The Christmas holidays are fleeting.

Ten days of vacation time gave Wilkes enough time to deal with all the expected plans.

In the days after Christmas, he also wasted no time and returned to the French forest of Landes and began to look for traces of other troll tribes that still existed.

However, in the end, it turned out that there were no other monster tribes in the Langde Forest.

But it was still a gain, some scattered trolls.


The Lande Forest, densely covered with towering and thick pine trees, the ground is thick with shrubs, the east is white, and the dawn fog is pervasive, which is particularly quiet.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

At this time, a huge figure ran with heavy steps in the dense forest, his hands constantly peeling away the trees blocking the front, and the branches of the trees broke everywhere they went, destroying and decaying.

But the figure that seems to be huge and unstoppable, but the body is embarrassed, there are green blood stains everywhere, there is fear in the eyes, when running, from time to time looking back, it seems to be fleeing.

Sou! Sou!

Followed by a petite black figure, constantly shuttling back and forth between the thick tree trunks.


The huge figure fleeing in front, after seeing the figure following closely behind, immediately wailed in panic, and fled even more in panic.

In this way, two completely unequal figures formed a strange pursuit scene in the Langde forest.

“Upgrade—legs stand stiff and die!!”

At this time, with a childish shout, I saw a blue beam of light suddenly appear, shooting out from the petite figure behind him.


Immediately, the huge figure in front of him, after being hit, stopped abruptly and fell directly in the dense forest, emitting a roar.

In the dense forest, the petite figure shuttling back and forth between the tree trunks had already chased up, and suddenly stopped his figure and stopped on a tree trunk with a half-squat.

It is a teenager wearing black simplicity, with special tattoos, clear eyebrows, bright eyes and teeth.

It was Wilke who was hunting trolls.

“I didn’t expect that in the dense forest, the speed of the troll’s escape was completely inconsistent with the description of ‘slow action’ recorded in the book.” Wilkes said helplessly.

Throughout the holiday, he spent the Round Forest, looking for trolls, the seventh troll he had hunted.

On the ground,

The restrained trolls are still struggling desperately, but in the face of the leg locking spell that has been “upgraded” to increase, it will not help at all.

Wilkes looked at the monster indifferently, still trying to break free, did not intend to give it any chance, raised his wand, and a spell flung out: “Upgrade – crush the bones!” ”


In an instant, a red spell hit the head of the troll, who was still struggling on the ground, and the next moment, like a watermelon bursting, the blood of the residue splashed, and there was no movement.

Wilkes jumped off the tree trunk, took a few steps forward, walked to the troll’s corpse, and kicked it to make sure it was dead.

“I’m almost late for you, and it is estimated that in ten minutes, the Hogwarts Express will be leaving.” He shook his head and muttered.

Today is the day of the start of Hogwarts.

Thinking about it, he began to skillfully collect the souls and corpses of the trolls, and when he finished collecting, he immediately waved his wand, summoned Yuel, and immediately rushed to King’s Cross Station.

Before that, he also changed his clothes and put on his Hogwarts uniform again.

Although Wilkes prefers the black outfit before, at Hogwarts, he can’t wear it this way, it looks too different and too conspicuous.

Wilkes felt that it was better to keep a low profile.

At this time, the platform of King’s Cross Station was already very few, there were almost no people, and he did not dare to stop, and he immediately caught the train.

On the Hogwarts Express, Wilkes finally breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately he didn’t miss the train, otherwise when he arrived at Hogwarts, he didn’t know how to explain it to Hermione and Luna.

He had promised them that they would go back to school together.

Before the holiday, Wilkes had made an appointment once, but he couldn’t come again.

Thinking about it, he began to look for the carriage where Luna and Hermione were, and thanks to the fact that he had cast a tracking spell on them before, it wasn’t long before he was standing in front of a carriage.

“Hermione… And Luna. Wilkes looked at the two girls sitting opposite each other in this carriage, the corners of his mouth turned up, and smiled.

A man with long pale blonde hair and ethereal eyes is looking out the window with cute radish earrings on his ears.

The other man with long brown and fluffy hair, obviously specially combed at the moment, although immature but delicate facial features, was holding a heavy book and watching.

It was Hermione and Luna.

Wilkes just made a little noise, and Hermione and Luna, who were sitting in the carriage, naturally looked over, but when they saw the person coming, they immediately showed a surprised expression.


“Wilkes!” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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