Happy Together

Chapter 530: Chase three children?

Ruan Qing's cheeks flushed, her head still resting on his shoulder, "No, I just miss you."

"Oh? Just miss me, nothing else?" Rong Haochuan asked her with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

She coughed slightly, raised her eyebrows and looked at him with a smile, "Bad man, drive your car."

Rong Haochuan laughed loudly, raised his hand and squeezed her face, "What you are afraid of, tell me what you think, I am your man, of course I should satisfy you unconditionally."

His words made her even more embarrassed.

But if she was ashamed, it was nothing. Then, she glared at him, "This is what you said, then when the time comes, you have to listen to me, if I ask you to stop, you have to stop and let you move. You move again."

Rong Haochuan couldn't help coughing and laughing, his thin lips closed, and he stopped talking.

The woman was pulling him into the sleeve.

The two went to dinner and then went back to Yujin Palace.

Rong Haochuan had a meeting for a day and was a little uncomfortable. He went to do a group of exercises before taking a shower and going to bed.

But even though he was already fast, when he came back, the woman was already asleep on the bed.

Ruan Qing's original intention was to wait for him to come back.

But I don't know how, so I fell asleep while waiting.

However, Rong Haochuan certainly wouldn't let her go so easily. She had already been stunned by her in the car. How could there be any reason to let her go to sleep so easily?

"Rong, Rong Haochuan...whatever you say, don't you want to unconditionally fulfill my wish? I...want to sleep...you are not allowed to disturb me..."

Ruan Qing was pulled over by him, and subconsciously pulled the quilt over and blocked her chest, knowing that this man had always done foreplay.

But now she was sleepy and didn't want to start him.

Rong Haochuan sighed and pulled away the quilt she was blocking between the two of them. He leaned over and kissed her red lips heavily. The skillful kissing skills he had cultivated on her for a long time, he took her away. The kisses were breathless.

"Tell me, do you still want to sleep?" He gasped, and asked, lying next to her ear.

She shook her head with red cheeks, her glaring eyes entwined with him.

"Baby, say you love me..." he said in a hoarse voice, opening his lips and biting her sensitive earlobe.

Ruan Qing looked at his deep eyes obsessed with her, and curled her lips, "Rong Lang, I love you, I love you..."

"Well, go ahead!" Rong Haochuan grunted contentedly, and said.

"I love you Rong Haochuan...I love you...I love you..."

The sky is getting brighter.

Ruan Qing woke up very early today.

Looking at the man who was still asleep next to her, she didn't get up in a hurry and lay quietly hugging him.

When we met last night, she did not ask, nor did he say, as if nothing happened.

Rong Haochuan rarely brings pressure from work to her or to her home.

He seemed relaxed and comfortable almost every time he returned home.

"Why wake up so early?"

Rong Haochuan realized that she was awake, turned over and put her in his arms, and continued to sleep with her in his arms.

"It's nothing, just can't sleep. Husband, I heard that Baichuan has been in trouble recently, is it true?" She asked in a low voice, and this question had been in her heart all night.

Rong Haochuan opened his eyes a bit, and looked down at her in his arms, "It's a little troublesome, but it's a small trouble, don't worry."

"Really? But I heard that the three groups are uniting to deal with us. Is this true?" Ruan Qing looked up at him.

Rong Haochuan looked at her quietly for a while, and laughed, "Daughter-in-law, if Baichuan is so easy to shake, it won't be called Baichuan. They only move their fur, and we already have countermeasures. They can't be proud of it. How long!"

Ruan Qing looked at his strategizing appearance, and asked in confusion, "Really, then, that Li family, is that Li Juan's home?"

"Yeah." He replied softly and closed his deep eyes.

"Why did she do this? You are also friends for so many years after all, she won't hate her because of love, right?" She said uneasy.

Although she is also a woman, she has to say that some women are indeed vicious and do decisive things, no worse than men.

"Whatever she thinks, it doesn't matter to us anymore." Rong Haochuan sighed and hugged her tightly, while taking the phone on the table, he called Zhao Bin, "Hey, this morning Push the schedule, I want to catch up."

Ruan Qing sighed softly, Li Juan, a woman who looks so gentle, unexpectedly would do such a thing.

"Husband, are you hungry? Or, I will bring you breakfast, and then you will go to bed after eating?" She said, after these days, he hasn't taken a good rest, even if he can't take a holiday, make up This feeling really should be.

Rong Haochuan shook his head and hugged her tighter again, "Hush, don't talk, that's it, let me hold you to sleep for a while..."

Ruan Qing was silent, and stayed with him quietly for a while.

When he was asleep, she just got up lightly.

The children have already gone to school. Ruan Fangping was clearing the dining table. When she saw her coming down, she said, "Xiao Qing, Haochuan came back late last year, right?"

"Yes." Ruan Qing let out a breath, went to grab a cup of hot milk and drank it.

"Hey, it's not easy for Haochuan. Your father-in-law is not in good health, so he doesn't care about everything. It's really hard for Haochuan to work on such a big business alone!" Ruan Fangping said distressedly to her son-in-law, "Xiao Qing. , You take the time to take care of him in these two days!"

"He's in the company, and he probably won't care about food when he gets busy. You have to worry about snacks!"

Ruan Qing took the toast on the table and ate, nodded, and said, "I know Mom, I am going to temporarily serve as his life assistant for these two days. Anyway, the company has nothing important in these two days. . But, kids, you’re going to have more trouble."

"This is not a problem. There are still three servants in the family. Taking care of the two children is enough. You can take care of Haochuan without worry!" Ruan Fangping also sat down and said.

Aunt Tan will help with this cooking, and there are two servants who help with the cleaning, and they are more than enough to take care of the children.

"However, that's the end." Ruan Fangping said, sitting at the dining table and pouring a glass of water. "Xiao Qing, have you considered having another one with Hao Chuan?"

When Ruan Qing heard this, she choked and swallowed the toast in her mouth, "Why, there are all children here, why are you still alive?"

Ruan Fangping shook his head and smiled, and said, "Xiao Qing, have you ever thought about it? Maybe it will be the same with Jing Hao in the future. This brother, especially the Rong family's big business, let alone two, even if it is. Three or four are not too many!"

"Look at Haochuan now? If there is another brother to help, will it be easier, don't you?"

Ruan Fangping's words caused Ruan Qing to fall into contemplation, as if it made sense.

If it is an ordinary family, if there are too many sons, it is too stressful. Later, I will marry a wife, buy a house and buy a car.

But the Rong family is different. The Rong family's family business is so big, so naturally there is no need to consider this issue.

Think about it if Jing Hao, like Hao Chuan, was so busy every day and didn't even have time to rest, she would feel distressed.

This Jing Yao is a girl's home, with a playful heart.

If you can share the burden with Jing Hao, of course it's best, but this is after all.

Ruan Qing licked the milk at the corner of her mouth, thinking.

How about... another one?

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