The undisguised sarcastic voice made Luna and Hermione, who was reading, also look over.

When he saw who the person outside the carriage door was, Wilkes was not surprised at all, and secretly said with disdain: “Is it true, Draco.” ”

As soon as he heard the voice, he had a premonition.

A pale and thin man, long pale blonde hair, wearing a clean Slytherin House costume, if not for the annoying expression on his face, he would still be a guy with the potential of a little white face.

It was Draco Malfoy.

Behind him stood two more Slytherin students, both stronger than Draco, acting as Draco’s henchmen.

Crabbe and Goyle.

“It’s Luna of Ravenclaw, and… Coming from a Muggle family… Dirty Mudblood, Hermione. Malfoy disdained, looked back at Crabbe and Goyle behind him unabashedly, and mocked, “Shamelessly leaned over again.” ”

Hearing the sound, Hermione, who was leaning on Wilkes, was pale and weak, very embarrassed, but his eyes were staring at Malfoy outside the carriage, and the corners of his eyes suddenly turned red.

Saying that, Malfoy pointed the finger at Wilkes again, and said with a very contemptuous look: “Dealing with those Muggles, it seems that your family has really degenerated.” ”

“Wilkes, why do you tarnish the reputation of wizards.”

With each sentence, his arrogance became more arrogant, and he mocked loudly a few times, and Crabbe and Goyle behind him also laughed in agreement.

Luna and Hermione in the carriage did not make a sound, only Wilkes could feel it, Hermione was trembling all over at the moment, like a wounded fawn.

Because Draco just scolded her… Mudblood.

That was the most humiliating title for a Muggle wizard.

“It’s really…” In this regard, Wilkes shook his head, his indifferent expression did not change from beginning to end, and muttered: “I took the initiative to come to the door to find death…”

Originally, for Draco, he originally just wanted to punish him a little when he had time, because he had not forgotten that before the holiday, Draco said bad things about him behind his back.

But now…

Wilkes looked at Draco indifferently, and Draco, who was still laughing, breathed a deep sigh of relief, and forcibly endured the abuse in his heart, otherwise he would really not be able to bear it, and directly cursed it with a death curse.

And looking at Will, who was still expressionless in the face of his own mockery. Lacco didn’t know that he was actually controlling his emotions, so he disdainfully mocked his cowardice. Having completely forgotten his father’s warning, Lucius, he waved his robe vigorously.

“Let’s go, Goyle, get back to your carriage, let’s go find something else fun.” He said with a blank look on his face, ready to leave here.

Goyle and Crabbe answered and followed Malfoy, who had been wandering around the corridors of the train just out of boredom.

Wilkes was just them, thinking they had found one of those pleasures.

“I said…”

At this time, an indifferent voice came from the carriage, and although he heard a fluttering word, it revealed a piercing coldness, which made Malfoy, who was about to leave, froze and stopped.

He turned his head a little stiffly, and found that it was Wilkes who had just spoken, only to breathe a sigh of relief and glance at him disapprovingly.

“How?” Draco said bluntly, and Goyle and Crabbe behind him also stood up, giving him enough confidence and disdaining: “Do you still want to teach me a lesson?” ”

Wilkes shook his head indifferently.

Draco laughed, and Goyle and Crabbe also laughed, feeling that his behavior at this time was very funny.

Wilkes looked at Malfoy again indifferently and said without the slightest emotion, “I can’t kill anyone at Hogwarts. ”


In an instant, Draco’s expression stopped stunned, and he only felt that a cold current spread throughout his body, like falling into an ice cave, and the world in front of him suddenly changed…

Gray, black and white, silent, all silent, the whole world seemed to abandon him at this moment, he felt that his body was constantly weightless, all hope, happiness, all disappeared, only left… Fear.

Fear that touches the deepest part of the soul.

It’s like being alone in the dark, losing your five senses, except for the nerves full of fear, you can’t even make a sound, and you bear it silently alone, with no end.

But after just a few seconds, Draco’s eyes were glazed, his pupils were dilated, his heart was convulsing violently, and his breathing was intermittent.

It wasn’t until an invisible fluctuation suddenly disappeared that he seemed to be completely soft, and he fell to the ground sharply, his limbs were scattered, and his eyes looked at him intently.

Goyle and Crabbe, although not as complete as Draco, also leaned back against the train, looked at Wilkes with fear in their eyes, and gasped.

At this moment, except for the train car where Wilkes was, the entire Hogwarts Express seemed to fall into silence, and all the students in each carriage, whether senior or junior, all grabbed their clothes with their hands, tensed their faces, and there was fear in the depths of their eyes, and they were short of breath.

“Take him with you and get out of here while I can control myself and stop doing irreparable things.” Wilkes said indifferently with a blank face.

Immediately, a word woke up the dreamer, Goyle and Crabbe, who were still immersed in fear, and immediately hurriedly picked up Malfoy, who was completely paralyzed, and immediately fled here.

Wilkes looked at all this indifferently, and after a long time, he muttered indifferently:

“You shouldn’t have said ‘Mudblood.'” _

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