Harry Potter and Master of Magic

Chapter 23 Quidditch Solo Show

Among all the green shirts, Zhang Hao, who was wearing a silver shirt, was particularly conspicuous.

He didn't like the green Slytherin traditional clothes, so he changed his battle robe to silver - which is also the main color of Slytherin.

If green represents Slytherin's insidiousness and cunning, then silver represents Slytherin's pride and elegance.

Anyway, Snape didn't emphasize that it must be green, so why not change it to silver?

After the game started, the two sides started a fierce competition for Quaffle.

Flint still used the old tactics, he aimed at a beautiful girl and ran into it.

Zhang Hao was extremely disdainful of this, so he decided to end the game as soon as possible, not to give Flint a chance to take advantage.

He patrolled around, looking for the golden snitch.

That's right!

He still ends up being the Seeker - because only then can he finish the game in the shortest possible time.

It was the hope of all the Slytherins, who didn't yet know what it meant.

Draco had missed out on Seeker and had to be a Batsman - at least a Batsman was a little more fun than a Chaser.

Although the position is fixed, Zhang Hao is not prepared to follow the steps.

He searched for a moment but couldn't find the Snitch, and rushed towards the Quaffle.

The Quaffle was in Angelina's hands now, and she was dodging Flint's impact with the Quaffle under her arm.

Zhang Hao saw the opportunity, flew past her in an instant, and took the Quaffle away.

And then, what else is there to say? Of course he rushed to throw the ball!

To everyone's surprise, the Seeker snatched the Quaffle, which never happens on a Quidditch pitch.

In the commentary, Lee Jordan exclaimed excitedly: "Oh my God! Look at the Slytherin Seeker, he grabbed the Quaffle! Oh! No Seeker has ever done that before, I don't know It's a foul or not. Let's hope he doesn't score or it's the first Seeker ever to score."

"It's too much!" Fred said helplessly: "This kid is a Seeker, how can he go for the Quaffle? Although I like his personality very much, I still have to say, this is against the rules!"

"He's the worst Seeker I've ever seen." George joked, "Can you believe it? It wouldn't be surprising if he hit me with a Bludger with a stick. That's the worst."

Almost everyone stared at the silver figure, and everyone was very conflicted. They wanted to see Zhang Hao score a goal, but they didn't want Zhang Hao to score a goal.

This is a contest between Zhang Hao and Wood, and outsiders can't intervene at all.

Wood's goalkeeping skills are indeed not bad. Zhang Hao made a lot of fake moves, but his mentality was as steady as a dog, and he was not moved at all.

In desperation, Zhang Hao could only savagely rush towards the goal. This is the most helpless situation when throwing the ball.

Because punching the goal is a way of scoring goals without technical content, if you are not careful, you may collide with the goalkeeper physically.

That feeling... as long as you experience it once, you don't want to experience it for the second time!

But sometimes I have to do it, just like now——Zhang Hao has no choice but to rush to the door.

But rushing to the door is not difficult for him, after all, he is so fast...

"Come on! Little smash!" Wood roared: "I won't let you score, not even one!"

Zhang Hao smiled disdainfully, and circled Wood a few times like a satellite.

Wood was completely confused, he started to circle in place, and when Zhang Hao stopped to throw the ball, he couldn't stop!


The ball went into the empty goal, and Wood Jun's face turned pale.

He was slapped in the face as soon as he made his big wish, and he was ashamed!

Who would have thought that someone would use such a shameless speed to perform such a shameless trick.

He can obviously throw the ball directly, this is playing with the goalkeeper!

"You...don't go too far!" Wood said angrily, "You're just a seeker,

You have no right to pitch! "

"Really?" Zhang Hao said lazily, "I don't remember that Quidditch has such a rule."

Next, he grabbed several Quaffles in a row.

Every time he threw the ball into the goal with a very ornamental action, Wood was not at all tempered by him.

The score has been pulled to 90:0!

If things go on like this, Gryffindor will have no hope of scoring a goal in this game.

Now they could only count on Harry to be the first to catch the Snitch, and that was their only hope.

Flint and the others also felt that it was very boring. This game had become someone's performance show, and they were all just foils.

What is more sad than losing is that winning has no sense of existence!

When it was Gryffindor's turn to kick off, Draco yelled at Zhang Hao, "Stop playing! Potter has found the Snitch, hurry up and snatch it!"

Looking back, Zhang Hao saw that Harry had already started sprinting.

Draco, as a batsman, he's not looking for Bludgers, but he's still paying attention to Harry!

Zhang Hao complained in his heart, and then rushed towards Harry.

He couldn't see the Snitch yet, so he had to follow Harry.

Therefore, the Seeker is actually not very technical, as long as he flies fast and catches accurately.

If you can't find the Snitch yourself, just keep an eye on the opponent's Seeker.

Anyway, Zhang Hao likes to do this!

This was the case last time, and the tactics will not be changed this time.

Anyway, I'm fast, so what if you spot the Golden Snitch first? I can grab it too!

Pindao uses Rejoice, that's how confident she is!

Like a silver lightning, Zhang Hao rushed directly in front of Harry.

But the Quidditch field was never short of surprises, and the Bludger flew from nowhere and smashed fiercely at Harry.

The danger was coming, but Harry didn't realize it at all.

According to Zhang Hao's flying speed, he seemed to be right between Harry and the Bludger. The batsmen who were protecting him were thrown away, and Draco cursed a few times for it.

So at this time, facing the harassment of the Bludger, he can only find a way to solve it by himself.

This is not a problem for him, as long as he continues to accelerate, he can avoid being hit by the Bludger.

But it is likely that Harry found the Bludger later because of his blocking.

Being hit by a Bludger is no joke, if you get hit on the head, the result...

Gryffindor's batsmen may not be able to protect Harry in time, they are also chasing after him!

With this in mind, Zhang Hao decided to remind Harry. He yelled, "Harry, I'm going to pass you! Watch out for the Bludger behind me!"

After he finished speaking, he accelerated crazily and overtook Harry in an instant.

At the same time, he also spotted the golden snitch ahead.

The little thing flew happily, dodging left and right, as nimbly as a hummingbird.

Harry narrowly avoided the Bludger, and also chased him up from behind. He looked desperate, but his flying speed was not enough, no matter how hard he tried, it would be in vain.

To make matters worse, the Bludger is flying towards him again!

Brothers George and Fred were the batsmen for Gryffindor, and George hit the ball first to Derian Pusey (a Slytherin player).

He joked, "Harry, the Bludger seems to have stuck to you!"

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