Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 869: make the storm stronger

Tuntai was surprised that Zasakbeile of Horqin and Sonomu, the third uncle of the Qing emperor, also noticed the big iron barrels that appeared on the flat ground ahead. From a distance, those big iron buckets are like the stumps of old trees with twisted roots, which are slantingly exposed on the soil. After hitting the horse and looking again, I found that the big iron buckets were standing obliquely in the mud pits. In the pit, there were still two or three Taiping bandits squatting.

Confusion did not stop Tuntai and Sonomu from riding their horses forward, and it was impossible for the Manchu and Mongolian soldiers who were rushing to turn around and run back because of the sudden appearance of strange things. The Green Battalion and the Han army were also holding their weapons and chasing forward.

Wu Keshan also saw the big iron barrel in front of him. After searching in his mind, he was sure that the iron barrel-like monsters were not the Ming army weapons he had seen before, and the Taiping bandit in front of him was being driven out. Staying back, he didn't think these monsters would be any traps, so the appearance of those monsters didn't cause him enough attention.

In Zhou Shixiang's eyes, those Qing troops who were rushing in frantically, whether in Manzhou and Mongolia, or in the green camp of the Han army, were almost dead. If they don't want to die, turn around and run now as soon as possible. After all, the farthest range of the unscrupulous gun is only 150 meters. As long as the Qing army is not within the firing range and explosion range, it will only be shocked by the unscrupulous cannon, and will not be killed by it.

Zhou Shixiang had great confidence in the unconscionable guns, and the source of this confidence was the description of his achievements in the Military History Museum. The reason why he decided to fight the Shunzhi army decisively was not only that the Ordnance Bureau had made and transported the flying thunder cannon in time, but on the other hand, it was because the Guan Ning army in Yungui had a change.

The military intelligence agent who sneaked into Guizhou reported that Wu Sangui's Guan Ning army had advanced into Guizhou, occupied Guiyang and other important towns, and deployed troops to the Sichuan-Guizhou border. There are various indications that Wu Sangui is likely to enter Sichuan from Guizhou, and a piece of information sent by Feng Shuangli, King of Qingyang, from Jianchang a few days ago shows that since Doni led the full Mongolian troops across Sichuan, Gao Minzhan, governor of Qing Sichuan, sent people to Wu Sangui. After getting in touch, he secretly killed several generals who were loyal to the Manchu Qing Dynasty, under the pretense that they were defeated and killed by the Ming army in Jianchang.

The information was obtained by Feng Shuangli from Tan Hong, who had surrendered to the Qing Dynasty. Tan Hong privately expressed his regret for the surrender to Feng Shuangli's messenger, and at the same time he definitely told Feng Shuangli that Gao Minzhan must have voted for Wu Sangui.

Zhou Shixiang judged that Gao Minzhan had indeed turned his back on the Qing court and joined Wu Sangui, because he was now alone in Sichuan, with Feng Shuangli and other departments in Jianchang, and Wen'an's department in East Sichuan. There were rumors everywhere that Wu Sangui had enshrined Emperor Yongli, plus the restoration of the southern capital, no matter how you look at it, the future of the Manchu Qing Dynasty was not good.

Although Gao Minzhan was a bannerman of the Han army, he was not stupid. Most of his soldiers were descended from the former Ming army, and one by one had long been unstable. When Dhoni's army passed through Sichuan, they also harmed these surrendered troops. Many generals of the Ming army who listened to Gao Minzhan's words and put their family members in Chengdu are all wives and daughters, calling them a scourge. Can they be reconciled? Coupled with the rendering of the Guizhou Green Camp who escaped from the mouth of the Manchurian soldiers, the green camp in Sichuan can still be willing to work for the Manchus to be a ghost!

In addition, Li Guoying completely threw Sichuan's defense to Gao Minzhan. If Wu Sangui turned against him, Guan Ning's army would definitely enter Sichuan. At that time, Gao Minzhan would be on the front line, and to keep Sichuan Gao Minzhan was nothing but defending the soil. If you can't keep it, you will fall to the ground. Furthermore, Wu Sangui's subordinates and the newly recruited Daxi Army are all elite and strong generals, and there are more than 100,000 people. Gao Minzhan can rely on two thousand people. The disparity, Gao Minzhan dare to carry it? I'm afraid that even if I borrow him a hundred more courage, I won't dare to carry it! Therefore, his best choice is to rely on Wu Sangui and wait for Wu Jun to enter Sichuan. He will release the switch card and lead Wu Jun to Baoning. If Wu Jun can take Baoning to Hanzhong, enter Xi'an, and leave Tongguan, Gao Minzhan can't say that he is the hero of the restoration of Ming Dynasty. .

