Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 177 I will never betray my friends even if I die

On the Marauder's Map, the names of Ron Weasley and Peter Pettigrew overlap and are displayed in turn.

Harry Potter had never felt as betrayed as he did at this moment. His best friend turned out to be the dead Peter Pettigrew, and the fact that Peter Pettigrew was still alive meant that everything Sirius said was the truth.

He was the one who betrayed his parents.

"Me? No...Harry, you're crazy!"

Ron didn't know what Harry Potter saw, but he was definitely wronged.

"It's not you, it's your rat."

Sirius shouted loudly from the side, exposing Peter Pettigrew's disguise. He had wanted to say it from the beginning, but never got to this point. Now that he finally blurted it out, Sirius almost jumped with excitement.

"How is that possible? Banban has been staying at my house..."

Ron held down Scabbers who was trying to run around, while Harry breathed a sigh of relief.

"Twelve years! It's amazing that a mouse can live such a long life. It's missing a toe, right?"

Sirius looked like he wanted to eat someone, and walked towards Ron step by step.

"The Aurors only found one... finger of Peter Pettigrew."

Harry Potter had basically believed Sirius's words at this time. Corresponding to all the content he knew, the possibility that Sirius was telling the truth increased infinitely.

"That mean coward chopped off his fingers so everyone thought he was dead and then he turned into a hiding rat."

Sirius was already standing in front of Ron, and Ron was so scared that he almost cried.


Hermione has already thought of the conclusion, and so has Harry Potter, but he doesn't know how to break the Animagus curse.

"Prove it to me!"

Immediately, Harry Potter handed them the two wands in his hands.

Professor Lupine took back his wand, Sirius took Snape's wand, turned around and snatched the mouse from Ron's hand.

Sirius squeezed the mouse Scabbers until it squeaked, ignoring Ron's cries at the side.

If you want to use the Animagus to break the curse, you can't catch the opponent, so Sirius had to put the mouse on the furniture in the room. As soon as he did it, the mouse 'Scabbers' began to run away aimlessly.

Harry Potter and Hermione had been holding their wands and carefully guarding behind Lupine and Sirius, but the two people didn't care at all and were concentrating on dealing with the escaping rats.

Finally, when the mouse ‘Scabbers’ tried to escape from a hole, he was caught on the trail, and the Animagus was able to successfully break the curse.

Ron was stunned. He didn't expect that the 'Scabbers' who had grown up with him, ate and slept with him, could actually be the person in front of him.

He is fat and bald, with a short stature, a hideous face, and long rat-like teeth.

Regulus Black knew that this was actually the result of staying in the mouse state for 12 years. The Animagus form in turn affected the wizard's mind and body. Maybe he used to be just a short student with an ordinary appearance! It's just that after being locked in the cage of 'Banban' for 12 years, it is inevitable that both body and mind will be distorted.

After being pulled out of the stuck hole like a pig to death, Peter Pettigrew showed an expression of surprise.

"Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, my old friends."

Peter Pettigrew pretended to want to hug each other, but in fact he was trying to escape between the two people, but was naturally pushed back to the center of the room by the two.

"Harry! Look how much you look like your father. James and I are best friends."

Peter Pettigrew sought a breakthrough from Harry Potter this time, approaching Harry Potter cautiously, telling lies.

"How dare you speak to Harry Potter like this? How dare you mention Harry Potter's father, James."

Sirius' wand almost hit Peter Pettigrew in the face, scaring him so much that he backed into the corner.

"It was you who betrayed James and Lily to Voldemort."

Lu Ping knew that he had to press him at this time, otherwise this cunning guy would tell lies after he figured it out.

"I didn't mean to do it. You have no idea what kind of weapons the Lord of Darkness has! If it were you, Sirius! What would you do?"

Peter Pettigrew now questioned Sirius instead.

"I will never betray my friends to death!"

Sirius was furious after hearing this, am I the same as you?

‘But you are stupider than this mouse! My dear brother. ’

Regulus Black on the roof of the Shrieking Shack couldn't help but sigh.

At least this mouse has been a pet for 12 years, living a life without worries about food and housing, but you didn't resist and were willing to be a prisoner in Azkaban for 12 years. Who can blame you for being stupid!

"Harry! James will not let me be killed! Your father will let me go! He will forgive me!"

Without noticing, Peter Pettigrew rushed towards the door, but was blocked by Harry Potter. He could only hug Harry Potter and beg for mercy.

However, this sound has a hypnotic effect no matter how you listen to it.

"You should think that if Voldemort doesn't kill you, I will definitely kill you."

Pulling Peter Pettigrew away from Harry Potter, Sirius said, ready to take action, even if he was sent to Azkaban again for this stinky rat.

Harry Potter knew that if Sirius killed Peter Pettigrew again at this time, he would be imprisoned in Azkaban again.

"Stop! We can't kill him."

Sirius's hands were shaking, and Lupin knew that only this godson could stop Sirius.

"Bless you! Child, bless you!"

Peter Pettigrew walked in front of the gate of hell and couldn't help kneeling down to thank Harry Potter. He thought that the little hypnosis just now had taken effect, and he was very grateful for his improvisation.

But he would improvise, and Harry Potter would also improvise!

"We will take him to school and hand him over to the Dementors for disposal."

As long as people are determined to kill someone, they can always find a way. Peter Pettigrew was so scared that he started biting his fingers.

The truth of the matter has been understood clearly, and Peter Pettigrew has been captured. This trip can be said to be a great victory.

So, the group returned triumphantly. Sirius and Harry Potter carried the injured Ron, followed by Peter Pettigrew, escorted by Lupin with a wand, and finally Hermione.

Professor Snape was still in a coma, and the two old men said that there was no extra manpower to transport him, so it was the best choice to let him sleep in the Shrieking Shack until he woke up naturally.

The children naturally did not object to their obvious intention to abandon Snape.

Hermione pulled the brooch on her collar, which was pinned on by Regulus Black when he separated from her. Obviously, everything that happened today was under the attention of the mysterious man. This brooch was probably of great use. Hermione felt that she could do such an important thing for her lover, and it was obvious that she was very important in Regulus Black's heart.

As for Regulus Black's request that she leave last, although she didn't understand why, Hermione would still do it.

The reason why Hermione was let to walk last was just Regulus Black's little trick. After all, in the original movie, Ron acted like a spoiled child to Hermione after leaving the secret passage. Although Hermione has been decided by him now, it is better not to give Ron a chance to make a fool of himself. The future chess master cannot have conflicts with the sponsor on such matters.

Sirius had been arguing with Ron in the secret passage. After all, the big black dog he turned into bit Ron's foot. That bite was not held in the mouth, not to mention that he had to drag such a child weighing nearly 100 kilograms. How could he not bite tightly in his mouth?

So, as Ron said, some places were bitten to the bone.

When Ron acted like a spoiled child to Hermione, he was still worried that his legs would be sawed off!

After leaving the secret passage, Sirius put Ron aside and walked towards the castle of Hogwarts.

Hogwarts at night was quiet and mysterious, just like when the freshmen entered school, showing mysterious power to all the outsiders.

As for Sirius at this time, he was thinking about another question. Did Regulus Black know everything about tonight? Or was it all arranged by him? In other words, his brother has been paying attention!

Since Regulus Black told him to go to the Whomping Willow and remove the collar...

Sirius touched his neck, his thoughts surging, and he finally became a part of Regulus Black's script.

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