Harry Potter and Master of Magic

Chapter 22 Unprecedented magic runaway

Zhang Hao thought about it for a moment, and then manifested the illusion clone again.

"Avada Kedavra!"

A green lightning strike struck the phantom clone, and the phantom clone slowly dissipated, leaving a dim phantom in place.

Xu Ying's eyes were empty, his expression looked dull, and he was also slowly disappearing - but this speed was not fast.

That's not the point, the point is the phantom's costume—his upper body is the same as what was popular in Zhang Hao's previous life, only his lower body is billowing like mist.

"This is... a complete soul?" Zhang Hao looked at the phantom suspiciously.

After a while, the phantom disappeared completely.

Zhang Hao hesitated for a moment, then manifested the illusion clone again, and killed it with the Death Curse.

Another phantom was left in place, he was different from the previous one!

The clothes, hairstyle, and face are different, only the empty eyes and the lower body that is billowing like a mist have not changed.

"no the same?"

Zhang Hao's eyes widened, he felt terrified.

Why is it different?

He didn't believe in evil, he tried again and again!

The appearance of the phantom left by killing the phantom clone is different every time, but the same empty eyes and misty lower body are still the same.

Each of these phantoms has its own characteristics, but the clothing style is the same as the world Zhang Hao lived in in his previous life.

He looked up at the sky of the illusion, feeling cold in his heart.

The distance is still shrouded in white mist, and only when the mist is blown away by a strong wind can we see pieces of ruins...

Lightning and thunder, explosions and hurricanes...

Behind the fog, there are doomsday scenes everywhere!

"What is this illusion? Are those phantoms real souls? If so, where did they come from?"

Zhang Hao was restless, feeling as if he had discovered some great secrets.


The illusion was shattered again, Zhang Hao sat on the bed in silence for a long time.

"Forget it, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. No matter what secrets are hidden in the illusion, at least now I need to use it to become stronger."

Doing anything in this world has to take risks, even if there are unpredictable consequences if you get involved with the illusion?

After experiencing the extraordinary fun, who would be willing to return to the ordinary?

Zhang Hao calmed down and regained his former ease.

During the break after class, he came to the wooden house in the forest alone.

He was looking for a living creature to perform magical experiments. Soul-targeting spells like Finger of Death and Avada Kedavra must be cast on living creatures.

There are many animals in the Forbidden Forest, and he quickly found a suitable target.

It was a ferocious adder, and it was staring at a little white rabbit, ready to attack.

In order to save the little white rabbit's life, Zhang Hao shouted without hesitation: "A finger of death!"


A flash of red lightning struck Viper in an instant.

At this moment, the Viper also shot at the little white rabbit like an arrow.

The red lightning chased away, and hit the little white rabbit the moment the adder bit it.


The Viper and the Little White Rabbit were torn into pieces almost at the same time, and Zhang Hao vaguely saw two small, broken souls.

He was indifferent and speechless. Is it so difficult to save a life?

But he couldn't think that much anymore, and the magic power attack struck again.

Unprecedented intensity! It was even more intense than the time when the flying magic was realized!

Zhang Hao felt his stomach twitching, his muscles trembling, and even his bones rattling.

Dou Da's sweat fell to the ground one by one, and he breathed heavily, his lungs seemed to be on fire!

It took a long time before Zhang Hao saw that misty, translucent mist was blowing into his body.

Then, his body began to recover at the fastest speed.

The magic power also began to skyrocket!

"Is this mist the source of magic power?"

Zhang Hao stretched out his hand, trying to grab the mist into his hand.

But as long as the mist touches his skin, it will penetrate like water touching sandy soil.

"These fogs are as illusory as souls, didn't they exist before?"

This question is destined to have no answer, so Zhang Hao didn't think too much about it.


After the magic power skyrocketed, flying magic became more convenient to use.

After a few days, this year's Quidditch match finally started.

Today's first match was between Slytherin and Gryffindor, which was probably the most boring match.

The morale of Gryffindor seemed to be very weak, and they all knew what kind of opponent they were about to face.

That is the Quidditch Demon King who killed thirteen people by himself!

He was so powerful when he was alone, and he had team members assisting him before... He was upgraded from the difficulty of nightmare to the difficulty of hell in an instant!

Harry said uncertainly: "Can we win? Hao is on the opposite side!"

"Who knows?" Angelina thought of the little boy who looked like a sun god, a blush flashed across her face, and she said distressedly: "Even if that boy is very powerful, we can't give up! Everyone else is doing it for us Come on!"

This was indeed the case, and the Gryffindor auditorium was filled with applause.

"Angelina is right!" Wood said courageously: "Failure is not terrible, but we cannot let down those who support us! Harry, don't worry!"


The whistle sounded and the game officially started!

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