
“Danger! Get down! Everyone looked at the direction of the Bludger and panicked.

Among them, only Professor Quirrell, and Snape’s expression kept staring at Harry in the sky, not yet aware of the Bludger shooting from the side.

“Be careful! Withdraw quickly! The people next to Professor Quirrell were flustered, but looking at Professor Quirrell’s unresponsive expression, he kindly pulled him to the sides.


The Bludger’s huge power ball finally hit straight into the center of the audience where Professor Quirrell was, accompanied by flying wood chips, embedded under the seat.

“NO!!” Although Professor Quirrell was pulled aside, he did not take any chances, but was a little angry between his eyebrows.

“Failed again! This is true of the Philosopher’s Stone, and so is Harry Potter! Professor Quirrell’s face was gloomy.

Before, he released the trolls in order to attract attention, and he took the opportunity to steal the Philosopher’s Stone, but he did not expect that he had not passed the first level of the Philosopher’s Stone, the three-headed dog Luffy, Wilkes had already solved all the trolls.

Unexpectedly, Snape didn’t pay attention to the troll, but went directly to the place where the Philosopher’s Stone was hidden, which caught him off guard.

The first failure made him feel that he needed to do something more and ask his master for forgiveness.

And this time, it failed again!

The next moment, Quirrell suddenly speculated and pleaded, “Lord… Master, I’m sorry, next time I must…”

“Hmph! A waste! ”

A low hoarse voice passed directly through his heart and into Quirrell’s mind, making him tremble.

“Lord… Master, I will find a way to pass the three-headed dog, please give me another chance, master. ”

Quirrell begged cautiously.

“My time… Not much. ”

Suddenly, after just two sentences, the voice was dumb and completely disappeared.

And Quirrell also slowed down, his eyes revealed a hint of sharpness, and the hands under the wizard’s robe couldn’t help but clench, but the next moment they weakly let go.

Who else could please him like this except the vicious Voldemort.

“That’s it…” Quirrell didn’t know what he was thinking.

And Snape, who was also shocked and didn’t know what happened, suddenly found that he seemed to have escaped just now, otherwise he would have to be hit by a Bludger, and at least he would have to cultivate for a month to recover.

“That’s right!” Snape suddenly thought of Harry, and sharply looked up at the scene of the game, looking for Harry’s traces.

But the next moment, with the referee’s flute, accompanied by a huge cheer, the game scene sounded amplified:

“Look! Harry catches the Golden Snitch, he earns one hundred and fifty points for Gryffindor, the game is over, Gryffindor wins! ”

The Quidditch match was over and Gryffindor won.

Looking at this result, Wilkes was not surprised at all, unless he deliberately made trouble, basically the result of the game would not be much different from the original.

“It’s a pity, obviously such a good opportunity, but it was saved by others.” Wilkes felt a pity in his heart.

If the Bludger hits Quirrell just now, it will look good, although it is not fatal, but it can keep him in bed for a month, so that he has no time to do bad things.

“Let’s go, Hermione.” The game was over, and it was no longer interesting to stay, and Wilkes pulled the coquettish-faced Hermione out of the audience.

As he walked, Wilkes thought to himself.

It seems that it is time, contact with Quirrell, it has been long enough to hang him, and if you don’t make contact, after Christmas, it may be too late….

As soon as they reached the fork, Wilkes and Hermione were separated, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor’s classes were not together, and he still needed to go to the library to borrow books.

As for this time, Wilkes finally got his wish to borrow the book without any hindrance.

The afternoon class was a Charms class, taught by Professor Filius Flitwick, and the class went so well that Wilkes didn’t even listen to it, just buried his head and looked down at the book he had borrowed from the library.

Seeing this scene, Professor Flitwick did not say anything, and even felt that it was natural to continue the normal teaching.

Because Professor Flitwick is not only the professor of Charms, but also the head of Ravenclaw, and he is very fond of Wilkes.

Not only did Wilkes get extra points many times in class, but the profound magic that Wilkes learned from the library in the classroom basically chose to consult Professor Flitwick.

Even as a wizard who can rank in the top ten in the wizarding world for understanding charms, Professor Flitwick has to praise Wilkes as a true genius.

In his opinion, Wilkes’ understanding of spells was almost catching up with that of seventh-graders.

As his proud protégé, Professor Flitwick usually opens one eye and closes one eye to Wilkes.

And just like that, without any more distractions, Wilkes left class, attended the dinner, and then returned to the common room under the prefect.

Like all other students.

The only difference is that Wilkes usually chooses to hold a book and read in front of the fireplace in the common room until the early hours of the morning.

But tonight, it was different.

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