Harry Potter and Master of Magic

Chapter 55: The Bat That Hit the Barrier

"Horcruxes are protected by black magic, it is not easy for ordinary people to find them, and if they are not careful, they will be bewitched by Horcruxes."

Zhang Hao warned: "Voldemort can turn ordinary notebooks into horcruxes, and of course he can turn other things into horcruxes-including all kinds of valuables. If you are unsure about something, you must tell someone as soon as possible. A person with the ability to distinguish. Harry should have an induction when he encounters a Horcrux, so he can only be the main force in finding the Horcrux."

"Okay!" Draco said dissatisfied: "It is not without reason to say that Potter is the savior, what a shit luck."

Harry said angrily, "If you want to be like me, we can trade. Will you trade with me?"

Draco was speechless for a moment, and he remembered Harry's tragic experience.

Trade a happy life for the illusory title of savior? The exchange is simply not worth it.

"Then where are we going to find the Horcrux?" Seeing the awkward atmosphere, Hermione quickly changed the subject and said, "Hao, do you have any guesses?"

Zhang Hao had been waiting for someone to ask for a long time. The reason why he said so much was to eliminate Voldemort as soon as possible and end the turmoil in the wizarding world.

Speeding up the process of finding the Horcrux through guidance, this is the purpose of what he said so much.

"I do have some guesses. We can't take care of the outside of the school, so we can look for it from the inside of the school." He said with a smile: "Voldemort graduated from Hogwarts, do you think he will put a Horcrux Hiding in school?"

"Does it need to be said? Monsters like basilisks can be hidden in the school, let alone a mere Horcrux?" Ron said excitedly: "We can go to the Room of Requirement to look for it! Hao, I remember you As I said, you often practice magic in the Room of Requirement. The Room of Requirement must be able to hide things, right?"

"The Room of Requirement may indeed hide Horcruxes, you can look for them." Zhang Hao nodded and said, "However, we have to wait until next semester."


"Because you have to prepare for the exam! You won't forget, will you?"

"How can you bring this up? What a devil!"


The 'long-awaited' exams for the little wizards are finally over, and they have a week of free time to do their own activities—this happens every semester, and this is the last carnival before the results are announced.

So everyone doesn't plan to think about anything else, just want to have fun for a few days.

At the end of term ceremony, Dumbledore added and subtracted as in previous years, calculating marks for all houses.

In the end, under the influence of Zhang Hao, Slytherin won the Academy Cup again.

"Hao, are you going back to the ancient country of Dongsheng this year? I want to go to the ancient country of Dongsheng with you." Daphne said with longing: "The ancient country of Dongsheng must be fun, right?"

"I want to go too, I should have gone with you last year." Hermione said expectantly: "I have never been to the East, but I have read rumors about the East in many books. It is a beautiful place. country, but I have never had a chance to visit there."

Harry hesitated to speak, and finally said after a while: "I want to go too, but I guess Uncle Vernon will definitely not agree."

Ron patted Harry on the shoulder sympathetically, and comforted him: "It's okay, you will have the opportunity to go to the ancient Dongsheng country sooner or later. When you become an adult, you can go anywhere."

Zhang Hao secretly laughed, this kid didn't want to grow up last year. It seemed that he had had enough of being ruled by others and was eager to grow up.

"Hao? Why don't you speak?" Daphne asked eagerly, "Don't you want to take us to Dongsheng ancient country?"

"Of course not, it's just..." Zhang Hao said regretfully, "I don't plan to go back to Dongsheng Ancient Country this year, because I want to open a pharmacy in Diagon Alley."

Everyone was shocked when they heard the news. The other kids were thinking about how to have fun, but this guy was already thinking about opening a shop to earn Galleons!

"Do you need to be so anxious?" Ron said incomprehensibly: "You are only a twelve-year-old child! Is making money something you should think about?"

"Eh! It's about making money,

It's never too early to start, and it's never too late to start. "Zhang Hao said helplessly: "Gringotts restricts me from exchanging Muggle currency for Galleons, so I have to find a way to earn more. Life without money is so sad, really! Especially when you get used to being extravagant, it becomes even more difficult to think about living a poor life. "

"Then where do you live?" Hermione asked with concern: "If you don't have a place to live, you can come to my house and settle down for a while."

"Hermione, thank you for your concern." Zhang Hao said with a smile: "But don't bother, I bought a castle in Ingland last year..."

"Wait!" Hermione's eyes widened and interrupted, "You said you bought a castle? Is it Collinsville Castle?"

Not only Hermione, but others also looked at Zhang Hao in surprise.

"Uh! That's right... that's right! What's wrong?" Zhang Hao asked in surprise, "Didn't I tell you? Collinsville Castle is my home in Ingland."

