The three continued to walk forward, and after a while, they saw the huge snakeskin Harry and Lockhart, both stunned.

“What is this, is it the skin of a snake?”

Harry stepped forward and touched it, looked at Wilkes and said suspiciously.

Wilkes didn’t care about this and continued to walk forward, but Lockhart snatched his wand from Harry’s hand as he passed him.

“Don’t come either of you, Wilkes I won’t fall under your spell this time, if you two go ahead, I won’t go.”

Lockhart said as he stepped back, Wilkes looked at Lockhart like this, very irritated.

“I wanted to scare you and didn’t want you to lose your memory, but you did it all by yourself.”

Wilkes raised the spell slightly, facing Lockhart’s feet, Lockhart watched Wilkes’ movements, and urgently chanted the spell in his mouth.

“Except for your weapons.”

But even if he reacted, it was still not as fast as Wilkes, and Wilkes’s spell hit Lockhart, and he stepped on a very hard stone and leaned back.


Lockhart’s scream sounded, and the whole person fainted directly, and Harry hurriedly stepped forward. “Oh, I think he can’t run even if he wants to this time, what should we do with him?”

But Harry’s voice just fell, “Faint!” Wilkes cast a spell, Harry fell to the ground with a bang, and looking at Harry Wilkes who had fallen asleep, he couldn’t help but say to himself.

“It’s not just him, even you are a problem with me.”

Wilkes watched these two people faint on the ground, and directly opened the memory modification, Harry’s memory was like last time, staying with Wilkes, and after entering the secret room, he was smashed unconscious by the falling stone, and when Harry woke up, this is the only thing he can remember.

For memory modification, Wilkes only felt that he was becoming more and more proficient in using it, he remembered the first time he used it to modify his memory, when he finished casting, he felt very tired, but now that he is modifying the memories of the two of them, Wilkes feels very handy.

For Lockhart, Wilkes directly deprived him of his memory, making his memory blank, and from then on he would completely forget what kind of person he was, and completely forget everything that happened, that is, Wilkes’s punishment for him, and this is also the end he deserves.

“Drowsy. You two just get a good night’s sleep here! ”

Wilkes didn’t want to be between the two of them, so he cast this magic.

After doing these two things, Wilkes cut through the void, threw others in, and attached protective magic to them, although now Wilkes can control the little fire dragon, but the little fire dragon has never seen the appearance of the world, presumably throw two things in casually, maybe he will be treated as an object.

Wilkes changed into a black robe. Then he appeared in the secret room, and saw Ginny lying in front of the stone statue of his face, completely unconscious, and Wilkes picked him up.

“Recover quickly.”

Wilkes had used it on Ginny for the third time and was about to recover, but this time it didn’t sober Ginny like the previous two times.

Wilkes clenched his fist, and at this moment a figure appeared in front of Wilkes, looking down at Wilkes.


Wilkes watched Tom Riard slowly straighten up, and a sneer came out of Wilkes’s mouth.

“Last time in the forest, I shouldn’t have let you go, although I knew you wouldn’t die, but I should also let you hurt well.”

Tom Reard still couldn’t believe that the man in front of him was the one he had met in the forest, and now listening to Wilkes’s words, an angry expression was attached to his face.

“I didn’t expect it to be really you, why are you so entangled, what purpose do you have, once again ruining my good deeds.”

“You don’t care what purpose I have, but this time you move someone who shouldn’t move, then don’t blame me for killing you.”

Saying that, Wilkes directly took out the wand in his hand, and Tom Riuld watched Wilkes’ actions The corners of his mouth rise, and a disdainful expression appeared on his face.

“Now that I have complete control of this body, coupled with the recovery of strength, do you think I am still the same me in the forest last time? If you want to kill you, I will also kill you! ”

As Tom Riard spoke, he quickly brought his body closer to the stone statue of his face, and opened his mouth to speak.

“Sefka … Raba… Raqqa. ”

With the words from Tom Leard’s mouth, the mouth of the face stone statue slowly opened, and he saw that two round lights emitted from it, and the basilisk opened its blood basin and rushed out from the inside.

“Okay, then you can say your last words now.” Looking at the basilisk summoned by himself, Tom Riddle couldn’t help but raise his head and smile proudly at Wilkes.

“I’m afraid you’re rejoicing a little too early.” Looking at Riddle’s expression, Wilkes said lightly.

“Silk… Silk”

From the mouth of the basilisk came a terrifying sound, Wilkes quickly took a few steps back and closed his eyes directly, because Wilkes knew that the most powerful part of the basilisk was not its huge size and destructive power, but its eyes, if you look directly at the basilisk glasses, then Wilkes will die directly, even if it is through the reflection of things, see its eyes will be immediately petrified.

“Don’t try to escape this time, I must know who you really are.”

Tom Reard let out laughter, he couldn’t wait to unveil Wilkes, but Wilkes was now expressionless, looking unafraid of the hideous basilisk in front of him.

I saw that he closed his eyes and slowly raised his left hand, which was wrapped in a bandage, looking like he had stayed for a long time, some slightly old, Wilkes slowly removed the bandage in his hand, and saw that the mark on Wilkes’s hand emitted a light blue light, with the wave of Wilkes’s left hand, a trace of fluorescence floated out from his hand, Wilkes aimed his hand at the basilisk, “Son of Death.” ”

With Wilkes’s voice, the air in the entire secret room seemed to condense, a heat wave emanated from Wilkes’s hand, and the phoenix soul appeared in front of Wilkes.

At this time, the phoenix is only a soul body, but you can still see the divine aura emanating from its body, with a swallow jaw, snake neck, turtle back, a golden feather, and several long tail feathers dragged behind it. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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