After that disaster, it seems that everyone has hidden “Memory Modification” deeply in their hearts.

This is a fear born from the bottom of the heart, and once it is mentioned, the memory is like a curse, making people fall into fear.

Therefore, none of the people who experienced that disaster mentioned this matter to their descendants, and even those who recorded the history of magic did not dare to record it.

Everyone thinks that this book is a forbidden cursed book, and even if there is a memory of it, it will be cursed unconsciously.

It was precisely because no one dared to recall that almost no wizards knew about it until now.

And Yule, because he has served the Wilkes family for three generations, he is also one of the people who experienced the disaster, but he only witnessed it.

However, when she was young, she experienced this disaster, and so far, she has also appeared in the same situation just now, and it can be said that the book is indeed evil.

If it weren’t for Wilkes’ “fear descends”, Yule might have been in the nightmare of “Memory Modification”.

In this way, “Memory Modification” also has the ability to invisibly affect people’s memory.

The remaining effect alone is so terrifying, if the book itself is capable, then the degree of horror will definitely be even deeper.

After Wilkes listened to Yule’s explanation, he stopped the “fear coming”, and Yule’s spirit was greatly shocked, so when Wilkes regained his ability, Yule collapsed and fainted to the ground.

Looking at the dragon skin bag in his arms, Wilkes seemed to be thinking about something, it seemed that none of the things in the forbidden area were simple.

It was Wilkes that Wilkes was most surprised that there could be such a dangerous thing in Hogwarts House.

Today, Wilkes doesn’t know whether to crack the book, although the book’s ability is very tempting.

But according to Yule, the wizard’s sanity, long gone, was driven by the book itself.

If a person does not even have reason, then what is the use of strong ability?

Like a puppet being controlled, Wilkes didn’t like this feeling, he wanted his own power, the power he could control.


“It seems that this book, I can’t control it…”

With a long sigh, Wilkes shook his head and muttered.

“It seems that as long as you find a time to enter the forbidden book area again and put the book back, it seems that you have to find other ways…”

Although Wilkes was reluctant, Memory Modification was indeed too powerful.

After thinking for a while, Wilkes turned into a dragonskin bag and took out the Memory Modification.

Looking at this pitch-black book, the five words on it showed no sign of fading, and combined with the story Yule said, this book really seemed so divine

Wilkes touched the cover of the book with his palm, seemingly reluctant, because her familiarity with the book has always been a deep memory for her.

“This book can devour people’s memories and make people feel cursed fear, it seems that this book has a great impact on the spirit…”

“Spirit……… Spirit………”

“If a person’s spirit is strong, then this person…”

Wilkes seemed to have grasped some clues, but it was as if the key was in front of him, but he couldn’t grasp it.

Suddenly, a tremor emanated from his soul made Wilkes come back from thinking.

Wilkes looked in the direction that made him feel like this, and it turned out to be the effect of the dragon egg.

It seems that it should be similar to the ability of soul shock, dragons will have some strange phenomena when they are born, and it is actually normal to feel this way close to the dragon eggs that are about to hatch.

“Huh? It seems…”

“Just now, the soul was shocked, and the spirit seems to have huge fluctuations, is it…”

Suddenly, Wilkes realized that because of some visions produced by the dragon egg, he seemed to think of some clues.


Struggle, now Wilkes’s heart, a struggle that had never been felt before.

Because books are terrible, they can’t be used lightly.

But the sudden clue made Wilkes want to try, the mystery.

In fact, Wilkes’ heart is very curious about how effective this book is, after all, the first ability of this book is very tempting for him.

“Is there nothing there is to be done?”

For the first time, Wilkes had such great distress, and this time the problem was indeed not something he could solve by himself, and if there were some unthinkable consequences, even he could not control it.

“Having a super system, but not getting the ability you want, it’s really too…”

“Huh? System, hahaha, why am I so stupid, I didn’t think of it………”

Suddenly, Wilkes burst out laughing, as if he had figured out something.

“System, I want to see some of my rewards – absolutely lucky.”

“Absolutely lucky – the ability to know what you want, the ability to get what you want.”

“System, can I have control from the Memory Modification?”

“The host, as long as there is some will, can be realized.”


When Wilkes learned from the system that “absolute luck” could be used in this way, it was like being descended by a god of luck.

Wilkes was now thrilled because one of his worries had finally been broken.

It seems that the bathing reward of the Spring of Good Luck is really not that simple, this is simply an absolute goldfinger ability.

“Alas, alas, there is only one chance of absolute luck…”

As if feeling the benefits of “absolute luck,” Wilkes sighed ruefully.


“Since I have a chance to do whatever I want, then I don’t have to be afraid of Memory Modification anymore, then…”

Wilkes’s eyes seemed to be shining, because Wilkes had made up his mind to try to open the Memory Modification.

“I hope my idea is correct, don’t let me down…”

Wilkes muttered excitedly.

Then holding the “Memory Modification” in his hand, a powerful soul fluctuation emanated from his body………

Second more ,……_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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