Harry Potter and Master of Magic

Chapter 54 New Mission: Find the Hidden Horcrux

Zhang Hao held the basilisk's fangs and stabbed the black notebook fiercely.

Black ink gushes out from the notebook, which is as awe-inspiring as blood.

Wails appeared faintly around, like a dying person suffering from illness, full of unwillingness.

After a long time, these strange phenomena gradually disappeared.

Dumbledore's face was a little complicated. A very good student fell into the dark abyss, which was inseparable from his teaching back then.

When he was young, he was not as thoughtful as he is now. In the process of teaching Tom Riddle, he did not fulfill the responsibility of guidance, but blindly guarded and monitored.

Young people can still be rescued if they make mistakes, but the indifference of those close to them will push them into a darker abyss.

Obviously, Dumbledore had understood this later, and what happened back then became a knot in his heart.

"A Horcrux was destroyed like this?" He said in a trance, "We are one step closer to destroying Voldemort."

"Yes, Professor." Zhang Hao nodded and said, "The Horcruxes made by Voldemort when he was a student are indeed relatively easy to destroy."

This is a reminder, Dumbledore will wake up immediately, maybe there are still a few Horcruxes waiting for them to find!

"Where are the other Horcruxes?" he said to himself, "Where are we going to find them?"

"Which place is suitable for hiding Horcruxes?" Zhang Hao said with a smile: "Where is the most secret place for Voldemort? We have to think from the perspective of Voldemort. The most secret place for him must be very suitable for hiding Horcruxes."

Dumbledore thought about it, nodded and said: "It seems that we will be busy again in the next few days!"


After talking for a long time, Zhang Hao finally left the principal's office.

He vaguely felt that he seemed to have changed someone's fate again. But for a while, he couldn't remember anything.

"Hao! I heard that Dumbledore is looking for you?" Harry asked curiously, "What is he looking for you for?"

The kid admired Dumbledore very much, but his unconventional heart resisted contacting professors, so he always liked to collect information about Dumbledore from other people.

"We destroyed this together. This is Voldemort's powerful secret." Zhang Hao took out the destroyed black notebook, weighed it and said, "You must not know what this is, right?"

Everyone nodded, only Draco looked wrong.

"I know this notebook, I've seen it in my home." He said with a pale face: "Before school started, my dad took this notebook and took me to Lihen Bookstore. I haven't seen it since then , I didn't expect it to appear at Hogwarts."

"Don't think too much, what your father did has nothing to do with you." Zhang Hao said in a low voice, "You just need to find your own position."

Everyone was looking at Draco, they knew the seriousness of the matter, that if he didn't make the right choice, they might lose a friend.

"But what is my position?" Draco said painfully: "My father is going to do bad things, can I stop it?"

"You can persuade him!" Ron said loudly, "You are his son, and he will definitely listen to you. Let him correct himself as soon as possible! Otherwise, next year, some of us will be used by him again. He used Ginny I don’t have to worry about him, but this kind of thing must never happen again.”

Draco lowered his head and said nothing, he wasn't sure if his father would heed the advice.

Zhang Hao smiled and comforted him: "Things like Ginny probably won't happen again, after all, there aren't many things like notebooks."

Everyone's mood improved a lot, Harry asked curiously: "What is this black notebook? Why can it cause so much damage?"

Everyone stared at the notebook curiously, obviously wanting to know this question too.

Zhang Hao thought about it for a while, and finally decided to give them a popular science.

"This is a Horcrux, a Horcrux belonging to Voldemort."

Although everyone has heard that this notebook belongs to Voldemort,

But hearing it again is still a little frightening.

But what is a Horcrux?

Hermione said blankly: "I've never heard of the word Horcrux, and I haven't seen it in the library. What exactly is a Horcrux?"

"A Horcrux is an evil magic item." Zhang Hao patted Draco on the shoulder and said, "If you knew what a Horcrux was, I'm afraid you wouldn't worship Voldemort."

Most of the children of pure-blood families adored Voldemort, even when he was down.

Draco was one of them, and while he concealed it well, every time Voldemort was mentioned, the terror in his eyes was tinged with admiration.

He always thought that no one knew, completely unaware that everything had been seen through by Zhang Hao.

"What? This kid worships the mysterious man?" Ron said violently, "This is really unforgivable, let's just kill him!"

Draco glared at each other, but didn't say a word.

"Don't do this, Ron!" Zhang Hao comforted: "It is human nature to worship the strong, believe me! As long as he knows why Voldemort is powerful, he will lose interest in worshiping Voldemort."

"Something about the Horcruxes?" Harry asked. "The Horcruxes made him stronger?"

