At this point, the flaws in the Marauder’s map, as well as the possible loopholes of the Weasley twin brothers, and finally the invisibility cloak borrowed to infiltrate the forbidden book area, all the response is completed.

After reading the “Poetry Pidou Story Collection” four or five times again, he “touched”, closed the book, and got up to leave the common room.

Today was the first day after the Christmas break, but not without classes, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, and there was also a Transfiguration class this morning.

Because of Peter Pettigrew’s memory and shock to the fountain of good luck, Wilkes has been delayed for some time.

Professor McGonagall is a very strict professor, and the same is true for deducting points, and if you are late, you will deduct at least five or ten points.

He also counted on Ravenclaw to be able to trigger the system after winning the House Cup every semester, but he couldn’t be late.

At this moment, the Hogwarts campus, unlike in the early morning, has returned to normal, all the students have regained their joy, and everything is no longer abnormal.

But Wilkes wasn’t interested in this, and on the way to the Transfiguration classroom, he kept his head down, thinking about his plan, maybe he could change it.

“If the Spring of Good Luck is really in the Horse Tribe, maybe I can think about it first…” he muttered, a flash of expectation in his eyes.

After all, in the forbidden book area, Wilkes has the cloak of invisibility, and he can choose to sneak in at any time.

But the fountain of good luck is completely different, according to the memory of Peter Pettigrew, the vague information obtained, although it proves that there is indeed a fountain of good luck in the horse tribe, but you must know that before that, more than twenty or thirty years have passed.

At this time, among the horse tribes in the Forbidden Forest, no one dares to say whether the Spring of Good Luck still exists.

He didn’t want to miss out on this thing that should only exist in legends because of his hesitation.

Thinking about it, Wilkes’ eyes were completely clear, and he strode towards the Transfiguration classroom, since he already had a plan, he only had to wait for nightfall.

Now he was only in his first year, and in Transfiguration class, Professor McGonagall would only teach some very simple elementary Transfiguration Charms, so there was nothing to pay special attention to, and Wilkes basically didn’t need to listen to the lectures.

After the Transfiguration class, he didn’t waste any time, but chose to go to the library and look up all the information about the Good Luck Fountain and the Horse people.

In fact, the resolute decision to go directly to the horse tribe in the Forbidden Forest tonight to find the fountain of good luck has gone against Wilkes’ usual character.

He can be regarded as ignorant of the horse tribe, the depths of the Forbidden Forest, and the Spring of Good Luck, and he also took a certain risk by going so rashly.

So Wilkes had to hold the Buddha’s feet temporarily, and fully immersed himself in the library, not asking for too much, just to have a general understanding.


Time flies, the white horse passes the gap, the noon time is fleeting, and the already gloomy sky begins to gradually darken.

It wasn’t until the librarian rang the small bell that represented the closure of the library that he suddenly came back to his senses, closed the book in his hand, and his eyes shone brightly.

“Finally… Has it arrived…”

Wilkes knew that the time for the library to close was not far off, which also meant that the time for the night break was not far away.

Afterwards, he returned to the common room, and rarely, instead of teasing Luna, he walked into the boys’ lounge early.

In addition to Wilkes, there were two other Ravenclaw students in the boys’ lounge.

Seeing this, the corners of Wilkes’ mouth turned up. This is just right, there is no need to wait here for them to return, so he silently took out his wand, waved it casually, and blocked the exit behind him.

“Let you guys again…” he muttered as he walked slowly to the other two’s bed, “Get a good night’s sleep.” ”

Since he chose to sneak out of Hogwarts Castle at night, Wilkes naturally needed to be prepared, at the very least, so that the other two people in the lounge could not expose him.

Another spell was swung by him indifferently, and the other two immediately fell into a deep sleep, or coma.

Speaking of which, his two classmates cast a coma spell on Wilkes whenever they needed to leave the lounge, whether it was to the Forbidden Forest, or to the Room of Requirement, or to do something.

How many times it has been cast by Wilkes, he himself can’t remember exactly.

Fortunately, the Coma Charm will not cause any adverse consequences to the wizard’s spirit, otherwise I am afraid that they would have been demented long ago.

But even so, their usual daytime spirit is a little weak compared to other students.

Seeing this, Wilkes could put down his heart and start to really prepare, turning directly to his bed, and took off his Hogwarts uniform.

Then, from the ring on his left hand, he took out a completely black outfit with a special texture on it and began to wear it.

It is the power suit specially made by the black dragon skin of the Hekhdidary Islands.

Going to the Forbidden Forest tonight, he did not know what danger he would encounter, and he felt the need to prepare everything.

Not only that, after the black dragon leather suit was put on, Wilkes took out the Voldat ring again from the ring and put it on his left hand again.

Before returning to Hogwarts, he put away Sternlake’s two portkeys and two Voldbat’s rings, and only had one ring to store his belongings.

Now the Voldobat ring was taken out again, and the Voldemota was released and draped over his body.

This made Wilkes feel that he was ready for everything, and the rest…

He turned the palm of his left hand upwards, took out the clown mask he brought when he entered Sterlake, and only after throwing away other messy emotions did he slowly put on the mask.

“Hope tonight…” Only a pair of already indifferent eyes appeared on the mask, and Wilkes looked out the stone arch window of the lounge and muttered:

“Everything is going well.” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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