Now look at the system panel:

“Host: Wilkes”

“Abilities: Wrath of Tibbus, Pillar of Fire, Upgrade”

Upgrade: Spend mana to increase the effect of the next attack several times.

The skill introduction is unusually simple, but Wilkes thought a little and understood the advantages of this ability, and it is precisely because of this that Wilkes’s eyes shine.

The word “multifold strengthening” is very vague, but it can be measured.

Take the attack magic that Wilkes is now able to cast, it is the only attack magic that Wilkes has practiced in the previous ten days.

With his current magic power, at most, it can destroy ordinary wooden tables and chairs.

But if it is under the blessing of “upgrade”, I am afraid that it can be comparable to adult wizards.

And this is because Wilkes’s own magic power is too weak now, if his magic power is similar to that of the enemy, it is almost certain that someone of the same level will not be able to defeat him!

And this ability can also be used to amplify your own other abilities inherited from legendary heroes, such as the Pillar of Flame!

This ability has saved him many times!

Even when his mana is thin, he can exert a huge explosive attack, and with his mana, the power of his ability will increase.

Not to mention that now he has an “upgrade”, which can be multiplied several times on the original basis!

However, Wilkes calmed down a little, and at the same time discovered a not flaw of this ability, mana consumption.


It itself requires the consumption of mana.

Now his mana, even the pillar of flame can only be used about three times before the magic power is exhausted, even though after experiments before the start of school, Wilkes found that under the urging of the wand, the consumption of the pillar of flame was reduced to fifty percent, but I am afraid that after using the “upgrade”, it still cannot be used more than three times.

However, it can be imagined that the attack power after the increase will absolutely explode instantly.

Overall, the pros outweigh the cons.

In the early stage, it can act on ordinary magic, after all, the consumption of magic is not large, he can still bear it, as for the ability to act, it can only be used as a hole card.

Wilkes exhaled softly and looked out the window at Hogwarts Castle at night.

This was the second time he had inherited the heroic ability because of Hogwarts, and sure enough, his assumption was not wrong.

Hogwarts, is the key!

“It’s a bit of a headache to think about the troubles you will encounter in the future, so let’s plan ahead.” Wilkes sighed slightly.

If it weren’t for the system, he wouldn’t have come to Hogwarts, it would be too dangerous here, if only he could hide alone and develop secretly.

Thinking about it, he glanced at the other two freshmen who were already asleep at the moment, and got out of bed.

Wilkes quietly descended the stairs to the Ravenclaw common room.

Looking at the wide range of books in the various bookcases, this was much more valuable than the one he had entrusted Yuel to buy at Lichen Bookstore.

The future is dangerous, and he can’t be too comfortable.

Wilkes roughly read the titles on the bookcase, chose a copy of “Destruction Charms and Protection Charms”, sat on the carpet directly in front of the fireplace, and began to flip through it little by little.

Magic is not something that can be achieved at once, and although his starting point is high, it is still good to learn more magic.

In the silence of the night, the fire of the fireplace was gentle, and with the sound of turning books, Wilkes’s back was gradually elongated….


And just when Wilkes was going to spend half the night reading quietly, the other end of Hogwarts, in Dumbledore’s office, was not so harmonious.

“Severus, you shouldn’t focus on Wilkes, you and I both know that we may face it in the next time.” Standing in front of the arched window, Dumbledore clasped his hands to his belly and looked into the darkness in the distance.

Tonight, unusually quiet.

“You shouldn’t have allowed him to enter Hogwarts, he’s in more trouble than you think.” Standing behind Dumbledore, Snape spoke indifferently.

Perhaps because of the brain occlusion, Snape always had an indifferent expression.

This is one of the manifestations of mastering cerebral occlusion.

“As the greatest wizard of the century, you know nothing about things, Wilkes he has been active in Overturned Alley for at least two, two years!” Even Snape’s tone couldn’t help but rise at the moment.

“You know, he’s only eleven years old now! Do you know what that means that a ten-year-old can walk through the Overturned Alley, with at least six lives on his hands, even Voldemort, who was still just a hazy teenager at the age of ten?! ”

Snape calmed down a little, and then gloomy memories of the past: “Wilkes, a mad Death Eater, he gave his son the exact same name, before he died. ”

“He inherited his father’s name, his father’s madness, his father’s bloodline, and… Identity of the Death Eaters! ”

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