Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 109 Hufflepuff House Elf

The operation to search Hogwarts was met with loud thunder and low rain, but Dumbledore's actions gathered people's hearts. Professors paid more attention to the safety of students, and students also believed that professors would ensure their own safety.

Soon the winter vacation came again, and all the students who could go home did so. After all, the professors did not find the secret room in their last search, and there were many students and their families who were worried about the monsters coming out of the secret room.

Among them, no one from Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff was left, and only a few from Gryffindor were left, including Harry Potter. How could he not return to Dursley? I definitely don’t want to go back home.

Then Ron and his twin brother stayed, too, and so did Percy Weasley, who was worried they might get into trouble.

On the Hogwarts train platform, the Weasley brothers were sending Hufflepuff's sister home.

"Remember to help mum when you get home," Percy Weasley warned.

"Remember to help mom feed the chickens," Fred Weasley warned.

"Remember to help mom feed the pigs," George Weasley Weasley warned.

"Remember to help mom feed the cows." Ron Weasley said painfully after being pinched by his twin brothers.

"You three are just... verbose!" Ginny no longer knew how to evaluate her brothers.

"Ron lost the bet yesterday, so he was forced to cooperate with us." The Weasley twins said together.

Ginny carried her small suitcase and boarded the train, and finally found her seat after walking through the carriages.

Regulus Black was sitting in the carriage, and there were girls such as Hermione. Ginny blushed, but she still pushed the door open and went in.

During this half term, Ginny had very frequent contact with Regulus Black, all of which was hidden from her brother.

I remember that after joining Hufflepuff, Ginny realized that in addition to Gryffindor, which was boasted by her brothers, other houses naturally had their own pride and pride, but the other three houses were not like Gryffindor. Just as arrogant as a lion.

Slytherin is like a snake, looking at its prey indifferently, evaluating its size and strength, and waiting for an opportunity to move.

Ravenclaw is like an eagle, looking down at the earth from the sky, recording and observing everything with an eternal third-party perspective.

Hufflepuff is like a badger, trying to survive in the big bushes, but its backstab prevents others from touching its own interests.

Gryffindor is like a lion, ruling the savannah, always busy chasing prey and drawing circles to occupy territory.

This is Hufflepuff's view of the four houses, and it also makes Ginny, a child of the Gryffindor family, see new problems.

The four colleges indeed have very different cultural connotations, and I believe the views of the other colleges should also be different.

After arriving at Hufflepuff, Ginny was surprised to know that Hufflepuff could easily run into the Hogwarts kitchen.

There are hundreds of house elves busy there. For every student who comes to Hufflepuff, they will assign a full-time house elf to serve. This treatment is not available in the other three houses. Generally, in ordinary wizard families , there are many who don’t even have house elves, such as the Weasley family.

After Ginny was led into the kitchen by the Hufflepuff prefect, a bunch of house elves gathered around, all of them looking very excited.

"Ginny! This is the kitchen of Hogwarts. You can come here anytime you want to eat. There will be house elves to serve you. Each of our Hufflepuffs has a dedicated house elf. Of course they're just here to serve you at Hogwarts."

Nymphadora Tonks will be the prefect of Hufflepuff this year. Next year, she will also start the final sprint and study hard for graduation. She will not have time to serve as the prefect again.

"Hufflepuff is particularly famous for being good at food-related spells. It may have the most students and the most well-meaning students among the four houses of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The welcome letter has been given to you, you can reply Take your time when you get to the dormitory.”

Nymphadora Tonks patted Ginny and asked her to step forward.

"Now, choose a house elf from here to serve you exclusively!"

Ginny looked at so many house elves and didn't know where to focus her eyes. Those big eyes, pointed noses, and two striking ears had already dazzled Ginny's eyes.

"This...this is not good! They are the school's house elves."

Ginny made a faint questioning sound.

"Don't worry, it's okay. These house elves are just serving you during your studies and within the scope of the school. And you are not doing this to add burden to them, but to meet their needs. Generally, house elves serve you Wizarding families are in an environment where they can face their masters every day. Although many wizarding families behave badly, the house elves here at Hogwarts have many things to take care of, and they completely lose the ability to serve someone. It feels like a wizard, so they can’t stand it, so Hufflepuff students can accept their service alone.”

"How can there be such a statement!"

Ginny was shocked. She had never heard of such an explanation before. The house elves in Hogwarts needed to find a temporary master. This statement was a bit unbelievable.

"I didn't believe it at first, but since you were brought here, if you don't designate a house elf, in order to get this quota, they will fight in a ball after you leave, and you don't want them to do it for you. If you don’t choose, you will get hurt!”

What Nymphadora Tonks means is that if you don't kill Boren, Boren will die because of you.

"Then if the students from the other three colleges find this place, there will also be house elves fighting in order to compete for the qualification to serve?"

Ginny transforms into a curious baby and once again raises a possibility.

"Hahahaha! How is it possible? Even if the students from the other three colleges find this place, they will just be served by a random elf. This honor can only be enjoyed by Hufflepuff students."

Nymphadora Tonks was very proud. After all, these were the rules left behind by the four great wizards who founded Hogwarts.

Ginny breathed a sigh of relief. Judging from the temperaments of her Weasley brothers, if she accidentally disclosed the situation here, it would not cause any loss to Hufflepuff. The Weasley family's economy was very good. Difficulty is the point.

"So how do I choose?"

As soon as Ginny confirmed that she was going to choose a house elf, she immediately caused a stir below, with a chorus of "Choose me! Choose me!"

"I asked them to name themselves and picked the one they liked. Come over here, Rainbow!"

Nymphadora Tonks greeted her, and a house elf who had been watching from the outside immediately pushed aside his companions who were blocking the way and came to stand in front of Nymphadora Tonks.

"Any orders from Miss Tonks?"

This house elf is very dirty. It has been colored with countless amounts of paint. It looks like a three-dimensional painting. It makes people dizzy when it moves.

"I've called you here to give me some advice on how to get Miss Ginny Weasley to choose a suitable house elf."

This question is very difficult for house elves, because they are used to serving their masters, and their masters' orders are more important than anything else, so thinking about it has long been abandoned.

But since this is the order of Master Tonks, Rainbow will naturally rack her brains to come up with a solution.

"I wonder what Miss Weasley likes to eat?"

As soon as these words came out, a hundred pairs of eyes immediately stared at Ginny Weasley.

“I like lamb chops and fish soup with mashed potatoes.”

For some reason, Ginny shared the same preferences as Regulus Black.

"Whoever is responsible for these three dishes, come forward!"

Rainbow shouted loudly, and immediately three house elves pushed aside their companions and walked to Ginny!

"Miss Weasley, please choose one of us!"

What a feeling it is to have a personal servant at your service! Ginny doesn't have to do anything else at all, the basic chores of life are taken care of by the house elf, oh! By the way, its name is gold.

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