Harry Potter and the Dragon Prince

Chapter 137: Going to the toilet

But when all the boys changed their clothes excitedly and returned to the auditorium, they found that the girls were still wearing their usual black robes with shirts and long skirts.

"What's going on with you guys!" At this moment, a bold Gryffindor boy yelled directly at the girls.

"What are you thinking about? It would be great to play on the floor with you, what else are you thinking about, go to sleep!" A tall Gryffindor girl also shouted back.

The girls around were also laughing one after another. A few bold girls lifted their skirts lightly, just showing a trace of whiteness, then covered it up instantly, and then quickly hid themselves in sleeping bags.

The rest of the boys also groaned one after another, and got into their sleeping bags. Fortunately, most of the students were not so unhappy.

After all, they were just booing, and the sleeping bags came according to the seats, and of course they could be adjusted by themselves, so the sleeping bags became small groups that could be divided.

Hema had chosen a place just now, and walked to the side of her sleeping bag. Seeing Astoria with the hood lying in the sleeping bag, she almost burst out laughing.

"What are you doing? Do you want to suffocate yourself?"

"The lights will be turned off in a while, and I will take it off." Astoria whispered.

"Well, but in fact, you don't have to be like this. You are so beautiful and have such a good personality. There will be many people who are willing to make friends with you."

"No, I only need you as a friend." Astoria also rarely refuted Hema.

Hema didn't refute her either. After all, it's impossible to change Miss Greengrass overnight, and it's still necessary to solve it fundamentally, which is this ailment.

Before looking for Ms. Hufflepuff's secret treasure, it is still necessary to find out the source of this disease. The magic power is directly disordered and affects the body function.

But it wasn't a simple curse or a blood disease. It seemed that he had to go to Greengrass's house when he had time to meet Mrs. Greengrass.

"But right now... it's better to rest first." Hema glanced at Miss Astoria beside her, and unexpectedly fell asleep.

"It seems that today is too tired. The child's exercise today may be twice as much as usual... But she is very happy."

At this time, beside Hema, Daphne's voice suddenly sounded, she looked at her sister with a smile, and gently took off her hood.

"Huh? She won't be happy to find out."

"Haha, you can't sleep like this. This girl's heart is not as fragile as you imagined. By the way, you can withdraw."

"Withdraw what?"

"Do you want to sleep between our two girls? How shameless~"


"Eh... change places, we're on one side." Daphne didn't expect Hema to be so cheeky, but after thinking about it, she continued.


So Daphne on Hema's right moved to her sister's left, and Hema continued on the right, and the two surrounded the little angel.

Then it fell into silence, although there were discussions all around, such as how Sirius came in, what happened in the Forbidden Forest and so on.

Because Daphne and Hema were afraid of disturbing Astoria's rest, they could only squint their eyes and wait for the lights to turn off.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, the auditorium was plunged into darkness, and the prefects also began to patrol to see who hadn't slept well, just like Hema's sleeping seniors back then.

Unknowingly, Hema also gradually became drowsy, and fell asleep slowly, until a tugging woke him up from sleep.



Hema blinked in a daze,

Finally, she saw clearly that it was her sister-in-law Daphne, who was squatting beside her, pulling her collar.

"Miss Daphne, what's the matter? It's not morning yet, right?"

"Uh...I...go to the toilet..."

"Huh? Then you go, I don't want to go to the toilet..." Hema waved her hands, still haunting him with sleepiness.

"But I'm afraid..." Daphne hesitated for a few seconds, then said weakly, contrary to the usual state of sharp teeth.

"..." Hema was also a little awake at this time. Hearing what the other party said, she sat up slowly, and found that most of the prefects who were on patrol seemed to have fallen asleep, and only Percy was still holding on to the door frame.

"Are you having a nightmare?"

"...uh... giant spider..."

"Sure enough, you need to control things like dreams, not let him control you." Hema said casually, and slowly got out of the sleeping bag.

The two also walked towards the gate cautiously, but before Hema could take a few steps, the other hand grabbed Hema's arm.

"I'm going too, let's go together."

"Hermione? Are you sure you can't?"

"Eh... I was scared by Sirius too." Hermione said nonsense, but it was true that she wanted to go to the bathroom.

But Daphne is not happy, you, my sister's rival in love, hooked my Maeve's arm in front of me, this is too deceitful!

But fortunately, Daphne's head was also made of cement, so she gave Hermione a hard look and didn't say anything else.

And the three of them also walked to the door, Percy also flicked directly, and immediately came back to his senses, but when he saw Hema and the others, he was almost taken aback.

"What are you doing?"

"Go to the toilet." Daphne and Hermione said together.

"Okay, but for your safety... a female prefect needs to be accompanied." Percy glanced at a few people, planning to call a prefect to get up.

"No, with Hema Abbott here, there will be no problem."

"...Uh, but he's a boy, isn't that good?" Percy also frowned, after all the professors told him that he must be accompanied by a prefect when he goes out.

But Herma Abbott really has no problem protecting the two girls, let alone Hermione Granger and the Slytherin lady are not the kind of troublesome existence.

"...Okay then, but come back as soon as possible."

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Percy Prefect." Hermione also hurriedly said, and also brought the other party's name, after all, the other party likes to hear flattery the most.

When Percy heard it, he smiled and opened the door for the three of them. Hema was also dragged out by the two girls.

"Actually, you two can go together." Hema looked at the two speechlessly, but for some reason, when Hermione approached him, he felt a strange aura...he didn't know what it was , but that's just weird.

After the two ladies finished solving it quickly, Hema also quickly got back into her sleeping bag, looked at the dome dotted with stars, closed her eyes, and continued to sleep.

He really thought so at first, but in the next second, a small hand was gently placed on his face, and Astoria's soft voice rang in his ears.

"Hema, I'm going to the bathroom..."

"Eh..." Hema turned her head to look at her, and smiled wryly, "Okay."

Percy, who was in a dozing state again, was startled by Hema again, then opened the door in a daze, watched Hema go away, carefully raised his wand, and guarded the safety of the door.

Then just when Hema thought it was over, a face appeared in front of her again.

"Dear brother, I'm going to the bathroom..."


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