Cracking sound.

The fire in the fireplace heard the sound of cracking Mars from time to time, and the warm light of the fire shone on Wilkes, who was still reading a book.


At this moment, Wilkes suddenly closed the book and looked at the clock in the common room.

At this time, he would read a book for hours, but tonight, he still took action.

“I hope everything goes well, otherwise…” Wilkes’ eyes flashed with caution, just as he had when he had traded with Borgin.

After all, tonight, he was going to meet Professor Quirrell, who was possessed by Voldemort!

This afternoon, before returning to the common room after class, Wilkes thought for a long time, and finally decided to contact Professor Quirrell and send a message to Professor Quirrell, just tonight!

When he heard that Wilkes wanted to see him, it was still empty night, Professor Quirrell was too late, of course he replied.

So, two people who are pregnant with ghosts are expected to meet tonight.

Taking out his wand, Wilkes did some tricks and feet in response to Snape’s tracking charm, then cast the “Illusion Charm” and quietly left the common room to rush to the appointment.

The Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor’s Office, also known as Professor Quirrell’s office, is located on the third floor of Hogwarts Castle.

Wilkes, who had cast the Illusion Charm, walked in the corridor on the third floor, sweating on his forehead, and walked cautiously, or only small steps, which was more appropriate.

Because on the third floor, in addition to Professor Quirrell’s office, a gargoyle entrance to Dumbledore’s office is also on the third floor, and as long as the secret language is cleared correctly, the stone slab will turn into an escalator to his office door.

And now, he had to cross it to reach Quirrell’s office.

Although the chance is very small, it is also possible to run into Dumbledore, so he will not dare to be careless!

Almost every few steps, Wilkes would stop, stand still, look around, see that it was okay, and then move again.

Although the phantom charm is easy to use, it can make the surface of the target appear like a chameleon-like protective color, as if it blends into the surrounding environment to achieve the effect of “stealth”, but it is not without flaws.

As long as you look closely, you will still find something strange, and in front of a wizard with powerful magic, even the invisibility cloak will be exposed, not to mention the “phantom spell”


“Whew…” It wasn’t until he crossed the entrance to the stone statue in Dumbledore’s office that Wilkes breathed a sigh of relief.

Wiping the sweat stains on his forehead, only Wilkes experienced it himself, and he knew the danger, even more nervous than in the Forbidden Forest.

If he happens to be discovered, he will be in trouble.

In a moment, Wilkes finally walked to the door of Professor Quirrell’s office, and without pause, he slightly gripped the wand under the wizard’s robe, calmed his breathing, and directly tried to push the door open.


The door was unlocked and was directly opened.

“Yes… Who is it?! As soon as the door opened, a stammering, whispering voice came from the room.

Wilkes didn’t answer immediately, but walked quickly to the house, “touched” with his backhand, closed the door, and then removed the illusion charm.

“Professor Quirrell, it’s me, Wilkes.” Wilkes smiled indifferently, stepped into the room, and saw Professor Quirrell who had been waiting for a long time.

Professor Quirrell was relieved to see that it was Wilkes who appeared.

“Wei… Mr. Wilkes, I don’t know why you are waiting here in the middle of the night… Wait for you, you know, but now…”

“Gee.” Looking at Quirrell, who was stammering, Wilkes suddenly sighed with disdain, if he didn’t know the original, he might really be fooled by him.

“Professor Quirrell, I think in front of people who understand, I still don’t want to continue acting, after all…”

“It’s just the two of us here.” After Wilkes finished speaking, he pulled out a wooden stool and sat down indifferently.

“What… What the? I don’t understand what you’re saying, Mr. Wilkes. Professor Quirrell was startled, but hurriedly concealed his expression of surprise and looked at Wilkes suspiciously.

Wilkes sat on the wooden bench and did not answer immediately, but the magic battle under the wizard’s robe never let go.

Looking at Wilkes, who was staring at him, Professor Quirrell also held his wand from beginning to end under his wizarding robes, but now he was frightened by Wilkes, and his palms were sweaty.

“I said… Professor, I have already said in the letter I sent you in the afternoon, I am here to make a deal with you, but not to accompany you to act, if you can’t be the Lord, then still…”

Wilkes’s eyes flashed, paused, and then said indifferently: “Please come and talk to me if you can call the shots.” ”


In an instant, Wilkes’s words just fell, and Professor Quirrell, who had been sitting at the professor’s desk, directly subconsciously got up.

“How is it possible, could it be that he really already knows…” Professor Quirrell was shocked in his heart, his mind became chaotic, and he froze in place for a while.


The atmosphere in the room suddenly froze, for a long time, a voice that did not belong to the two at all, and appeared even more low and hoarse, came out of thin air, breaking the calm.

“Wilkes, how did you find me.”

When Professor Quirrell heard this, his face immediately turned pale, but when he looked at Wilkes sitting on the wooden bench, his expression actually remained indifferent from beginning to end, and he was not surprised by the sudden sound!

It was just the voice that was attached to Professor Quirrell at this time, Voldemort.

“When did you find out! I’ve obviously been…” Professor Quirrell roared in horror, as if his deepest secret had been seen by others, and his face was panicked.

Looking at Quirrell, who was like a clown and was reduced to a supporting role at the moment, Wilkes said with indifferent disdain: “When I first saw you.” ”

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