Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Infernal Corpse 178 He went out today without taking any medicine.

Looking at Sirius's lonely figure, Harry Potter and Ron didn't know how to comfort him.

"Harry! You should go over there, I'm fine here, just sit down."

Ron didn't have Hermione by his side. At this time, his IQ was on the line and he made reasonable suggestions.

Harry Potter walked slowly to Sirius, also looking at Hogwarts, feeling the tranquility and mystery of that night.

"It's beautiful! Isn't it? I will never forget the first time I walked through those doors. If only I could enter again as a free body."

When Sirius said this, he realized that his brother Regulus Black had always been insisting on helping him get rid of the crime!

"You just did a very noble thing, but he doesn't deserve your pleading for him."

The atmosphere was good now, and Sirius refrained from swearing when he mentioned Peter Pettigrew.

"I don't think my father would like to see his best friend turn into a murderer. Besides! If he dies, the truth will be buried with him. If he lives, you can be free."

Along the way in this secret passage, Harry Potter also thought a lot. Many times, people do things impulsively, instinctively, and irrationally. However, if you analyze them afterwards, you will find that those actions are in line with your own ideas, and everything can be done. Find a reasonable explanation.

After standing like this for a while, Harry Potter found three reasons for himself to stop killing Peter Pettigrew, and they were all reasonable and without fault.

"Please turn me into Wormtail and don't let the dementors come to me, Ron! Am I not a good pet? You won't let them hand me over to the dementors, will you? I'm your mouse ”

At the exit of the secret passage, in order to prevent Peter Pettigrew from escaping as soon as he exited, Lupine came out first, followed by Hermione watching with a wand.

As for these words of Peter Pettigrew, Ron only felt disgusted at this time.

Regarding the farce that followed, Sirius and Harry Potter just turned around and glanced, it was okay! Everything is under control.

"Harry! I don't know if you've heard that when you were born, James and Lily asked me to be your godfather."

"I know."

"I can understand your choice to live with your aunt and uncle, but if you want a new home..."

"What? You want me to move in with you?"

"I just have this idea. If you don't want to, I can understand."

Sirius was already dreaming about the days when he could live with Harry Potter. After all, he was Harry Potter's godfather, and this identity could not be taken away from him, even if he was imprisoned in Azkaban.

For Harry Potter, Sirius's godfather status was only a greater harm when he was a fugitive from Azkaban and a traitor whose parents were killed. But when everything came to light, , the identity of Sirius's godfather truly reflects a kind of care and protection.

It seemed that the good day to get rid of his aunt and uncle's family was coming, and Harry Potter was very excited.

"Harry! Oh no! It's a full moon tonight."

As soon as Hermione came out of the secret passage, she quickly discovered a problem she had overlooked, Professor Lupin under the full moon night.

"What's wrong Hermione?"

Harry looked confused, what happened to the full moon? Isn’t the night better and brighter tonight?

"James! My old friend, have you brought the potion for tonight?"

Sirius quickly ran to Professor Lupine and stopped Lupine from turning his face to the full moon that revealed the clouds.

However, there is an inexplicable desire in the werewolf's nature. Although Lupine himself knows that he should not look at the moon at this time, and it is best to hide directly in the secret passage, the existence of the full moon represents the improvement of the werewolf's power, which almost It's uncontrollable.

However, there is a magic potion called Werewolf Potion that can keep you sane after transforming into a werewolf.

Lupine, who was tightly held by Sirius and refused to look at the moon, still began to transform into a werewolf.

"Professor Lupine what's going on?"

Harry Potter ran to Hermione and asked. He had learned that his godfather Sirius was an Animagus and could turn into a big black dog. Ron's pet of 12 years could also turn into a mouse. Animagus, is Professor Lupine also an Animagus?

But the current situation doesn’t look right!

"Professor Lupine is a werewolf. That's why Professor Snape takes over for a few days every month."

Hermione told Harry Potter and Ron the truth. Originally, she didn't want to reveal other people's privacy. Hermione also learned a lot of ways to behave in Ravenclaw, Ravenclaw style.

"You are a clever witch, but now it's time for you to run."

Sirius could no longer hold Lupin, and the werewolf transformation could not be suppressed.

The shabby suit had been torn from the back, and the shoes on his feet were useless because the entire soles of his feet had turned into the shape of a wolf.

A wolf howls! Lupine's eyes all turned black, and his entire face began to transform into a werewolf.

Peter Pettigrew immediately picked up Lupine's dropped wand and nodded to his head.


For Peter Pettigrew who wanted to act like a monster at such a moment, Harry Potter immediately knocked away the other person's wand with a spell.

However, Peter Pettigrew's goal had been achieved. He returned to his Animagus form. A mouse ran out from the pile of fallen clothes, headed towards the Forbidden Forest, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Harry Potter wanted to catch up, but was held back by Hermione.

The next moment, Lupine, who had completed his werewolf transformation, waved away Sirius, who had been holding him.


As if the transformation just now consumed a lot of energy, werewolf Lupine lowered his head and hummed.

Seeing this, Hermione was not sure whether Professor Lupine had still taken the werewolf potion before.

"Professor Lupine! Professor Lupine! Lupine..."


Hermione cautiously called the other person's name softly, but what she heard was a roar from the werewolf Lupin, with a fierce expression on his face. It was obvious that he had not taken any medicine when he went out today! .

"I didn't take any medicine today and I feel so cute!"

Regulus Black is hiding aside and can support these three students at any time. Now he is waiting for the last character to enter.

Sure enough, a black shadow blocked the sight of werewolf Lupine. As soon as Professor Snape rushed out of the secret passage, he saw Harry Potter. He only had Harry Potter in his eyes. When he was in the screaming booth When he woke up in the house, he found that he was alone.

Where did Harry Potter go? Was he captured by that villain Sirius? This bastard just dared to attack a professor!

Therefore, when Snape came out, the tall werewolf didn't take it seriously, nor did the other two students. Snape only had eyes for Harry Potter.

"Harry Potter! So you are here!"

Snape grabbed Harry Potter and lifted him up.


The werewolf Lupine was not satisfied with being ignored. He let out a roar, then strode over and waved his hand with a claw.

Professor Snape is not afraid of werewolves, but there are three students behind him at this time, and his wand has been stolen again.

This situation is all to blame on that bastard stupid dog! What should we do now?

Snape stepped back to avoid the claws, and at the same time pushed down the three students behind him.

At the most dangerous moment, Sirius finally recovered, transformed into a big black dog and pounced on the werewolf.

A dog and a wolf started a wild competition. Whenever the werewolf's attention was focused on the four people, the big black dog would take the opportunity to pounce and take a bite. After doing this for several times, the werewolf began to concentrate on dealing with the big black dog.

Although the fight looks brutal, there is still a big gap between the two.

Sirius's black dog is an Animagus transformation. Although it is said that as long as he returns to his human body, all previous injuries can be recovered at the same time. The only loss is magic power.

Lupine's werewolf transformation inherited the characteristics of a werewolf. Any injury can be restored to its original state in a few breaths. After returning to an adult body, there is no loss of physical strength.

However, the winner can be seen in comparison. The black dog's injuries will accumulate, while the werewolf's body has no injuries.

In the end, the two sides chased into the distance, and saw the werewolf grabbing the black dog and throwing it hard against a rock.


The werewolf howled at the moon because it had won the battle.

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