Harry Potter and the Dragon Prince

Chapter 136: This is Youth

After arriving at the auditorium, most of the students had already come. Even those who hadn't came were forced to be brought here by the professors for the sake of their safety.

The only group that didn't come back is probably the students who were slightly injured in this morning's battle and are still at Madam Pomfrey's.

Now Professor Sprout is there to accompany him, and he can be regarded as a bodyguard, so the school still pays great attention to everyone's safety.

Of course, except for some of the students who were present just now, most of the other students are still in a daze and don't know what happened.

However, with Dumbledore on the stage, they felt that something bad had happened. After all, during the class, Principal Dumbledore would not hold a meeting in the auditorium.

Some things will be discussed together during the evening self-study, and the less important general announcements will be directly informed by the deans of the various colleges, or the student unions and prefects will inform the little wizards below.

But there was no need for Dumbledore to inform. Within a few minutes, those who knew the news spread it to others, and most of the students immediately understood that Sirius had actually invaded the school!

Then Dumbledore and several professors also came to the auditorium and told everyone a little about what happened just now. Of course, most of the students knew it and were not so surprised.

However, there were Death Eaters invading the school. For most students, this still made people feel a lot nervous. After all, no one could guarantee what the murderous monster would do.

"Of course, you don't have to be so scared. He chose to act when the professor and I were not in school, which means they are afraid of the strength of our teachers and senior students."

"So we have to be cautious, but don't be too scared. I believe that the students who have participated in the giant spider expelling station today have experienced it. Do you think a human being can be stronger than a dozen huge red giant spiders?"

"No!" The students below responded one after another, and the students who did not participate in the expulsion battle also looked at them, and were suddenly curious about what happened.

"So we have to bravely face the intrusion of these enemies. Of course, students in the lower grades don't need to panic. The other teachers and Mr. Filch have already gone to search."

"In a while, the teachers and I will conduct a thorough search of the castle." Dumbledore took a look at everyone's relatively peaceful appearance, and continued.

"For your own safety, I think it's best not to go back to the dormitory. At present, Sirius doesn't want to hurt the students, but he wants to enter the common room."

"So these two days, everyone may have to spend the night here. I ask the prefects to stand guard at the entrance of the auditorium, and the presidents of the male and female student unions stay in the auditorium to take charge of management."

"Of course, if you are still not at ease, I will personally come to sleep with you."

"Hahaha!" Hearing Dumbledore's joke, everyone also laughed, and most of the tension was completely dispelled.

"The afternoon classes will still continue, but try to unify each age as much as possible, there will be no problems, and don't act alone in the corridor, at least with multiple people."

"Don't run around after class. Come directly to the auditorium. There is protection magic, and there are teachers and other students. Even the shadows can't fight against the large pieces of light."

"Understood." The students at the bottom nodded when they heard this, especially the last sentence, even the shadows can't defeat the light, which made them more aware of the importance of companions.

"In addition, Ms. Astoria Greengrass and Ms. Hermione Granger were very brave this time and risked their lives to tell me the news, so 10 points for Slytherin and Gryffindor!"

Slytherin and Gryffindor applauded instantly,

Of course most of the students knew Hermione but not Astoria.

But Astoria, who was sitting next to Hema, still smiled slightly when she heard other people applauding for her, but she was still afraid that others would notice her, so she pulled her hood again.

"Finally, enjoy a good lunch, don't be nervous or afraid, Hogwarts is still as usual!" Dumbledore waved his hand, and there was an assortment of lunches on the table as usual, and it was even richer than usual Some.

After eating a meal, everyone recovered their usual spirits. Except for the first year who had just arrived at Hogwarts, everyone started their normal daily life.

Hema didn't think of this, but she glanced at the badge of the Fourth Court hanging on the wall of the auditorium in memory of the basilisk, and smiled immediately.

That's right, I've fought against something as powerful as the basilisk, so what's there to be afraid of? Even a little fear can be overcome and defeated.

Besides, Hema also knew that Sirius was not a wizard who harmed people indiscriminately, so there was really no problem with this rhythm now.

In the afternoon, before it was evening, Hema went to a Transfiguration class and Herbal Medicine class. There were no other classes, and the other students returned to the auditorium one after another.

The whole auditorium suddenly became very cheerful, discussing all kinds of interesting knowledge, of course the most discussed thing was about Hogsmeade.

Of course, Hema didn't care much about this matter, because he couldn't go to Hogsmeade, after all, he wasn't really a third year.

Of course he could drill the secret passage by himself or talk to Old Deng, but he didn't want to break the rules of Hogwarts just for fun.

Of course, that's another story for Harry, his dear Dursleys didn't sign for him, so what can be done, but there is someone who can sign for him, that is Sirius Black, whom he resents and fears the most now.

So the time passed by every minute and every second, and at night, everyone chatted casually after the night self-study, but there was a thought in their heads.

Principal Dumbledore said, rest in the auditorium, how can the auditorium rest?

But as Dumbledore walked in, smiled and waved to everyone, then the tables and chairs disappeared, and they fell down suddenly.

But just when he thought he was about to fall, he didn't expect thick sleeping bags to appear directly under his body and lie on them.

"This is the school's special emergency plan. You will not be allowed to sleep on the table. Well, I wish everyone a sweet dream!"

After speaking, Dumbledore also walked out, leaving behind the students, especially the girls, who were still in a dazed state.

"Haven't I brushed my teeth yet?"

"Yes, I have to change...there are boys here."

"I'm going to the bathroom."

"Okay everyone, there is still half an hour before the lights are turned off. You can move around freely now. In addition, the school will send you special pajamas. You can change them in the teachers' lounge upstairs. There are separate men and women for you. open."

Professor McGonagall also said something, and all the students stood up immediately and walked outside. After all, they have been bored in the auditorium, and they are almost sick.

But at this time, the boys are surprisingly looking forward to it. After all, the girls will change into their pajamas soon. What's it like?

After all, most of the time, what everyone sees are robes, no matter whether it is body shape or other aspects, they cannot be observed. When resting, there are separate dormitories for men and women.

So this time everyone's expectations rose sharply, but the girls were also a little excited, this is the youth of boys and girls!

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