The abacus was really good. Zhou Shixiang thought to himself that if he was Gao Minzhan, he would choose to rely on Wu Sangui instead of the Taiping Army across Huguang. After all, Wu Sangui's army was right in front of his eyes, and the Taiping army could not kill him.

Zhou Shixiang doubted whether it was because of Gao Minzhan's defection that Wu Sangui, who had been hesitant to wait and see, made up his mind to enter Sichuan quickly. No matter what causes Wu Sangui to move, it is a great threat to Zhou Shixiang. With the help of Gao Minzhan, Wu Jun took Sichuan effortlessly. After passing the most difficult route of Shu, Wu Jun had an 80% chance of winning in Hanzhong. In the future, it is very likely that it will enter Xi'an in the east and then go out of Tongguan to take advantage of the fishermen who fought against Zhou Shixiang and Fulin, and first enter North China to take Beijing.

The situation really changed. Zhou Shixiang made a wedding dress for Wu Sangui by fighting to death here in the south of the Yangtze River. Therefore, Zhou Shixiang decided to fight Shunzhi. The purpose of the decisive battle was not to completely destroy the Qing army gathered in Yangzhou, but to force Shunzhi back to Beijing and block Wu Sangui who would advance eastward from Shaanxi. Let Wu Sangui not be able to pick up cheap.

Although King Tang had already been enthroned as emperor, Zhou Shixiang never thought that Yongli would really be willing to give up the throne and be the emperor. Moreover, this person is now in the hands of Wu Sangui. He just doesn't want to be the emperor, and he doesn't want to make himself a puppet to be used by others.

The existence of Yongli has always been a hurdle that cannot be overcome. If Wu Sangui entered Beijing first, then the legality of the Tang King's sacrifice to the Xiaoling Mausoleum to become emperor in Nandu would be weakened. In any case, Beijing is more important than Nanjing, and I am afraid that the military troubles will increase sharply, and the political troubles will also increase.

Prompted by these two factors, a decisive battle is naturally inevitable.

Zhou Shixiang on the Tianzhong Pagoda has never left the telescopic mirror with his hands at this moment. In the sight, there are all the Qing troops rushing in. He is looking forward to the Qing army to invest more

The Qing army is very excited. Can you not feel excited about running after the enemy? This excitement, but it represents the military exploits and rewards~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and even the subsequent rewards for the thieves and pirates. This Taiping bandit has washed the whole city of Nandu, so how much wealth did he make? Even if the soldiers of Mongolia and Mongolia eat meat, the fallen bones can drive them crazy.

No one in the Qing army would have thought that they would be defeated. With the current situation on the battlefield, Zhao Zilong, the thief, was reborn, and it was absolutely irreversible.

Ao Bai was only short of commenting on the Taiping Army as "defeats like a mountain". He was far away and failed to find the monsters in the Taiping army. He just kept ordering Goshiha to mobilize all the troops and horses. No matter what, he had to completely defeat the thief and talented Chinese army, and it was best to capture them alive. That thief scholar also gave him a taste of being cut alive.

Seeing that his subordinates fell one by one under the pursuit of the Qing soldiers, but the Qing soldiers were still within the range of the unscrupulous cannons, the town general of Xiner Town, Zhu Qinglai, had a serious expression on his face. Although he had no doubts about the unconscionable cannons said by the commander, but the casualties in Xiner Town still made Zhu Qinglai unable to resist ordering the firing of cannons several times.

In Zhu Qinglai's eyes, the dead subordinates were all like treasures. Zhu Qinglai never thought that he was a person who could not fluctuate in his heart in the face of the casualties of his subordinates, and was almost cruel and ruthless. He knew that the casualties of Xiner Town would definitely be supplemented after the war, but he could avoid the casualties of his subordinates, no matter what method he could do. Will definitely do it.

But now, he can only endure it, because the Qing army has not yet entered the range. He needs to be full of Qing troops within the range of unscrupulous cannons

In the afternoon, I received a notice that from the 12th to the 18th, I will go to Shanghai University to participate in the "Advanced Seminar for History Writers" jointly organized by the Chinese Writers Association, China Literature Group and Shanghai University. The editor asked me if I would like to go, I thought about it and agreed to go. Now this time, it is even more tense. ps: The name sounds very high, and the bones are also advanced, hehe (to be continued.)

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