Happy Together

Chapter 532: The scariest thing is coming

"Ah!" Ruan Qing called out abruptly, shocked!

I thought it was someone who broke into the door, but when he saw it, he was so frightened that he hurriedly took off the earphones, "What are you doing? I don't know if I come in!"

Rong Haochuan twisted his eyebrows and looked at the bluffing woman. He stretched out his hand and hugged her into his arms, "Ruan Qing, are you here to be my life assistant or on vacation?"

Ruan Qing pursed her lips and said, "Being a life assistant, by the way, on vacation, can't you?"

He looked at her, Ji Er smiled, and nodded silently, "Okay, who made you my wife? Go, go to dinner, there should be nothing to do at night, take you to look around here to see the night scene, scattered Relax!"

Ruan Qing jumped up in excitement when she heard it, pursing her lips and kissing his handsome face.

"Kiss here if you want to kiss, how insincere is it to kiss somewhere else?" Rong Haochuan smiled and hugged her tightly, leaned over to match her height, and put his lips together.

Ruan Qing didn't feel anything when she got used to it, so she pouted and kissed his thin lips.

Rong Haochuan smiled and deepened the kiss.

It wasn't until the kiss was weak and weak that she let go of her contentedly and took her hand to walk outside.

Hua City is so big that there are still many places of scenery that Ruan Qing has not visited.

For example, here, the night scene is so beautiful, the river reflects the bright lights of the city, and the bright moon in the night sky, mixed with quiet and noisy.

After dinner, Rong Haochuan walked along the river with her hand in hand, enjoying the night view while listening to the sound of the river flowing.

Ruan Qing walked in front of her with brisk steps.

Occasionally I can see it by the riverside. Two sparse people come to see the night scene, but not many. It is estimated that the weather is still cold and they are not willing to come out so late.

After wandering around, the time was almost up, and Ruan Qing went home with Rong Haochuan.

In the car, Ruan Qing took a deep breath, "Occasionally I come to the suburbs to relax. It's good and comfortable!" I feel relieved.

"Well, if I have the opportunity in the future, I will take you to several places." Rong Haochuan listened to her and said with a smile.

In fact, sometimes, you don't need to do much, and you don't need to talk too much, just walk with her quietly, and feel the quiet state of mutual communication with each other, which is also a kind of enjoyment.

Just after returning home, Ruan Qing went upstairs first and saw Rong Haochuan answering the phone below.

I don't know what's going on, I'm calling back so late.

However, looking at his expression, he was concentrating at first and then a little serious.

"I'm sure, is it him?" Rong Haochuan slowly closed his eyes, his eyebrows closed.

The scariest thing is coming.

"...Brother Rong, I have been confirmed. Although his appearance has changed, it is indeed him. He has returned to China with another identity!" Rong Cheng said in a solemn voice.

Rong Haochuan gradually opened his eyes and said in a deep voice, "From now on, we will arrange for bodyguards to come and protect Jing Hao Jingyao from school. It is strictly forbidden for children to go out alone, especially contact with strangers."

"And my parents also sent someone to protect them, remember, especially my dad."

As he said, his dark eyes flashed faintly, his thin lips tightened slightly.

No matter what, this time, he will not allow anyone to hurt his family.

In the bedroom.

Ruan Qing had already made the bed, and when he saw him coming in, he asked, "What's the matter? Isn't it the company's important business?"

"No." Rong Haochuan walked over, took off his coat, and sat on the sofa.

"Just got the news, Yan Zhonghe is back."

Ruan Qing's hand that was making the bed trembled fiercely, and looked at Rong Haochuan in surprise, "You, what did you say?"

Mention of this person's name, the once nightmarish thrill flashed in her mind.

The black barrel was against the fear in her throat, causing her to have nightmares every time she rang.

The borderless cornfield is like hell, and the darkness is endless.

There was also the Ergouzi on the mountain, who almost ruined her, and Zhuo Han, who was beaten to death!

The terrifying scenes suddenly rushed into my mind.

Rong Haochuan stood up and held her trembling shoulders, "Daughter-in-law, don't be afraid, I swear, I won't let things happen again!"

"This time, I won't give him another chance to hurt you or my family."

However, Ruan Qing lost his senses with lingering fears, "But, would a desperado like him be easy to deal with? Last time, he still had some scruples, when his dad was not there, he felt puzzled..."

"This time, will he give up like this this time?"

If Yan Zhonghe doesn't want revenge, he can find a place abroad to live incognito, why did he come back?

This can only show that he still does not give up.

Rong Haochuan hugged her in her arms and said tightly, "Daughter-in-law, don't worry, those accomplices of his were arrested right now, and he is the only one left. I will inform Rong Kun and let him do well. Comprehensive deployment, this time, he will not run away again!"

Yan Zhonghe has always been his heart disease. At the beginning, Yan Zhonghe held Ruan Qing away, and finally turned around a few places, and finally escaped.

Now that he is back, so good!

More than four years have passed, and indeed there should be a break. The world is too big to catch him.

Now that he returned to the country, there was no reason to be escaped by him.

After returning to her senses, Ruan Qing nodded. She was okay with everything else, except, "Children, I am worried about the children! He is frantic and can do everything. I am worried that he will do anything on the children!" "

"Don't worry, I have arranged for protection. Besides, the distance from the school to our Yujin Palace is very short. I have sent someone to closely monitor this section of the road." Rong Haochuan said, patted her shoulder.

"Daughter-in-law, I tell you, I just hope you can be more careful. Although he is going to retaliate against my father, he is likely to be the first to come back to find you. Therefore, it is better to be careful in the future!"

Ruan Qing also hugged him tightly, "Well, I know, I will be careful..."

Now that Lan Tong is gone, Zhuo Han has also left Hua City, and she is the only one left. He is right, Yan Zhonghe is likely to be the first to find her.

However, she also believes that today is not what it used to be, and it is impossible for him to succeed every time.

God can't always look after him!

Ruan Qing calmed down her heart with great effort.

Now that Yan Zhonghe is back, he must be caught anyway, and he cannot be allowed to escape!

This malignant tumor is deeply hidden in my heart, it is time to pull it out.

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