“Although I don’t know his purpose yet, I think it has nothing to do with Voldemort…”

“All right! All right, Severus. At this moment, Dumbledore suddenly interrupted Snape, turned to look at him, and then gently walked to the side.

“It doesn’t matter what he did, what matters is now, now, Severus.” Dumbledore walked over to the table and looked at the cupboard next to it.

The cupboard was stocked with a lot of things, including a shabby sorting hat.

“As for why he got sorted into Ravenclaw, Sorting Hat?” Dumbledore looked at the sorting hat on the cabinet, and it seemed a little strange, and his eyebrows sank slightly.

“Oh, it’s the little ghost who was late today, he’s not a simple guy.” The wrinkled circumference of the Sorting Hat’s hat opened its mouth wide and began to say:

“He’s more evil than any guy I’ve ever met, and he threatened me to burn me if I didn’t assign him to Ravenclaw, and now it’s getting harder and harder for kids to deal with.”

Speaking of this, Dumbledore’s hand on the table rubbed slightly, and Snape looked at Dumbledore, exhaling softly on the tip of his nose, with an expression that was indeed so.

But before he finished speaking, the sorting hat then shouted: “But he is indeed a rare boy, his mind is not at all like an eleven-year-old child, and his magic power is far beyond his age, and he has enough qualities for him to join any academy and will shine.” ”

“Even if it is Ravenclaw, I can see that his curiosity is terrible, and if it weren’t for his temper, I would have thought that Rowena Ravenclaw was resurrected.”

It has to be said that although the Sorting Hat was threatened by Wilkes, its evaluation was unexpectedly pertinent and even respectful.

“Then do you think he will become the second Voldemort.” Dumbledore was also surprised by the Sorting Hat’s evaluation, and asked a possibility that he could not guess either.

“You mean that Tom Riddle, if that kid today had the same mind as him, I’m afraid he would be a great figure like Salazar Slytherin.” The Sorting Hat made no secret of its approval of Wilkes.

But after a pause, the Sorting Hat suddenly sighed again: “But it seems that he is not interested in the slightest sense of power and pureblood, and is even inferior to a Muggle, which is really a pity.” ”

Listening to the tone, it seemed that the Sorting Hat wanted Wilkes to pay more attention to the nobility of the pure-blood family.

“Well, Severus, the Sorting Hat never makes a wrong judgment, Wilkes he is not our enemy, at least not yet.” Dumbledore turned to look at Snape, his eyes revealing wisdom.

“You seem to be going too far for Wilkes, that’s not a good sign, discrimination can narrow your mind, Severus, even if his father used to work with you.”

Snape fell silent, looking at Dumbledore indifferently, without explaining anything, as if he had been hit by him.

“Emotions don’t affect me yet.” After that, Severus directly chose to turn around and leave.

Looking at Snape’s back, Dumbledore’s wise eyes gradually dimmed, and the clouds were all over the place, after all, this was about the return of “that person”, and no mistake was allowed.

“Hope I didn’t do anything wrong.” Looking at the entrance where Snape left, Dumbledore muttered.

He didn’t never miss anything, Tom’s thing was the biggest mistake he made, and Tom’s thing made him a little exhausted.

He chose to believe in the Sorting Hat.

The Sorting Hat contains the thoughts of the four former Hogwarts founders, and can respond correctly after using the Dementor to interpret the thoughts of the new students.

This is why the Sorting Hat is so highly regarded by Wilkes, because the Sorting Hat still has the idea of Salazar Slytherin in it.


In this way, soon it was the second day, and all the new students were ushering in their first magic lessons.

The first class of Ravenclaw freshmen was Defense Against the Dark Arts class, with Hufflepuff, and the person who taught this course was Professor Quirrell.

For Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Wilkes was unusually interested.

And he was also interested in Professor Quirrell himself, after all, Wilkes knew that Voldemort was attached to him at this moment.

The Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom is on the second floor of Hogwarts Castle, a vaulted roof, dimly lit room, and not very spacious.

Wilkes came to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom with the new Ravenclaw students.

All the new students still don’t know each other, and Wilkes knows only Luna, who is sitting next to him.

“Wilkes, do you know today’s lesson?” Luna tilted her head and asked curiously.

“Well, the first section in the textbook is about the cognition and handling of ‘little devils’, Luna, as a Ravenclaw student, it is not a good habit not to preview in advance.” Wilkes had memorized the first-year course in advance.

After all, there are really not many things learned in the first grade.

For example, in Defense Against the Dark Arts class, the first grade will only learn to face the three creatures “swamp digger”, “little devil”, and “fox meiko”, and three evil spells and how to deal with them.

“I already previewed in advance last night, just wanted to test you, Wilkes, I heard from the seniors that Ravenclaw male students are more rigid, and few people will preview in advance, obviously you are not among them.” Luna said with a light smile.

Looking at Luna after speaking, his eyes drifted again and he didn’t know where to go, Wilkes shook his head slightly, although he still liked such a simple Luna, but she would always suffer a loss in this way.

“It seems that it was fate, and sure enough, I was the one who ‘rescued’ Luna.” Wilkes looked narcissistic and secretly smug.

Before he could say more, a man wearing a dark brown wizard robe came in front of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

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