Harry used very ordinary words to describe this matter, but Wilkes listened to it but it made his heart beat, Wilkes did not answer, Harry’s words, turned around and hurriedly walked out.

“What’s going on here, and if Lucius put the book in Ginny’s hands to take revenge on the Weasleys, then why did Voldemort put the book in Luna’s hands?”

Wilkes thought about these questions and urged the magic to quickly go to Luna’s residence.

But when Wilkes passed by the infirmary, he found that there were many people blocking the door.

“Oh, why is this, why is such a horrible thing happening.”

Although there were so many people, he couldn’t influence Wilkes, because he was too desperate to find Luna now, but the next second, a word in the crowd made Wilkes stop.

“None of Luna’s can escape petrification, it seems that the target of that monster is not just the Mudbloods, and now we are all in danger.”

“Luna? Petrifaction? ”

Wilkes crossed the crowd and walked into the infirmary to find a blonde girl lying on the bed facing him, none other than Luna.

Madam Pomfrey looked at Wilkes apologetically. “Mr. Wilkes, I know you have a good relationship with Miss Lovegood, and I am sorry that he has become like this, and I have an even more sorry news to tell you.”

Madam Pomfrey’s words made Wilkes frown, and Wilkes looked around the infirmary to see that there was no Ginny, while Ron was sitting there with a sad face.

Wilkes guessed something at once, and sure enough, he listened to Madam Pomfrey. “The other bad news is that Miss Weasley is gone.”

“Madam Pomfrey, you should have been in the infirmary, how could Ginny not be seen!”

Madam Pomfrey showed a sad expression and sighed.

Now Wilkes’s mind is a little messy, he has always been concerned about Hermione’s safety because of the plot, but he did not expect that the person who had the accident now turned out to be Luna.

“Why did Voldemort choose Luna, is it because of me? Then you will touch my bottom line, and I will not stop if I don’t destroy your book this time. ”

Wilkes clenched his fists, and at this moment, Professor McGonagall took Lockhart to the infirmary and looked at the students who were still watching, Professor McGonagall said.

“Dear students, listen to me, from now on, everyone goes back to the dormitory, if you want to go out, you must be accompanied by a teacher, we will solve these things here, please rest assured.”

Professor McGonagall said that there were teachers and students and returned to the dormitory, but just as they were about to close the door, Harry barged in.

“Mr. Potter, I also think you should return to the dormitory with Mr. Wilkes, although I know you care about them, but it is also dangerous for the two of you to be outside.”

Now Wilkes has completely angered, because this time Voldemort not only moved Ginny, but also Luna, which is absolutely unacceptable to Wilkes.

Wilkes nodded at Professor McGonagall, Professor McGonagall wanted to send a teacher to follow Wilkes, but was directly rejected by Wilkes, Wilkes pushed open the door and left the infirmary, Harry originally had many questions to ask, but watched Wilkes leave, and left after him.

“Hey, now that things have come to this point, Lockhart needs you now, didn’t you say you know where the Chamber of Secrets is?”

Lockhart’s expression was embarrassed, his eyes flickered, and his voice was a little squeaky as he listened to Professor McGonagall’s words.

“Well, I thought, well, I need to go back and prepare.”

Lockhart said and turned around and left the infirmary, he tiptoed back to his office, looked left and right, no one followed him and closed the door, breathing a long sigh of relief.

“It seems that I have to leave here quickly, otherwise I won’t know how to explain it for a while…”

Before Lockhart could finish speaking, he saw two figures coming out of the shadows. “Lockhart, you want to go like this, it’s not that easy.”

Lockhart’s heart trembled, and he saw Wilkes and Harry looking at him, and at this moment Lockhart thought quickly in his head, and showed an embarrassed laugh to Wilkes.

“Wilkes, Harry, how come you two are here, and what did you just say? I don’t understand something. ”

“You naturally understand what I say, Lockhart, sometimes cowhide is not so good to blow, and you want to go without paying a price, but there is no such good thing.”

Although Wilkes was angry in his heart, he was still sane, things developed into what they are today, not without Lockhart’s responsibility, he wanted to escape like this, Wilkes naturally did not allow it, and must teach him some lessons, coupled with Wilkes’ indirect guidance to Harry, it also directly increased Harry’s determination to capture Lockhart.

Lockhart understood what Wilkes was doing here, and immediately pulled out his wand and aimed it at Wilkes.

“I advise you two not to stop me, otherwise you won’t blame me for making a move.”

Wilkes let out a sneer, and at a very rapid speed, he took out his wand and aimed it at Lockhart. “Except for your weapons.”

Only saw Lockhart’s wand, flew out at once, Lockhart’s face was full of surprise, he had always heard of Wilkes’s power before, but he didn’t expect him to be so powerful.

“Go, follow us to the secret room.”

Without a wand, Lockhart immediately prodded, he raised his hands and was pressed against his back by Wilkes, and slowly came to the women’s bathroom.

“That’s all I know, you better let me go.”

Lockhart’s voice was a little pleading, but Wilkes ignored him and looked at Harry.

“Harry, in your creeping language.”

Harlem nodded and stepped forward. “Huharsha… Silently…”

As Harry’s voice fell, the Chamber of Secrets opened directly, and Wilkes pushed Lockhart down, followed by Harry jumping, and Wilkes was with him.


The sound of feet stepping on bones sounded, Wilkes took Lockhart and continued to walk forward, Lockhart had been looking for an escape, but Wilkes looked too hard, he had no chance at all. _

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