

Hermione and Luna, pleasantly surprised.

But the next moment, the two looked at each other at the same time, blushing, only to find that they seemed too impulsive.

Suddenly, Hermione coughed and pretended to look at the book again, Luna’s eyes wandered, and she blushed sideways and looked out the window, her hands unnaturally placed on her knees.

Wilkes was stunned.

“It seems that after a while, he reacted, suddenly thought of something, the corners of his mouth turned up, and he walked into the carriage without hurry, muttering: “They get along very well.” ”

As soon as he entered the carriage, Wilkes closed the door casually, and at the same time, he also saw two cat-like creatures lying on the table in the carriage, one silver-gray and one beige.

It was he who gave Luna, and Hermione’s Christmas present, two pure-blooded cats.

They are lounging on their tables, basking in the sunlight coming in from the window.

Wilkes just glanced at it casually, then focused on Luna and Hermione, looking them back and forth, the inexplicable smile on the corners of his mouth even stronger.

Hermione and Luna’s faces turned even more rosy under his gaze, but neither took the initiative to speak to him, still caring for themselves.

“Luna, how was the holiday, went to Greece with your father and found the snorer?” Wilkes spoke up first, naturally clinging to Luna, sitting down, and looking at her with a smile on his face.

Hearing this, Luna’s originally still wandering eyes instantly lowered, blushing, and twisting for a long time before answering softly: “No, my father said that the scient-horned snoring beast may not be in Greece.” ”

Saying that, she looked up at Wilkes and said curiously: “What about you, Wilkes, how did you spend the holidays and how did you go?” ”

Wilkes shrugged his shoulders and secretly said in his heart, this holiday, he has a very rich life, but he can’t see the light, just casually coped with a “okay”

As they spoke, Hermione looked at Wilkes, who was thick-skinned enough to directly pick up Luna, gritted her silver teeth secretly, and “hummed” softly, indicating that she existed.

Seeing this, Wilkes immediately reacted, got up with a smile, and naturally sat down close to Hermione.

Looking at Hermione’s specially combed through, he wrapped his arm around Hermione’s waist with a smile, making Hermione stiffen, although she recovered quickly, but also had a good face.

Wilkes did not speak, and Hermione of Limbelli had already expected it in advance, and she had to be helplessly hugged by him and leaned on his shoulder if she was jealous.

After all, before the holiday, she was actually prepared, but until now, she didn’t face it, and for Luna…

Hermione looked at Luna, who was sitting opposite and was not angry with Wilkes in the slightest, just obediently put her hands on her knees and blushed and looked out the window.

She sighed secretly, Luna’s character, she couldn’t be jealous at all, thought about it, looked at Wilkes again, gritted her teeth and muttered: “You scoundrel!” Only bully good girls. ”

The corner of Wilkes’s eyes twitched, after the strengthening of the troll’s soul, how strong his physical fitness was, and his ear power was naturally not weak, Hermione’s muttering, of course, he also heard it.

Immediately, he looked up at the window, looking like he was admiring the scenery, pretending not to hear it, and sighing a little in his heart.

“Am I easy, I…” Wilkes shouted in his heart, “It’s Ravenclaw’s golden crown again, and it’s a pure-blood cat, and it’s usually a good thing, and if you put it in an ordinary girl, maybe you’ve already found ten eight.” ”

But it’s just about other girls, he usually rarely even looks, who can compare to Luna and Hermione’s.

As the three of them quieted down and made no more noises, Hermione, who was held by Wilkes, was still looking at the book, while Luna looked at the scenery outside, and the inside of the carriage was peaceful.

Only Wilkes, watching the scenery flying by outside the window, secretly thoughts, because in a few hours, they would be at Hogwarts.

The second half of the semester was not short, but he felt in his heart that there was not enough time.

The large number of books in the forbidden area, the control of their own abilities, and most importantly, the plot of the Philosopher’s Stone, all of which Wilkes needs to prepare for in advance.

For him, the forbidden book area represents knowledge, and although he has obtained part of Voldemort’s memories before, he has mastered some high-end black magic, but they are definitely not to be underestimated.

The control of his own ability, as early as the black market of Sterlake, Wilkes recognized this shortcoming of his own and had a plan, before that, in the process of hunting trolls, he also tried, for some abilities, the effect was remarkable.

However, some abilities are not so easy to control freely, such as “Demon Dragon Descending”

Thinking of this, Wilkes’s eyes shone brightly, and he had a lot of ideas about the ability of “Demon Dragon Incarnation”.

Of course, the most important thing is the plot of the Philosopher’s Stone, compared to others, you can take it slowly, but the Philosopher’s Stone, you must prepare as soon as possible.

But the good times did not last long, and just when he was still thinking about how to plot the Philosopher’s Stone, three students suddenly passed by outside the carriage, and when he saw them in the carriage, he stopped.

“Look, who is this?”

A pretentious surprised, ironic voice made Wilkes, who was thinking in the carriage, frown, the haze flashed, and looked back at the door indifferently. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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