Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 111 Of course the one in the secret room is the basilisk

Soon, Valentine's Day is coming, and it's time to enter the world of spring flowers. Butterflies like Gilderoy Lockhart will naturally jump out and dance, otherwise how can they live up to this great time!

"Dear students, today is Valentine's Day. We must fall in love as much as we can in school, so that we will not let down our youth."

Gilderoy Lockhart announced happily after breakfast on Valentine's Day.

"And I specially found a group of little love angels who will help those shy classmates deliver love letters."

At Gilderoy Lockhart's wave, seven dwarfs carrying angel wings walked in. They were just like the dwarfs in fairy tales. At this moment, Regulus Black felt that Gilderoy ·Lockhart is the Snow White!

Turning to look at Dumbledore, I saw the old man smiling and having a silly laugh, and I didn't know if he really liked it or was just pretending.

But if you think about it carefully, you will understand why Dumbledore accepted the proposal of such a stupid idiot as Gilderoy Lockhart.

In the past few months, Hogwarts was too depressing because of the pressure of the Chamber of Secrets. Everyone seemed to be scrutinizing others. Everyone did everything in groups. No one knew who the descendant of Slytherin was. I don’t know what the monster in the secret room is.

People will be afraid because of the unknown. Fear itself is not scary. What is scary is that you cannot defeat your own fear, and then let this irrational fear continue to spread. If it accumulates for a long time, you will be even more unable to defeat this fear.

So, by letting Gilderoy Lockhart goof around on Valentine's Day, we can ease the tension at Hogwarts and get all the students back to their original, bratty self, which is who they are.

"If you want to make the person you like fall in love with you, you can also ask Professor Snape to learn how to make a love potion."

Gilderoy Lockhart, despite Snape's murderous gaze, wanted to trick Snape today. Who made him act so cruelly at the Dueling Club? This time, all his face was restored.

Although some students were very moved after hearing this, they only stayed in a state of excitement. Because of Snape's murderous gaze, it seemed that anyone who really went to look for him would be given a bottle of poison and blocked. Standing aside and not being saved, watching yourself die.

Therefore, no one came to disturb Snape on this day, but the school could be said to be in chaos.

From time to time, a little leprechaun would appear in a class and hand a love letter to someone in public, and soon the students discovered that a copper nut could make the little leprechaun read the love letter aloud, and a silver nugget could make the leprechaun read the love letter aloud. can make the seven leprechauns sing loudly.

So, Hogwarts went crazy.

There were little leprechauns everywhere, and they could find any students who were hiding. However, being so busy made them look bad, as if everyone owed them something, and they delivered the letter angrily with a straight face.

The leprechaun made a lot of money all day, and the activity didn't stop until dinner time.

"Harry Potter! I love you just like Voldemort loves his children. Harry Potter! I love you. If you want to know the secret of the Chamber of Secrets, you can only find it yourself. No one can help you. Harry Potter! I love you, and you will take your lover to explore the secrets of the Chamber of Secrets. Harry Potter! I love you, and you will wield the sword of Gryffindor to kill the monsters in the Chamber of Secrets. Love. Harry Potter! I love you, Harry Potter! I love you..."

After singing three consecutive high notes, the seven leprechauns turned around and left the hall. Everyone was stunned by the lyrics.

Although the leprechaun's singing is unpleasant, the students at Hogwarts only regard it as a joke. They often edit some weird lyrics for the leprechaun to sing, but the leprechaun is not interested in songs that do not have love in the lyrics. Rejected, so there won’t be lyrics that include insults, malicious provocations, etc. However, there is no problem with lyrics that tell a story like this.

Dumbledore's spectacles flashed, and his expression was unusually solemn. On this joyous and festive day, doing this was too disrespectful to the principal, and I believe Dumbledore was in a bad mood.

"What's going on? Who gave that last song to Harry Potter?"

Even Gilderoy Lockhart showed an awkward and nervous smile and questioned the leprechaun who only worked until the end of dinner today.

"I don't know! It's a letter sent by the school's owl, and it comes with two silver coins."

The little leprechaun replied loudly with a voice like a broken gong, then took out the two silver koxi and put them to his mouth, and kissed them proudly.

The little leprechaun likes money very much, and the little leprechaun still completed his work diligently.

It is difficult to find out who sent the letter using an owl. The little leprechaun only took out Yinkexi, so the letter is probably gone. It may have spontaneously combusted, broken, rotted, the font disappeared, or was summoned back by the sender. In short, there are too many ways to keep secrets in the wizarding world.

But just looking at the content of the lyrics, the person who sent the letter was trying to remind Harry Potter, but the content in the lyrics seemed to be hinting at something.

"Harry Potter can't be the heir of Slytherin!"

Ron, the protection knight, stood up immediately when he saw the strange atmosphere in the hall. But judging from everyone's expressions, not to mention the other three, not even many people in Gryffindor supported it. Ron looked anxiously at Dumbledore at the professor's seat.

"Mr. Weasley, calm down, no one has made a conclusion on this matter. Everyone continues to enjoy the dinner in front of you, and then go to bed early. You have school work tomorrow, so don't stay in bed."

Dumbledore smiled at Mimi's suggestion, which relaxed the atmosphere a lot. The students continued to eat dinner, but the atmosphere was much duller than before. All the students were talking softly while eating.

"I wonder how Harry Potter's progress in finding the Chamber of Secrets is going?"

Regulus Black chewed slowly and spoke in a low voice. Although the voice was low, Snape and Professor Flitwick on both sides heard it.

Let Harry Potter find the Chamber of Secrets by himself. Only Principal Dumbledore can do such a thing.

At this time, everyone thought that this song was arranged by Dumbledore, but Dumbledore knew that it was definitely not arranged by him. The professors sitting here were eliminated by Dumbledore one by one, and in the end only Regulus Black and Gilderoy Lockhart.

Could it be Regulus Black? He has always been so mysterious, greedy and cautious, this is what Dumbledore said about him.

If it's Regulus Black, what message does he hide in his lyrics?

Could it be Gilderoy Lockhart? The self-directed and self-acted film hired leprechauns to liven up the atmosphere, just to attack Harry Potter at the end and make the kid a target. Originally, Harry Potter was already a target, okay, before Valentine's Day. Lippert is the most recognized heir of Slytherin in Hogwarts.

Because in the entire school, Harry Potter is the only one who can speak Parseltongue, and there is no one else but him.

Harry Potter has matured a lot during this time, because he has been under a lot of pressure!

"Regulus! What do you think is in the chamber of secrets?"

Professor Flitwick was very interested in this and couldn't help asking Regulus Black beside him.

"Of course it's the basilisk in the secret room!"

Regulus Black gave the answer directly, without any intention of hiding it.

"The symbol of Slytherin is the snake, and among the snake monsters that can live for thousands of years, the only one is the basilisk. Other more advanced ones can control their temperaments that have been dormant for thousands of years. Those with divinity or demonic nature should crawl away early." Come out and start the killing! Why did you disappear after doing the next case 50 years ago? Oh! By the way, Moaning Myrtle died from the basilisk. I checked the files and found that only the basilisk could cause that. manner of death.”

At this time, Regulus Black's voice was no longer soft, and almost all the professors on the professor's chair heard it. However, when Regulus Black was speaking, Professor Flitwick used a soundproofing spell to block it. direction of students.

So the students could only see the surprised expressions on the professors' chairs as they listened to Regulus Black's speech.

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