The moon is light and the cold wind blows.

At night, the Hogwarts campus is still very quiet and silent, which is an ideal night out for some people.

It wasn’t until late at night, when Wilkes, who had been waiting in the lounge, that he finally acted.

Unlike before, this time he did not cast the Illusion Charm, but took out the invisibility cloak he borrowed from Harry and draped it over the Voldebat Bat.

Wilkes left the lounge and walked carefully through the corridor in the night, and on the way very smoothly, he reached the door of Hogwarts Castle.

If you look into the distance, you can see the Forbidden Forest.

“Wait, this is…”

At this time, before he was ready to immediately follow the grass in the snow to the Forbidden Forest, his brows suddenly frowned, staring at the series of chaotic footprints on the snow outside the castle, and fell into deep thought.

Wilkes then looked up at the sky, where snowflakes were still falling.

“New footprints, who is it, more than one person?” He muttered suspiciously, a little surprised that he was not the only one who secretly ran out.

The next moment, Wilkes silently took out the Marauder’s Map and waved his wand casually.

“I solemnly swear that I didn’t do anything good!”

He thought silently in his heart, and then put the tip of his wand against the map of the living point that had just been taken out, which looked like a stack of parchment, to see who had left the castle like him.

With Wilkes’s spell, countless lines began to emerge from the originally blank Marauder’s Map above, forming places and names.

“Let me see, outside the castle…” He began to rummage through the map around the castle, and in an instant, he found a few familiar names, but his face was even more confused.

“Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley…” It was the three people Wilkes had contacted during the day, but this was all, but there was another name that made him a little dazed and strange:

“Why did Professor Quirrell also leave the castle and enter the Forbidden Forest, is it for…”

It was Quirrell who was parasitized by Voldemort

If it was Harry, Wilkes would still be able to understand, and had already told them Flamel’s information during the day.

In the original book, after learning the news of the Philosopher’s Stone, they also sneaked out of Hogwarts Castle in the evening and went to Hagrid to ask for confirmation.

So for Harry and the others to leave the castle, he naturally didn’t feel anything.

But Professor Quirrell, or it can be said that Voldemort, would go to the Forbidden Forest again, which surprised Wilkes, and in his estimation, Voldemort should not dare to enter the Forbidden Forest because of his last experience in the Forbidden Forest.

“Did you go to find the unicorn again, it seems that because the Horcrux was destroyed again, he had to take a risk.” Wilkes thought to himself.

And he knew that in Voldemort’s hands, there were still Newt Motra rats obtained from the last transaction with him, so Voldemort would not be weakened by the curse of unicorn blood in a short time.

In this way, Voldemort’s state at this time should be similar to that in the original work.

Just by looking at the Marauder’s map, Professor Quirrell’s name appeared, and Wilkes guessed the general truth.

Since the last time Voldemort met Dumbledore in the Forbidden Forest and was pitted by him once, he did not intend to enter the Forbidden Forest, but chose to trade with him to temporarily eliminate the curse of unicorn blood and barely support.

The only thing that was not expected was that the Horcrux was destroyed again, which led to Voldemort’s injury, and he had to continue his life again with the help of unicorn blood.

Wilkes thought, raised his wand again, put it against the map of the Marauder’s Point, and said silently: “The prank is over!” ”

Immediately, the Marauder’s Map turned into a blank stack of parchment again, which he put away.

Wilkes’s eyes stared slightly, and after a little thought, he stopped in place and began to walk on the snowy path, continuing to the Forbidden Forest.

Although Voldemort also went to the Forbidden Forest, he didn’t want to give up his goal just like that.

Voldemort’s goal was the unicorn, Wilkes’ goal was the horse tribe, there was no conflict, he just had to avoid it from a distance, unless Voldemort took the initiative to find him, otherwise he didn’t think anything would happen.

After a while, Wilkes quietly entered the Forbidden Forest and began to conform towards the depths of the Forbidden Forest.

On the way, he also pulled out a Marauder’s map from time to time to check Quirrell’s location, and then continued to move forward.

Although Wilkes does not know the specific location of the horse tribe, according to the distribution of various magical creatures in the Forbidden Forest, such as the eight-eyed giant spider, etc., their tribe should be in the northern corner of the Forbidden Forest.

Because horse people are a territorial creature.

They generally establish tribes in places where there is no threat and no disturbance.


With direction, Wilkes’ speed was exceptionally fast, and after entering the Forbidden Forest, he took off his dragging invisibility cloak and quickly shuttled between the trees, like a flexible spirit monkey.

The extent of the Forbidden Forest is very large, far larger than the area occupied by Hogwarts Castle.

If it weren’t for his physical fitness, after the comprehensive strengthening of the soul devouring, it would really not be easy to find the horse tribe across half of the Forbidden Forest. _

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