Happy Together

Chapter 531: Eat and sleep

Although she thought about not having another child, if this is the case, she really should seriously consider it.

In the past two years, Rong Haochuan was afraid that she would suffer another crime, and the protection measures had been done very well, almost giving her no chance.

After a while, Ruan Qing personally went to fry two eggs, brought a glass of milk, and two pieces of toast spread with jam and went upstairs.

Rong Haochuan was still sleeping, she put the plate on the table in the bedroom and walked to the bed.

"Husband?" she called him softly.

Seeing that he didn't respond, he shouted again, "husband..."

Just after shouting, the man who was asleep suddenly stretched out his hand to hug her and hug her beside him, "Daughter-in-law, let me sleep for a while."

Ruan Qing was pressed in his arms and looked at his closed eyes, "I brought you breakfast, should I go to bed after eating? Not eating breakfast is bad for your health."

Rong Haochuan said softly, "Five minutes."

She did not speak any more, lying quietly with him.

After a while, Rong Haochuan opened his eyes, kissed her cheek, opened the quilt, and got up. After going to the bathroom to wash, he sat on the sofa and ate breakfast.

Ruan Qing went to help him choose a suit, and also prepared two sets for herself, planning to accompany him to the company later.

Although she can't help much, she can still take care of his diet and daily life.

"Are you really going?" Rong Haochuan frowned as he looked at the woman who was ready to go.

"Of course! When you are not too busy, I will return to the family again!" Ruan Qing said with a grin and followed him into the car.

When she got into the car, she realized what was coming, and squinted his eyes, "It won't be inconvenient if I go?"

"What do you want, as long as you can stand it, I certainly want you to go." Rong Haochuan said with a smile, started the car and walked towards the company.

"Of course it's okay. I don't really know anything. When necessary, I can help you with some simple tasks. Can I help you with something?" Ruan Qing said confidently.

She is also the owner of a small company anyway, so it's okay to give him a hand.

Besides, he can eat and sleep with him, of course he has to be willing.

When he arrived at the Baichuan Building, Zhao Bin took the full schedule and asked her to help and supervise it.

Ruan Qing took a look. He only spends an hour in the office, reading some important documents. After an hour, he will go to an international video conference, and then go to the conference building in Baichuan, and take the meeting yesterday. discuss.

Seeing busy Rong Haochuan, who couldn't even lift his head, she felt distressed.

I have to think again about what Ruan Fangping said to her this morning.

Or, give birth to one more?

Although I don't know boys or girls, there is one more, and you can always share more responsibilities.

"Husband, you see, you are so busy every day. If you can have more brothers, will it be better?" Ruan Qing explored his breath while he was drinking tea.

"Well, yes, I also thought about it. But I asked my dad a long time ago, he really only gave birth to one son." Rong Haochuan raised his eyes and smiled at her.

Hearing what he said, Ruan Qing felt that there was a way, and said, "Then, shall we have another one? Look, Jing Hao might be the same as you in the future, will the pressure be too great?"

"This Jing Yao is a girl after all, and she will have children in the future, she may not share her energy, what do you think?"

I saw, Rong Haochuan raised his eyes and looked at her, fixed a moment, and said, "Don't think about it. It's too hard to have a child, two are enough."

He saw her birth with his own eyes, and he really didn't want to let her suffer a second time for that kind of sin.

She was not surprised that he would say so.

"I know suffering, but I was born, not you, I love my son!" Ruan Qing pouted while holding the warm water cup in one hand.

"That is his responsibility and his honor. Besides, isn't there still me?" Rong Haochuan said decisively. When Jing Hao grows up, he can help him for another ten years, when he gets married. Childbirth, just can continue.

Ruan Qing coughed slightly, her pupils turned slightly, blinked, and said, "Then, what if I tell you, I already have it?"

After the pen in Rong Haochuan's hand, his originally gentle eyes suddenly became chilly, and he said coldly.


He took measures every time, especially during her safety period. How could she get pregnant?


Ruan Qing saw that his face turned cloudy, hurriedly braked, and said with a serious face, "You lied to you! I'll say if, if there is an accident, what will you do?"

"Impossible, as long as the measures are taken, this probability is almost zero." Rong Haochuan stared at her, exhaled, and continued to write with the pen under his hand.

"But it's not 100% after all. I just said in case, what if I get pregnant again?" Ruan Qing looked at him without blinking.

But when he listened, he said without raising his head, "Kill it. If you hit it early, it shouldn't be a bad thing."

"But! It hurts your body like that. I used to have a colleague who had a fetus. As a result, his body got worse and worse!" Ruan Qing asked in pursuit.

Finally, Rong Haochuan was silent.

She sighed quietly, now, he should say: Then give birth?

Who thinks.

"From then on, during the non-safety period, we will also take measures, so that it won't happen." Rong Haochuan said, putting the signed document aside and bringing another copy.

Ruan Qing stared at him like a discouraged ball, holding the water glass in her hand, and sat back on the sofa.

As for the issue of having three children, she was temporarily defeated.

Ruan Qing thought narrowly, it is really impossible. When she comes on a whim, she will put all the condoms in her eyes and see if he wants it or not!

After the video conference was over, Rong Cheng had already driven the car and waited below, and Rong Haochuan had to go to the conference building for a meeting.

But this time, Ruan Qing went with him.

With Rong Haochuan escorting her, naturally no one dared to stop her, she went straight into the front ‘abdomen’ of this mysterious building unimpeded, which turned out to be a fully enclosed area.

Moreover, there is almost no signal here, and it is estimated to prevent eavesdropping.

Cell phones will be placed outside, if there are individual important calls, outside staff will come in and notify them.

Rong Haochuan asked her if she wanted to go in. She nodded immediately, but let it go. There were old directors and the top leaders of various companies. She would only be nervous when she went.

Moreover, there is no internet on the mobile phone. She is bored and can't even play a small game.

However, Ruan Qing found that this is also very comfortable outside first class. The lounges here are almost all suite-style treatments. Not only WiFi TV is standard, meals, fruits, and various advanced facilities for entertainment. .

It is estimated that it is also for them to get tired from the meeting and for recreation.

With these, waiting for others will become much easier.

As a result, when the Rong Haochuan meeting was over, Ruan Qing was still playing games. I don't know if she was ignorant. I haven't heard of this kind of game on the market, but it was fun!

Rong Haochuan stood at the door, frowning and smiling at the woman dancing with her hands on the game console.

This is a game just developed by Baichuan's game company. It has not been officially put on the market. The rules seem simple and easy to understand, but the more you play, you will find that it is not that simple.

"Ahem." He coughed in a low voice.

However, she found that the woman was wearing headphones, and she didn't even hear or notice him.


Rong Haochuan quietly approached behind her, and the dangerous figure suddenly covered the playing woman.

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