Young mistress, it's not that I didn't send it up, but those officials didn't dare to accept it, saying that this time it was an imperial envoy from Beijing who wanted to run our Fan family, and those people in the province are now hiding from our Fan family. It's like a plague, everyone thinks our family's money is hot!"

"There are still people in this world who think money is hot!"

There was indescribable grief and anger in Liu's voice, but housekeeper Zhao was afraid that the young grandmother would hurt the fetus, so he didn't dare to speak again. Liu Shi was angry for a while, then waved his hand, motioning him to go down. Butler Zhao wanted to persuade him again, but Mrs. Liu just waved his hand, but Steward Zhao didn't dare to make a sound and quietly retreated.

The two maids were disappointed when they saw the housekeeper go down. They felt bitter in their hearts. God knows how long the young lady will stay here.

Mrs Liu held her head in one hand and sat alone for a while, then suddenly got up and knelt down in front of the ancestral tablet, and said in a low voice, "The ancestors of the Fan family are on top, and Mrs. Liu of the Fan family is here today to pray sincerely for the spirit of the ancestors in the sky, and bless the master. Be safe and sound, bless the uncle's body to improve quickly, bless my Fan family's family health!"

After Liu's prayer, she felt a little at ease. The maid helped her to stand up. Suddenly, her heart ached for no reason. She couldn't help being in a trance, as if the sky was about to collapse. Said: "My ancestors and ancestors, I think of my Fan family, I have been in business for a hundred years, and I have never done a single thing that hurts the world. This family business is all made by the master from scratch. Spend money, build bridges and build roads, give away porridge for money, build temples extensively, and gilt bodhisattvas. Which one doesn’t talk about our Fan family’s benevolence, righteousness and faith! Why should the master take this lawsuit, and why should God come down? This disaster is for my Fan family? If my Fan family loses, there is no reason for it."

Liu shi prayed and shed tears. She looked at the portraits that were enshrined in the rows so devoutly.

The portraits are all ancestors of the Fan family, but 20 years ago these portraits were Han people's clothes, but now they have become Manchu clothes. This is because the Fan family was granted the status of the Ministry of Internal Affairs by the Emperor of the Qing Dynasty, and the head of the family, Fan Yongdou, felt that he was already a bannerman, so he wanted to honor his ancestors and specially invited painters to repaint all the portraits of the ancestors.

Liu shi just knelt like this for a long time, only because the maid came to report that her husband Fan Sanba was awake, so she quickly got up to see her husband.

Fan Sanba is the only son of Fan Yongdou and is very shrewd and capable. Since the Fan family was named the Imperial Merchant and became a member of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Fan Yongdou and his son took advantage of the authority of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to greatly expand their business scope by taking advantage of the privileges and conveniences granted by the Qing Dynasty. On the one hand, it continued to operate frontier trade, and on the other hand, it carried out silk, cloth, tea and grain trade in the customs. The family property has doubled, and he has become a veritable first royal merchant. There are more than 300 servants in this compound in Zhangjiakou~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There are also fifty-three shops in the city belonging to the Fan family. Other places are even more terrifying.

When Liu came, Fan Sanba, who was injured by the officers and soldiers, was struggling on the couch and shouting: "Come on, I want to get up, come on, help me up!"

Mrs Liu walked over quickly and took the medicine bowl from the servant: "Master, lie down and drink the medicine first."

Fan Sanpu pushed it away: "I don't want to drink, I want to get up!"

Tears welled up in Liu's eyes, and she said in a trembling voice, "Master"

His wife's tears softened Fan Sanba's heart and stopped struggling.

Before he was injured, Fan Sanba had a dignified appearance, and every move was the prestige of a wealthy businessman, but now, he no longer had any prestige, but a man who couldn't move on the bed. God is very haggard.

With tears in her eyes, Liu gave her husband the medicine, but after just a few mouthfuls, Fan Sanpu spit it out with a puff and fell down, closing his eyes and gasping for breath. Liu Shi was shocked and called the doctor repeatedly, but then saw Fan Sanba prop up half of his body and said with difficulty but decisively: "Don't call the doctor, help me... sit up!"

Liu Shi hesitated for a while, and had to help her husband with his servants to lie down and sit on the quilt.

Fan Sanba closed his eyes and rested for a while before opening them. He panted for a while and asked his wife, "Are they willing to let my father come back?"

Liu shook his head, and Fan Sanba felt even more painful after seeing it.

When Liu saw this, he couldn't bear it in his heart, turned his face away and whispered: "Master, the master is locked in the province, and the people sent by our family are not allowed to see, and no one dares to ask for the money sent. It's the imperial envoy from Beijing who wants to run our Fan family, I'm afraid that our Fan family is afraid that a catastrophe is coming."

Hearing this, Fan Sanba's body posture did not relax, but his hand subconsciously grabbed a snuff bottle beside him and held it irritably, the snuff bottle was inadvertently broken by Fan Sanba. (To be continued.)

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