Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 176 Solemnly swear that I have done no good deeds

Harry Potter was full of doubts. When he restrained Sirius just now, he had completely given up resisting, with a silly smile on his face, waiting for relief. But at this moment, Sirius's overwhelming murderous intention seemed to be real, and he was heavy with it. weighed heavily on my heart.

"Peter Pettigrew? I've heard this name elsewhere. Wasn't he killed by you? In the end, only one finger was found."

Harry Potter once wore an invisibility cloak, sneaked into the Three Broomsticks bar, overheard the conversation between the Minister of Magic and the others, and learned the official version of the entire incident that year.

The four people who lived in the same dormitory back then were classmates, friends, and brothers. However, in the end, Sirius among them betrayed this friendship, betrayed the address of the Potters, and also hunted down another person... Peter Pettigrew.

In the end, the Aurors only found one finger, and a whole street of Muggles were also killed.

Harry Potter was frightened when someone with such strength came to hunt him down, but now it seems that things are different.

"I always thought he was dead. For this reason, I was willing to stay in Azkaban for 12 years. But not long ago, I learned that Peter Pettigrew is still alive! And he is hiding in Hogwarts. Now he is with We are in this room together."

Sirius's way of speaking was very neurotic, making it difficult for the listener to believe every word he said.

"But there are only 5 of us in this room now. Where did Peter Pettigrew come from?"

Hermione looked around and didn't find the Peter Pettigrew Sirius mentioned, so she had to ask.

"How can you be sure there are only 5 of us in this room! Come out! Come out! Peter."

Sirius shouted with a silly smile, looking in the direction of the three children with malicious intent.

"I have a way to prove that there are only 5 of us here."

Harry Potter took out a stack of parchment from his clothes and unfolded the Marauder's Map to prove that everything Sirius said was wrong.

Lupine's eyes lit up when he saw the Marauder's Map in Harry Potter's hand. This was a magic prop made by the four of them.

"Come here! Let's play."

Sirius walked towards the three children step by step. It didn't matter what the Marauder's Map was, because he had already identified the target.

"The Upside Down Golden Bell!"

Professor Snape, black as a bat and as silent as a bat, rushed to the scene and hung Sirius upside down with a wave of his wand.


As soon as Professor Lupine turned around, Professor Snape knocked the wand out of his hand.

"Aha! The taste of revenge is so wonderful. I have always hoped that I would be the one to catch you."

Snape pointed his wand at Sirius, who was hanging upside down. His usually zombie face now looked ferocious. Regulus Black would not be surprised at all if he would immediately launch a killing curse at Sirius.


Lupine wanted his friend to explain why, but was immediately pointed backwards by Snape with his wand.

"I have been telling Dumbledore that Sirius will definitely come to Hogwarts after escaping from Azkaban this time, and there is a high probability that he will have an insider, and it turns out to be you!"

Snape looked as if he had got what he wanted. After all, these two scoundrels had always followed James Potter and opposed him. No! Perhaps it would be more appropriate to call it bullying.

Those were painful memories from childhood, and today, all this hatred can be repaid to the other party.

Regulus Black judged that Snape was really going to take action and immediately contacted Hermione: "Stop Snape and expose Peter Pettigrew."

Hermione's thinking was very flexible and she immediately stood up, "Professor Snape! We were already discussing who was the instigator of the tragedy that year. Harry's parents were killed by mysterious people, and the person who betrayed the Potters was not Sirius, but Peter Pettigrew.”

Although everyone present could not understand why Hermione suddenly believed that Peter Pettigrew was a traitor, this did not prevent them from being grateful to Hermione.

Because Snape was really planning to kill someone just now! Sirius, and maybe a Professor Lupin.

"Peter Pettigrew is dead. It was this Azkaban prisoner who did it."

Only then did Snape realize that there were three students in this room, and it was always bad to kill someone in front of them.

"Hehehehe... you said he is dead? But I clearly saw him, and now he is in this room. You devoted all your attention to me, so you came to a wrong conclusion, so go back Make your potion!"

Even though Sirius was in a very disadvantageous situation now, he never thought of giving in to Snape and still taunted him.

"Perhaps you have been away from Azkaban for too long and forgot that there is a group of dementors waiting for you. Maybe they will give you a kiss."

Snape directly poked Sirius' neck with his wand. There were students here and it was impossible for him to kill in front of the students, but he could hand over an Azkaban fugitive to the dementors. This was also a good choice, and it also Don't let yourself get your hands dirty.

"I have never heard of what a dementor's kiss feels like. It is said that no one who has seen it can stand the scene, but I will bear to watch it to the end."

Snape kept his promise. After returning to Hogwarts, he handed Sirius over to the dementors and made sure to watch him die.

"The golden bell has landed! Now, you two go in front."

Snape waved his wand and motioned for Sirius and Lupine to walk in front of him. In addition to seeing Sirius being kissed goodbye by the dementors, maybe he should also personally send Lupine to Azkaban. I believe both of these things will make him happy.

"Harry! Do you want to know the truth?"

Hermione asked Harry Potter quietly, then took a step forward, and Harry Potter saw the wand stuck in her waist.

Yes, the truth! What is the truth.

I thought Sirius was here to kill me, but when they were face to face alone, the other party had no killing intention at all.

I thought Sirius was the one who betrayed his parents, but the other party completely denied it.

Peter Pettigrew, who he thought was dead, was still alive according to Sirius' words, and was in this room.

If everything is as Sirius said, then he is the one who was wrongly accused and imprisoned in Azkaban for 12 years, and once Professor Snape captures them, these 'truths' will be even more impossible to confirm.

If all this is Sirius' lie, then even if the other party doesn't kill him, he will not let him go.

What are you afraid of killing, I am a minor anyway.

Harry Potter pulled out Hermione's wand, "Expelliarmus!"

Using all his strength, Harry Potter shot Snape into his soul. The effect of 'Expelliarmus' was not only to knock away the opponent's weapons, but also to knock people away.

Snape was knocked far away to the other side of the room and fell onto a bed, throwing up a large amount of dust.

"Here comes the wand!"

After Harry Potter's first and second years of training, he was no longer a rookie who only knew the spell 'Expelliarmus'.

The three wands on the ground jumped up and fell into Harry Potter's hands. Harry Potter took back his own wand and returned Hermione's wand to her. The two of them held the wands at the same time. Pointing at Sirius and Lupin.

"Harry! What did you just do? You just attacked a professor!"

Ron was still in shock that Harry Potter had attacked Snape.

"Tell me all about Peter Pettigrew."

Harry Potter held the other two wands, belonging to Professor Lupine and Professor Snape.

All wands were on Harry Potter's side at this point, so... he could do whatever he wanted and ask whatever he wanted.

Lupine: "He used to go to school with us, and we considered him a friend."

Harry Potter: "No! Peter Pettigrew is dead. Sirius killed him."

Sirius: "Peter Pettigrew is alive! In this house."

Lupine: "Harry! I just saw you took out the Marauder's Map. Using the Marauder's Map you can see everyone."

Harry Potter: "The Marauder's Map can be wrong."

Sirius: "The Marauder's Map never goes wrong. You'll know it once you use it."

Now that the situation was favorable to his side, Harry Potter immediately took out the Marauder's Map.

"I solemnly swear that I have done nothing wrong!"

The ink penetrated the parchment and outlined the surrounding terrain, and in this room, the name of Peter Pettigrew was clearly visible.

Harry Potter turned his head stiffly and looked at Ron behind him.

"Me? No...Harry, you're crazy!"

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