Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 868: weird stuff

After discovering that the firearms of the Taiping Army began to sparse and misfire, the swarming Qing soldiers became more courageous. Although some colleagues fell down on the way, the pace of the Qing army was getting faster and faster, and it seemed that there was nothing in the world. Something can hold them back.

The Taiping Army suffered a certain degree of casualties. Among them, there were more than 3,000 casualties in the second town and the new second town on the central line. The defense lines of the two towns were also broken by one third by the Qing troops. At this time, it was cut off by the Qing soldiers.

The smooth advance made the morale of the Qing army high, and the previous casualties were nothing. The living Qing soldiers thought of the upcoming victory and credit, and they would care about their dead companions. They stepped on the bodies of their dead comrades and crossed the fortifications of the Taiping army, over the obstacles, and little by little they approached the retreating Taiping army, and little by little they drove them towards the Grand Canal.

The smooth advance of the infantry greatly inspired and stimulated the Manchu and Mongolian cavalry. Groups of Manchu and Mongolian cavalry rode their horses in front, and the front line was full of Manchu and Mongolian soldiers wielding sabres or shooting arrows with bows. In the eyes of the soldiers of Manchu and Mongolia, the firearms of the Taiping bandits are of little use. As long as they rush up, those Taiping bandits with burning sticks will only be slaughtered. Some Mongolian cavalrymen eager to get credit even overtook the infantry, causing the Han army and the Green Battalion infantry who were left behind to scold the Mongolian soldiers in their hearts, but they had no choice but to watch the results they tried so hard to achieve. It just fell into the hands of the Man Meng soldiers.

Ao Bai's banner of the Chinese army is also advancing with the front line. Ao Bai has never taken seriously the achievements of Man Meng's children, and he does not think it is a thing. He is very happy to see the flags of the Manchu and Mongolian children galloping back and forth on the battlefield, because attaching importance to the Han soldiers does not mean that he regards the Han people as better than the Manchu and Mongolian children. In his bones, Aobai still doesn't look down on him, and he can't trust the Han people.

"You said, where is the thief show? Is he going to run away?"

The battle situation was so good that it was rare for Aobai to joke with the Goshhas. Chang Adai from the left wing sent a battle report. He was about to break Daijiazhuang. important. As long as the Chinese army of thieves and talents is defeated, this battle will be won by the Qing Dynasty. He finally had the face to go to see the master, instead of being ashamed of the master as before when Guazhou and Bianjiahekou were defeated, he had no face to see the master.

On the Tianzhong Tower, Guo Xiong's expression became more and more nervous. His throat kept moving up and down, trying to say something, but when he saw that there was no change in the face of the handsome man beside him, he swallowed his words repeatedly. down.

Zhou Shi turned a blind eye to the crazy attack of the Qing army, and was calm and scary. In his sight, a thousand households in Xiner Town were directing his subordinates to retreat to the rear, trying to get out of contact with the Qing soldiers. However, the Qing soldiers bit them like maggots attached to their bones, so that the thousand households had to stop and organize their subordinates to fight back, in order to force the Qing soldiers to successfully take their subordinates down.

In Guo Xiong's line of sight, the soldiers who had withdrawn from the second town were under the organization of the officers, firing their last salvo at the chasing Qing soldiers. In the sound of gunshots, a large number of Qing soldiers fell, and some Qing soldiers were retreating in panic or running to both sides, but they did not know that the Taiping army on the opposite side had no way to organize such a neat salvo again.

Some soldiers who could no longer shoot their guns had to drop their guns, pick up the knives and guns of their dead comrades, and fight hand-to-hand with the rushing Qing soldiers. Scene after scene of life-and-death battles are being staged in every direction of the battlefield, at every point

Prince Horqin, the emperor's uncle Wu Keshan and his younger brother Zasakbele Sonomu, the military governor, entered the battlefield. The addition of tens of thousands of Mongolian soldiers made the Qing army's offensive intensify.

When the sun was directly overhead, the defense line of the Taiping army was smashed for more than three miles. Whether it was the center line or the flanks, the Qing army had the absolute upper hand.

Horqin Right Front Banner, Duoluo County King Oqier, led 2,000 Inner Mongolian soldiers, more than 3,000 Outer Mongolian soldiers, and more than 1,000 Manchu soldiers with two red flags broke into the defense line of the new second town of the Taiping Army. With the cooperation of the Green Battalion and the Han Army, they continued to They captured three Taiping positions and even captured more than ten Taiping artillery pieces.

In sight, the Taiping Army was fleeing to the rear in embarrassment. Not far away, the Yizhen River and the Grand Canal are clearly visible. Ozil was full of pride, and he believed that the Taiping army had been defeated by this level of battle. They can no longer have the opportunity to come back, and what the Qing army has to do next is to divide the still resisting Taiping army into several groups, and then annihilate them one by one. Finally, they can report victory to the emperor of Yangzhou.

The performance of the Outer Mongolian soldiers also made Aobai very satisfied. I thought that these Mongolian soldiers outside the mouth were very unbearable, only slightly stronger than the horse bandits. I didn't want to think that after the war started, the Outer Mongolian soldiers had a bravery, and there were several breakthrough points. It was these Outer Mongolian soldiers who were not afraid of death and won with extremely high casualties.

On the battlefield, it is a competition of courage, and the two sides are intertwined with each other~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Every moment someone is falling down. At this moment, the competition is the will of both sides to see who can persevere to the end and who can persevere until the other side collapses.

It was difficult for the Qing soldiers to understand what the Taiping bandits who were fighting to the death were thinking. They were clearly at a disadvantage, but they did not surrender or collapse.

Belle Tentai has been supervising the battle on the front line, so he was most impressed by the tenacity of the Taiping bandits. When he rode his horse to a high ground and saw the corpses everywhere, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. The source of this chill was that he had never met a Ming army so determined and unwilling to collapse. Back then, as long as dozens or hundreds of Ming troops were killed, the rest of the Ming army would lose their fighting spirit and flee. Now, no matter how many people die, even if the opponent is clearly retreating, it will not collapse. This fighting consciousness is A very scary thing, but also a very dangerous thing.

If the Taiping bandits cannot be dealt with, the Qing Dynasty may really perish in their hands.

Tun Tai couldn't help but think so.

"Press it up and kill them all."

Tun Tai once again spurred the horse, and more than a thousand Manchu disciples galloped forward with his horse. They waved their swords excitedly, just to kill thieves and soldiers happily.

"Shut up!"

Tun Tai suddenly stopped his horse and looked at Li Xu in front of him with some doubts. There, the Taiping bandits didn't know what they were doing, and even put some iron buckets on the battlefield. that's weird stuff

Update No. 2 is a regular release. There will be a description in the daily update. If there is no update, then the bones will not be able to open, and it is also certain that the person has died and is in a funeral. Our custom here is to hold funerals for three days, so it will definitely be updated after three days. (One more nonsense, things are very annoying, some things are difficult for my grandson-in-law to say) (To be continued.)

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