"That's right, Voldemort's strength is inseparable from his talent, but the main reason is that he used evil methods to create Horcruxes." Zhang Hao explained word by word with a serious expression: "In the Middle East and Egyptian magic circles, There is a kind of demon called a lich. Their souls are stored in special soul boxes, and only their empty bodies are active in the world. Most of the liches are accidentally born by magic, and a small number of them are wizards who actively use special methods in pursuit of longevity Transforming itself—there is never a shortage of such wonderful things in the pursuit of longevity. The Horcruxes I want to talk about are similar to the Lich's Soul Box, but they are infinitely more evil and cruel than them."

Zhang Hao's nonsense is not the only thing about liches. He has collected information on the magic world of various countries, as well as various legends of gods and monsters.

The legend of the Lich has been passed down since ancient times, and of course he will not ignore it.

"Hiding the soul in the soul box?" Hermione felt terrified, she folded her arms and said, "There is such a weird magic?"

"Of course, there are weirder magics than this." Zhang Hao said solemnly: "Horcrux making is one of them. Lich's soul box holds a complete soul, and a horcrux holds soul fragments. Voldemort The reason why he is so strong is because he split his soul and used vicious means to plunder the magic power of the sacrifice. In other words, if you are willing to use that evil means, you can also become stronger."

The friends looked at each other in blank dismay, this statement surprised them too much.

"Can we become as strong as You-Know-Who?" Draco subconsciously asked, "Is there no requirement for making Horcruxes? Or are there any side effects?"

If it was before, he might not have considered it so far-reaching.

Zhang Hao's influence on him is gradually taking effect.

"Requirements? Or side effects? Of course." Zhang Hao said with a smile: "Splitting the soul is a very dangerous act. If you are not careful, you will become an idiot-even if you succeed, your IQ will drop. So if you want to make a Horcrux, you You have to have enough courage. Then, you have to be mentally prepared to suffer side effects."

Hearing what Zhang Hao said, Draco instantly lost interest in Horcruxes.

Zhang Hao has always ridiculed him for his low IQ, if he sacrificed his little IQ to make Horcruxes, God knows how stupid he is.

In that case, wouldn't he be played to death?

"You mean, as long as Voldemort still has Horcruxes, he won't die?" Harry suddenly said joyfully, "Now that you have destroyed his Horcruxes, does that mean he can be completely killed? "

"It would be great if that's the case!" Ron also said happily: "What's so scary about a mysterious person who can be killed?"

Hermione and Daphne also smiled, but Draco was still immersed in the loss of his faith.

Zhang Hao suspected that Regulus Black was the same as Draco when he knew Voldemort's secret.

They are essentially the same type of people, they are the rich second generation of pure-blooded families, they all worship unrivaled powerhouses, they love their families very much, and they all have contradictory bravery and cowardice in their personalities...

Maybe because Draco was an only child, he was a little bit more spoiled - that might be the only difference between them.

Everyone was very happy, they seemed to think that Voldemort was dead.

Zhang Hao couldn't bear to pour cold water on him at this time, but if he didn't let them know the real situation, he might suffer a big loss in the future.

"Maybe you are too happy!" He said in a regretful tone: "We don't know how many Horcruxes Voldemort made, so it is too early to say that Voldemort has been defeated."

The smiles of the friends froze, this is really heartbreaking!

"He has other Horcruxes?" Harry gritted his teeth and said, "We have to find all the Horcruxes and destroy them one by one! If we can destroy one, we can destroy all of them! Right?"

"Of course," Zhang Hao said with a smile: "This is our next task, and it's up to you to complete this task, Harry!"

"Depend on me?" Harry was puzzled by this: "Why rely on me? I think everyone can?"

Others are also very puzzled, aren't they just looking for something? Just look for it, why do you say it depends on Harry?

Zhang Hao pointed to the scar on Harry's forehead, and asked back: "Do you remember last year? When you saw Voldemort, the scar produced a strong burning pain."

"Yes, that feeling has disappeared since Quirrell's death." Harry said as a matter of course: "It's just a warning, and it doesn't seem to have anything to do with finding the Horcrux."

"No!" Hermione retorted: "Perhaps your warning will only take effect if you see something related to the mysterious person. You have also encountered many dangers this year, but the scars don't respond, right?"

Harry recalled carefully that during the Quidditch match, the Bludger kept chasing him, and the scar really didn't move at that time.

It was the same when encountering the basilisk, the scar didn't react at all.

His eyes became a little confused, and he couldn't help thinking in his heart: "I don't seem to understand myself at all!"

"Hermione is right, you have always been in contact with Voldemort." Zhang Hao didn't go around in circles, and said bluntly: "When Voldemort killed you, the spell seemed to rebound, and part of his soul fragments fell on you. You will snake Laoqiang is not born, but inherited part of his magic."

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