Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 110 Five Acts for Pregnant Witches

Regulus Black has been a little busy recently, and families with witches in Azkaban have come to visit him one after another.

It turned out that during this seemingly peaceful time, they had all gone to Azkaban to find their own witches. Those witches who had been imprisoned for a long time basically collapsed after learning that such a thing happened.

On the one hand, he is sad about the indifference of his family, but on the other hand, he is happy that he can have a child back in the family.

In the end, they all agreed and hoped to do it as soon as possible. Staying in Azkaban for one more day would be a punishment.

Therefore, Regulus Black will be accompanied by Aurors and meet these witches. These are normal visits. However, a wizard takes turns visiting many witches from other families who have little relationship. This matter is still under the surface of the Ministry of Magic. spread.

Everyone is waiting for the news that the witches are pregnant, because some families are thinking about letting pregnant witches go home to recuperate and wait for delivery. The biggest resistance to this matter comes from the Ministry of Magic.

"Regulus! Can't you do this separately? Don't you know that these families have already started to appeal and want those witches to go home? Azkaban has never had any precedent of releasing captured criminals. ”

Fudge would say this every time he saw Regulus Black, because recently Regulus Black was always accompanied by a member of a certain wizarding family, and it was definitely different every time he appeared.

The appearance of these people not only represents what they want to do, but also represents their power.

With the Black family as the center, a large force has begun to unite around them, and they are all ancient families.

It is the most difficult thing to repay a favor in this world, not to mention that every time Regulus Black proposes a reward, it is very cheap compared to adding a child to a wizarding family. The bigger the debt, the greater the debt. The harder it is to pay it off.

"Don't worry! Minister Fudge, there is no problem. Just agree to their request. This can be a sign of your kindness."

Regulus Black was sitting relaxedly in Fudge's office. Due to the long time running around the Ministry of Magic to file appeals and lawsuits, the two of them had become quite familiar with each other. In addition, his great-grandfather Phineas Black was blowing by. Fudge could say whatever he wanted now, and he was not at all wary of Regulus Black.

With the Minister of Magic in such a city, even Regulus Black found it easy to use him. No wonder all forces have been willing to support him.

"You said to show my mercy! What do you say? Release the prisoners of Azkaban. No minister of the Ministry of Magic in the past would do this. If I did, I might be kicked out tomorrow."

Fudge still attaches great importance to power. He is not unaware that his position is the result of compromise between all parties.

"Don't worry! Look at who is pushing for this legal amendment this time. Even the Malfoy family, who has no family members imprisoned in Azkaban, are participating. If you are so blindly refusing now, that is what really stands in the way. A stumbling block before them.”

Analyze the pros and cons! Regulus Black asked Lucius to participate this time, and Lucius readily agreed after thinking about it.

There is no death penalty in the wizarding world, but being imprisoned in Azkaban is no different from the death penalty. It is even more painful. The dementors treat them as food and suck them every day until they are completely eaten and their souls are wiped out. draw.

And giving birth to a child of your own, contributing to the family's population, retaining your own bloodline and obtaining an absolutely pure-blood descendant, all of this is better than being imprisoned for a long time. In addition to not being able to see the birth of your own child, despite such a huge It's a pity, but the pros and cons are still very different.

It would be foolish to choose otherwise! He deserves to have his family's bloodline cut off and have no heirs.

"So what can I do to make this more beneficial to me?"

Minister Fudge was still very hesitant, not 100% sure, and he was unwilling to take the risk.

Regulus Black leaned his head over and spoke softly. Fudge kept nodding, and finally a smile appeared on his face.

Latest news from the Daily Prophet, Secretary Fudge is about to give his latest speech on witch pregnancies.

"Dear friends from the wizarding world, I, Cornelius Fudge, have important news to announce. In view of the fact that the witch imprisoned in Azkaban became pregnant due to some reasons, the Ministry of Magic has taken corresponding measures."

"Because in the witch pregnancy incident, we have watched Bellatrix Lestrange indifferently, going through the entire pregnancy stage in Azkaban, but this child is innocent and does not know that the camera was taken. Will the spirit monster have any impact on the child? Fortunately, everything went as usual after the child was born, but Mr. Regulus Black has made a serious protest against this, and several witches have become pregnant in Azkaban since then."

"In this regard, the Ministry of Magic has made the following decision after detailed discussions with each family."

"First, the crimes of all witches who were sentenced to be imprisoned in Azkaban are clear and clear, and there is no need to reduce their sentences."

"Second, given that the child is innocent and is indeed not suitable to grow in the environment of Azkaban, the pregnant witch is authorized to be executed outside prison."

"Third, witches serving supervised release must live in an area designated by the Ministry of Magic. They are not allowed to leave their place of residence without permission, and are not allowed to use magic."

"Fourth, after the pregnant witch gives birth to her child, the Auror Department of the Ministry of Magic will continue to guard her in Azkaban."

"Fifth, witch prisoners who have given birth to children are allowed to meet their children freely. The Ministry of Magic imposes no restrictions on this."

"The above is the content of this press conference. It is signed by the Wizengamot Tribunal and the Ministry of Magic and is permanently valid."

As soon as Minister Fudge finished his explanation, Regulus Black, who was sitting in the front row, gently led the applause.

Everyone present was stunned by the news, and then they reacted and applauded.

Minister Fudge was very satisfied with the scene, the reaction, and the flashing camera lights, all thanks to the great-grandson of his old friend Phineas Black.

"This first point is necessary. For those who are worried that you will open a gap to release Azkaban criminals, you must first block it, and this blockage will be justified and irrefutable for everyone."

"This second point requires the support of the majority of wizards. All wizards have the same attitude towards children. Even the Dark Lord didn't say that he must destroy Hogwarts, right? He just replaced him to manage it. It would be very harsh. Hogwarts in the Middle Ages was famous for its cruelty."

"This third article is a restriction to shut up those who are worried that the released witches will run around. What they worry about will not happen. Is it difficult not to leave the place where you live? Is it difficult not to be able to use magic? Just It's just that they were transferred from Azkaban to home. They are still in prison, but the place has changed. The Auror department is very skilled at this. "

"This fourth article is actually just a precautionary measure. No one knows whether a similar situation will occur in the future. No matter what method is used, the result will not be that of the Black family, where the mother dies and the son survives." , so since we have allowed the witch to give birth to a child outside Azkaban Prison, then let her continue to go back to prison. "

"As for the last fifth article, let's just think of it as a kind of benevolent policy. After all, someone will definitely jump out and accuse the Ministry of Magic of being inhumane and cruel enough to force a mother and child to separate, regardless of what the child's mother has done before. On the other hand, there is no harm in letting the mother see her child more.”

"If all of this is implemented properly, the pregnant witch will be solved, the family will continue after the child is born, and the Ministry of Magic can gain a good reputation. As for you, Minister Fudge, you have no responsibility. This is all driven by various wizarding families. The result will only be a credit to you.”

Fudge broke into a cold sweat at that time, and he was absolutely convinced of Regulus Black's words from then on.

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