Harry Potter and Master of Magic

Chapter 56 Vampire Prisoner

boom! boom! boom!

The bedroom door was knocked loudly, Zhang Hao suddenly opened his eyes, and asked in a deep voice, "Who is outside? What's the matter?"

"Master, I am Shitou!" Shitou said in panic, "Three vampires are coming outside, and they are attacking the barrier."

Zhang Hao said angrily: "Catch them first, and deal with them tomorrow morning."

"Obey, my master."

Zhang Hao wondered, why would there be vampires attacking the castle for no reason?

He thought for a moment but couldn't figure it out, then lay down on the bed and continued to sleep.

Once awakened while immersed in the mysterious illusion, it will be impossible to re-enter that night.

This is an opportunity for Zhang Hao - he hasn't tried to fall asleep normally for a long time.


In the early morning of the next day, the bright Yang Guang shone on the bed from the gap in the curtains, waking Zhang Hao up from his dream.

He stretched himself, squinted his eyes and lay down comfortably for a while, and then began to get dressed and get up.

"Hey Jean, good morning?"


Zhang Hao feels that today's spirit seems to be much better than before. If there is any change, it can only be that the soul has become more refined.

It's like the skin that has been dry for a long time is suddenly nourished by water and becomes very round.

"It seems that it is good to sleep occasionally!"

In the past, he fell into the illusion every night, and it seemed that Zhang Hao got enough rest.

But in fact, this kind of rest is just a physical rest, and his soul is still active.

Every spell casting, every death, every mood swing in the illusion... can exercise the soul, but the soul power is always consumed during the exercise.

This kind of consumption can only be compensated by sleep, and Zhang Hao has not slept for a long time.

As the body is overworked to death, so is the soul—the only difference is that the two bear different degrees of fatigue.

Zhang Hao's soul is still far away from exhaustion, but it is already like a severely dehydrated clay sculpture full of cracks.

And the real sleep last night was like pouring a pot of nectar into the soul. Although it failed to complete the cultivation of the soul, it also repaired many cracks.

That's why he feels more rounded in spirit than before.

"Looks like I'll have to sleep more in the future!" He said happily to himself, "If it wasn't for the three vampires attacking the city last night, I don't know when we would have discovered this!"

Thinking of this, he felt much better.

"Well! Go and see those three guys first, if they are not too ugly, then let them go!"

The three vampires were imprisoned in the dungeon by the elves, Zhang Hao was not interested in visiting the gloomy dungeon.

He directly ordered the elf to bring up the prisoners, and received them in the drawing room.

The three vampires lined up, all staring at Zhang Hao casually.

Zhang Hao is also looking at the vampire, this is the first time he has seen a vampire.

They were two women and one man, and their appearance was just like the one in the legend, the man was handsome and the woman was charming.

If you don't look at their pale faces and blood-red eyes, you can hardly find the difference between them and humans.

From the outside, these three vampires seem to belong to the same family. They all have long silver hair, narrow eyes, thin lips...

"Tsk tsk tsk! It's really strange—are you homeless?" Zhang Hao asked lazily, "Why did you attack my castle?"

After a moment of silence, the female vampire on the far side said: "I'm sorry to disturb you, but it is indeed as you thought, we are homeless. A group of vile werewolves broke into the castle where we live. We are desperately looking for a place to hide I didn't know it was yours, the territory of a great wizard."

"Really? But this is not the reason for you to attack the castle barrier." Zhang Hao looked at the female vampire who was speaking, and said indifferently: "If I can't explain it clearly, I can only use you for magic research."

Using vampires for magic research? What kind of ruthless character is this? The bodies of the three vampires trembled almost simultaneously.

"No! You can't do that!" The male vampire said in fear: "We didn't attack the castle barrier,

We just bumped into the barrier and were captured by your minions! We have no resistance, you can ask your servant if you don't believe me. "

Zhang Hao pondered for a while, and glanced at the stone behind him.

Shi Shi immediately said: "Master, they didn't lie. When they were arrested last night, there was indeed no resistance."

"Okay!" Zhang Hao smiled maliciously: "Even so, you have offended me. If you want me to forgive you, you must pay a sufficient price."

The three vampires looked at Zhang Hao and cursed secretly in their hearts: "What a difficult brat!"

"But we have nothing, and we can't give anything." The female vampire who spoke before said: "We didn't have time to take away the wealth when we fled, please believe me."

"What Akali said is true!" the male vampire begged, "We are really miserable, please let us go!"

The female vampire in the middle didn't say a word, just looked at Zhang Hao pitifully.

Zhang Hao was silent for a moment, and asked, "Which family do you come from? Please introduce yourself!"

"My name is Akali Allen Remuel, and I am the eldest sister in the family." The female vampire who spoke first introduced herself, then pointed to the female vampire in the middle and said, "This is my sister Monica. Alan Remuel."

"My name is Barrett Duncan Remuel, and I'm their cousin." The male vampire hurriedly said, "I was a guest at their house when their castle was attacked. So I was implicated, please Let me go, I'm already miserable! Can you be more sympathetic? Oh! I think you still need two maids, why don't you take them in as maids and let me go for their sake? That's it Good for you, don't you think?"

Zhang Hao really hates Barrett, this guy is simply soft-boned.

A man, and a vampire.

Not only did he not protect his little cousins ​​in times of crisis, but he even betrayed them.

He is not a vampire, but a second devil!

Akali and Monica glared at Barrett, obviously not expecting him to be so shameless.

"Are you from the Ruimuir clan?" Zhang Hao paid attention to their surnames, and asked in surprise: "The Ruimuir clan still has inheritance?"

There are some unofficial records in the magic world. In order to pursue eternal life, some wizards used alchemy, magic and vampire blood to refine a kind of potion.

After taking this potion, they gained the ability to suck blood, and their lifespan was greatly extended.

And passed on the blood-sucking ability and longevity characteristics to future generations, thus creating a new vampire clan.

And this clan is the Remuel clan.

However, according to the historical records circulated today, the Remuir clan was extinct hundreds of years ago, and no branch remained at all.

Therefore, the three vampires in front of them seemed to be suspected of lying.

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