“Forbidden magic?”

Wilkes knew that the books taken out of the forbidden area were generally very precious and rare.

Moreover, in the forbidden book area, there are also materials related to black magic, and even some unknown black magic spells.

The three unforgivable spells that Voldemort used can be regarded as upper-middle level spells among the Dark Curses.

However, Wilkes could see from Yule’s surprised expression that “Memory Modification” was definitely not so simple.

At this time, Yule seemed to look at Wilkes with the performance that had never been shown to Wilkes.

There was a little doubt, there was some strangeness, but more was the fear that radiated from the heart.

That’s right, it’s fear, and the way Yule looks now, it’s like an ordinary wizard meeting Voldemort.

“Master, how did you know the name? Impossible, impossible, this book … No, this disaster is gone. ”

Yule seemed a little incoherent, but Wilkes could feel the unprecedented despair in Yule’s heart.

“Yule !!!”

Wilkes saw that the elf Yule seemed to be in a nightmare and did not hesitate. Immediately, the “fear descends” was released.

Domineering, dark, powerful aura was immediately released.

Wilkes didn’t really want to do this because it would damage Yule’s soul, but now he had to do it, and if he didn’t use “fear coming,” then he could be dominated by another fear.

“Yule, tell me, you know about the Memory Modification!”

Following the effect of “fear falling” and Yule’s obedience to himself, Wilkes asked Yule in commanding words.

Under the powerful “fear descend” effect of Wilkes, Yule’s soul seemed to tremble a little, and finally, entered Wilkes’s fear.

In Wilkes’ eyes, Yule’s eyes are now empty, as if he has no soul.

However, Wilkes has already controlled the strength and can recover with a little Soul Stone powder.

Although Yule is only his own servant, Wilkes may have had a more difficult life without Yule’s care, so Wilkes will not let Yule suffer too much.

“Lord… Host…… Master, I… You…”

Yule became slightly trembling when he spoke because of the two strong shocks.

“Slowly, don’t worry, tell me what exactly is the Memory Modification?”

It seems that Yule’s abnormal state makes him feel that ah, this matter is definitely not that simple, so he must understand it immediately.

Otherwise, if this book is a fixed word, then it is himself who will suffer in the end, after all, the memory of the previous moment has already made him palpitate.

“Yes, Memory Revision is a very evil book, no, a disaster.”

After Wilkes listened to Yule’s words, his curiosity became heavier, so he listened carefully to what Yule told him what he knew, and finally, Wilkes’s face became very gloomy.

Terrible! After listening to Yule’s words, Will had only these two words.

From Yule’s words, Wilkes learned that this book was indeed an absolutely forbidden magic book.

This book does not record magical spells like other magic books, nor does it have a history or unknown secrets about magic.

It is indeed a disaster.

In front of more than seventy, this book was obtained by a wizard from a magical relic, and this wizard successfully found a way to open the Memory Modification.

He, just using some of the book’s abilities at the beginning, already made him a more terrifying person than Voldemort.

“Memory Modification” has two effects.

The first one, just like the title of the book, can modify a person’s memory.

Modify memory, some powerful wizards can also do it, but if you want to modify the memory perfectly, so far you can’t do it alone, because there are always some clues that can be found.

However, that book, but the perfection that can modify a person’s memory, even the most powerful wizard cannot see it in the slightest.

Moreover, if it was to modify other people’s memories, he would feel that ah, that thing was his own doing, and there would never be half a doubt, because there was a powerful curse in it.

The second role is to completely eliminate a person’s memory, and this elimination should be described as devouring.

Devouring the wizard’s memory to gain powers, those who are devoured will become walking dead.

What’s more terrifying is that the wizard who has been devoured of his memory, thinking that because of the curse, his ability to resist magic has almost increased to the highest, and magic is completely ineffective.

As long as the person who has the “Memory Modification” can almost use him to produce a large army for himself, he can become the master himself!

In that catastrophe, the people who used the “Remember the Modification” seemed to have descended on the god of grievances, and hundreds of wizards who were ineffective against magic completely destroyed the Ministry of Magic in an instant.

Then, there are constantly wizards who turn into walking dead, and no one can stop them, everyone is afraid that they will be next.

This disaster shrouded the wizarding world for half a year, during which some hot-blooded wizards wanted to break through this predicament, but they all became the walking dead.

However, just when everyone thought that this magical world had completely fallen into the hands of one person, ten white wizards joined forces and used the lives of all of them to influence the owner of the book.

White light burst into the sky, and then, the wizard who had the Memory Modification disappeared, yes, silently.

This seems to be God’s salvation of the magical world, and God does not want the magical world to disappear, so the person disappears silently.

The remaining walking dead wizards can only be solved by fighting.

Then came another great war, a war between selflessness and selflessness, and after that war was over, the number of wizards dropped by two-thirds.

Everyone knew that it was not the ten wizards who were powerful, but the wizards who had the Memory Modification had a problem with themselves, so they won.

And “Memory Modifications” also…………_

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