"Oh! You really didn't say that, not once!" Hermione said excitedly: "When Collinsville Castle disappeared, almost the entire Muggle world was shocked. I don't know if there are overwhelming reports. At first, I was guessing which wizard did the bad thing, but I didn't expect it to be bought by you."

"Hehe! Not long after I bought the castle, I asked the house-elf to build an enchantment for the castle, so it disappeared from the Muggle world." Zhang Hao said comfortably: "I also connected the Floo network to the castle. It is very convenient for the Ministry of Magic to go to Diagon Alley."

"So, the few times you went to my house, you came from the castle?" Ron said in shock: "You bastard, you kept it from me for almost a year. You didn't mention it at all at the time, it was too much what!"

"Sorry!" Zhang Hao said awkwardly, "I thought I told you about this."

Everyone was speechless, this memory is really bad enough!

"You asked the house-elf to set up an enchantment on the castle?" Hermione asked in surprise, "The Ministry of Magic doesn't care about this?"

"I invested a lot of money in the Ministry of Magic, so I should enjoy some privileges, right?" Zhang Hao said casually, "I will save them a lot of trouble by doing it myself. It's too late for them to thank me!"

"I suddenly felt like we were living in two worlds." Harry said bitterly, "I really envy you!"

"It's too early to envy me now," Zhang Hao looked at Hermione and Daphne, then at Ginny and Pansy in the distance, and said meaningfully, "You will envy me even more in the future."

Harry was ignorant and didn't understand the meaning of Zhang Hao's words at all.

"Hao, can I go to your castle to play during the holidays?" Daphne looked at Zhang Hao eagerly, and said in a begging tone: "My castle is almost tired, let me stay with you for a few days?"

have to! Another rich man!

The three of Gryffindor were helpless, why are all the Slytherins so rich?

"As long as your family agrees, you are welcome to visit my house at any time." Zhang Hao said with a smile: "There are only elves in my house, and you will be more popular in the castle when you come."

Lilith actually lived in the castle most of the time now, but he subconsciously concealed it.

They chatted some more, and finally agreed to hold a party at Collinsville Castle together during the holidays.

In this way, one semester is finally over.

Zhang Hao didn't take the Hogwarts train, he went to the cabin in the forest, and returned to the castle with Lilith using apparition.

Collinsville Castle was as deserted and dark as ever.

The elves kept the castle in good order, and when Zhang Hao came back, they gathered together to welcome him.

"Master, you are finally back! We have news for you—a ghoul lives in your castle. We are waiting for you to decide, do you want to drive it away?"

Zhang Hao was a little surprised, he didn't expect magical creatures to enter the castle so soon.

"No, let it live first!" He waved his hand and said, "You might be able to use it anytime."

Ghouls also have some valuable magic materials, which cost a lot of Galleons to buy in Diagon Alley.

Zhang Hao thought for a while, then asked again: "Aside from ghouls, are there any other magical creatures invading the castle?"

"There are more flower essences in the flower garden, and they seem to regard the garden as their own home." The elf named Stone said: "Master, they are very talented in taking care of flowers, can you keep them? Oh! Sorry, Master, please don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to be lazy, I'm just thinking about you."

Zhang Hao nodded and said, "Don't be nervous, I'll go and have a look tomorrow. If they are really as harmless as you said, I will keep them."

The so-called flower essence is also called flower fairy in the folk.

They are as industrious as bees. In the flower-rich garden, they can collect pollen and magically turn it into magical nectar.

This magical nectar is both an expensive drink and a very versatile magical ingredient that costs a lot of money to buy in Diagon Alley.

There are a group of flower fairies at home, so don't worry about not having magic nectar to enjoy.

The only trouble is that Flower Fairy is notoriously stingy.

It might not be easy to get magic nectar from them.

"Master, besides the flower fairy, there are also some nasty goblins in the flower garden." The little elf named Xiaomi said angrily, "These idiots always make the flowers look upside down, it's really disgusting!"

"But don't worry, except for the first time, we never let them succeed." Another elf said, "The garden is well protected by us, and you have not suffered any losses."

It was evident that the house-elves were afraid of punishment.

They would rather punish themselves than let the owner feel a little bit dissatisfied.

Apart from freedom, the last thing they want to see is the anger of their master.

Zhang Hao learned about some changes in the castle, and then went back to the bedroom to rest. Although he didn't experience the bumps of the journey, he was indeed a little tired after a busy day.

As night fell, a few big bats suddenly flew in the distance.

They are very large, far larger than ordinary bats, and their eyes are red and shiny.

They hit the barrier of the castle, had to fall to the ground, and then turned into human form.

At this time, Zhang Hao had already sunk into an illusion.

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